View Full Version : [Release] Dorito's Mangos 3.3.2 Repack "Constant Updates"

15-02-10, 03:47 AM
i will continue to update this project Unlike other repacks.
will be updated as much as i can

Wont be updated till i get my new computer in like 3-5 days BE PATIENT PLEASE i have been working very hard on updating this as much as i can :D

Coming soon:

ICC creature have been inserted into DB will start spawning soon,
Rev4 or Rev5 will let you choose Between TrinityCore, Mangos, Evo-X!Recent updates:

Removed mangos for Evo-X 424,
Removed PSMDB for Evo-X Titan Database 0.0.9
Update 16/02/10:

Uploaded latest version of repack
15/02/10 Update:

Updated DB
Added acid
Added AI scripts

This Repack includes
Core: Evo-x Rev 424
Client Build: 11403 (3.3.2)
Database: Evo-X titans 0.0.9
A Control Panel (aka mysql Apache mangod.exe and realmd.exe re-starter)
All 3.3.0 items
Scriptdev2 latest Rev!
Acid Rev 34
AI Scripts added
Daily Updates ;D
includes latest DBC! in repack!
.Net Framework 3.5.exe (for those of you that dont have it)
navicat8_premium_en.exe (for database Editing)
Vmaps and Building can be downloaded if needed
Most raids and instances work
Most spells and talents work including death knights!
most of northrend spawned
Apache is Added :D
Self Extracting Archive
Download Repack: Dorito's Evo-X 3.3.2 Rev3 Repack ~88mb (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V87OU4TD)
Download Maps: Map.rar (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BP2ASI20)
Download Vmaps: Vmaps.rar (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DAZO76M0)

Unsupported versions:

Rev2:Doritos 3.3.2 Rev2 ~99mb (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y3123S92)
Rev1: Doritos Mangos 3.3.2.exe (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3US447L7)
Rev1: New Mangos DB.rar (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y9S1W5CW)

Now for the newbies, a noob proof guide ;D

how to start and getting the repack working!

Once the downloads have finished (the repack, maps and vmaps)
Double click the .exe and Make sure its set to goto C:/
Click Install, wait for that to finish.
I recommend using my vmaps, maps and the DBC is already in the repack, as if you dont use these, yours may not work
than goto C:/Doritos Mangos 3.3.2/mangos
and extract your maps and vmap into that folder.
than goto C:/Doritos Mangos 3.3.2
and you'll see a MYsql.bat double click it
let it load fully, than go to C:/Doritos Mangos 3.3.2/Mangos/
You'll see a realmd.exe and mangosd.exe double click both
let mangod.exe Load fully.
than type .accountcreate [$account] [$password]"
than type .account set gmlevel [$account] #level
than type .account set addon [$account] 2
once you've done that,
find your realmlist in the following place

C:/program Files/World of warcraft/data/realmlist.wtf
C:/users/public/world of warcraft/data/realmlist.wtf
C:/users/public/games/world of warcraft/data/realmlist.wtf

Change everything you see to the following:

Set Realmlist you should be able to log in
Now to set up navicat double click the .exe in the tools folder follow the installation steps, once you've finished that start the program
when you first start it'll ask for trial or registration click Trial,
in the menu find connections click that and a menu will come up asking if you want Mysql, oracle or postresql click mysql, once you click that,
the following things on the menu will appear
Connection name: anything you want
Host name/IP address: localhost
Port: This is just 3306
User Name: root
Password: ascent
click okay and you'll see "whatever you called it" double click that and there all you databases, btw dont ask me for help with fixing something if you messed the database up

Any bugs or problems just post them here so i can fix them asap

Known Bugs:

Juggernaut and warbringer dont work
Thanks for using Dorito Repacks
Screenys coming soon
check out my 3.3.2 arcemu repack
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0VIUYVQW)

15-02-10, 04:46 AM
can you add new ai scripts and wich ones?

Ill accept further repacks if you can answer
the question

repack accepted

looks good and is mangos :)
tree :)

15-02-10, 04:54 AM
wat? treetree?

15-02-10, 04:56 AM
can you add new ai scripts and which ones?

tree :)

15-02-10, 04:56 AM
event AI is being added
AKA acid

15-02-10, 04:58 AM
honestly haven't heard of ai scripts still new to mangos lol

15-02-10, 05:01 AM
repacks accepted :)

here is some more scritps add
them to mangos db :)

DOWNLOAD NOW! (http://filebeam.com/e4636306cad77d9e5bd45cacb0a36670)


tree :)

15-02-10, 05:03 AM
kk ty tree :)

15-02-10, 05:31 AM
all acid .sql and AI scripts added!
thank tree tree for AI scripts New World Database uploading :D

15-02-10, 05:46 AM
This sounds good, currently downloading, will post results/opinion once I get it working.

15-02-10, 05:56 AM
thank man hope u like it

15-02-10, 05:58 AM
hey @tree can u make 3.3.2 fun server?

and is the lich king working here?

icc spawned?

15-02-10, 06:04 AM
lich is not spawned neither is ICC
is very hard to spawn atm leave that to mangos

15-02-10, 06:07 AM
tree any chance of a sticky :P:P:P:P:P and i;ll make this a super awesomecore repack haha

15-02-10, 02:23 PM
Great repack Dorito +rep
I have olnly 1 problem and i hope u guys can help me fix it
- Warbringer and Juggernaut arent working :S
Thanks in advance

16-02-10, 12:35 AM
first off i wanna say this is a pretty damn easy server to get going i actually got it to run on the first try but my only problem is that i can only connect to the server from the computer hosting the server, when i try to long in from another computer i get to the realm selection screen and pick the MaNGoS server but then it just makes the realm list come up again ive searched thru the forum looking for a solution but couldnt find one help would be greatly appreciated

16-02-10, 01:17 AM
that is a problem with ports have u opened all the right ports?

16-02-10, 04:15 AM
Dorito i was running the server all night with 20 ppl on it all i can say is even if u wanna make it crash u just cant lol that's the best repack i ever had.Anyway i found 2-3 little things that i had fixed myself but the spell Blink is not workind maybe the problem is just in me but if its not can u tell me any solution about it.

16-02-10, 05:13 AM
what were the other probs so i can fix them in general? and yes blink is annoying -.- lol

16-02-10, 05:27 AM
New update:
Rev2 is here
New repack uploaded Includes
more DB items

16-02-10, 05:35 AM
Well in the non working spell selection im gona add
-Demonic Circle(not working at all) the warrior talent Shudden Death(it proc's but u cant use execute) and the mage spell Mirror image(u summon some ghosts or somethink)
-Raids TOC is kind not working right u can just run in the instance no mather normal or heroic and loot the chest in the middle so u get loot with no fight at all.
Same in the TOC dungeon
Gona keep you informed about anythink new that pops up
Im kind new in servers,and i see you are working hard on your repack hope there are more ppl like you m8
all best

Thanks for the fast update im downloading it right now

16-02-10, 05:53 AM
thanks and np pierito
will try to fix asap

well off for the night,
night all

16-02-10, 07:06 AM
night m8 and thanks for the help

16-02-10, 02:45 PM
i havent opened any ports because im only doing it on lan

ive tried changing the ips in the .conf files but that didnt work either. i also had a problem installing .net framework 3.5 the installer would come up with an error i scoured microsoft for a solution to that as well but the solution that worked for every1 else didnt work for me so i ended up installing .net framework 4.0 maybe thats the problem?

also if it helps the computer hosting the server is connected to the router wirelessly but i have also tried hosting from a comp connected via ethernet and got same problem, it seems lots of ppl have this problem with getting private servers running but i cant find a solution anywhere thanks in advance if u know of a solution

16-02-10, 04:16 PM
Good oine !

16-02-10, 11:38 PM
looks very nice Dorito! well organized. I have 1 question tho, is there anything I can do atm to get Northrend spawned?

17-02-10, 12:28 AM
Dorito, you're not online??? How can this be constantly updated if you're not online!?

LOL, j/k... <3 ya bro.

17-02-10, 02:27 AM
wichid (http://mmopro.net/forums/members/wichid.html) you just cant run the server if u don't have .net framework 3.5,and if you don't open the ports needed none can acces the server.Im useing ruter and the server works just fine if u are doing the server just for friends you can use hamachi its realy easy you just add the hamachi ip in the Realmd.conf and there wont be need to open ports i think.btw my server is connected to internet by wi-fi so that's not the problem.

17-02-10, 02:46 AM
Thanks Dorito, for this repack. It's working right off the box seamlessly.
I didn't try v2 yet, because i have a few questions.
Maybe someone here can answer them?
First: when installing v2, how can i keep my current characters in the database?
Second: i just started leveling my characters, but there are two quests in which you have to kill some beasts (human-->wolves, trolls--> scorpio) to get a quest item, which simply doesn't drop. Will this be fixed? Or can i fix it myself by changing the database?

Lastly, thank you very much for this repack, as i think i will have much fun with it.
Keep on the good work!

17-02-10, 02:48 AM
Dorito, you're not online??? How can this be constantly updated if you're not online!?

LOL, j/k... <3 ya bro.

haha meth :P

rev3 is uploading This includes, Evo-X Rev 424 Win32, Evo-X Titan Database (0.0.9) Event AI Evo-X Will be upload soon :)

Rev3 is here
includes new core and DB

17-02-10, 06:13 AM
Thanks for the new rev Dorito,im dl'ing it right now you are doing great work

17-02-10, 07:54 AM
excellent work but version 3 Evox Dorito lost 36,725 such creatures no longer exist only to fix the bug had nothing but good bye.


17-02-10, 03:46 PM
well the server did run without .net framework installed it was just the problem of other computers connecting to the server but im only going to host the server over a lan i dont even plan to put it on the internet or hamachi or anything are u saying there are ports i need to open WITHIN the lan to make it work or something also will .net framework 4.0 work or does it absolutely NEED to be 3.5? is my lack of .net framework 3.5 the reason y no one can get past the realm screen on lan?

17-02-10, 04:01 PM
... god ur a ****
.net framework 4 will work its only in beta tho U NEED TO PORT FORWARD

18-02-10, 06:46 AM
Dorito, I installed your Rev3 repack, and it ran well right away. Thanks again.
The drops for the quest are working well now.
Something I noticed though: when you complete a quest, you don't get any XP for it (you get reputation though). Is that something in the database, or in the emulator?
Hope it gets fixed soon.

BTW I do get the XP for killing mobs and discovering new areas though. Only for completing quests I don't get the XP.

18-02-10, 07:38 AM
Do you know whether the arena is working? And all the other PvP stuff exept 1k Winter?

18-02-10, 06:25 PM
every time i click to run it is says:
"The Procedure entry point_docaltime64 could not be loacated in the dynamic link library MSVCR90.DDL":(

18-02-10, 07:34 PM
Hey wichid, I had the same problem, in the mangosd.conf and realmd.conf and maybe even ScriptDev2.conf change the values that are like to whatever your LAN IP address is, like or something. You also have to edit this in the database. Use the navicat program included. Good luck

Also Quest XP isn't working, looking forward to this being fixed in today's release!

19-02-10, 04:00 AM
Relic120 u r a lifesaver i changed the ifps in the .conf files and at first it wouldnt work because i couldnt find where i needed the change the ips in the database but i eventually found it and it works now thanks alot man that shit was driving me nuts but for any1 else that has the realm list loop problem heres what u do to fix it:

change the ips in realmd.conf manfosd.conf and scriptdev2.conf that say to your actual ip address if ur not sure what ur ip is go to command prompt and type ipconfig to find out then use navicat or whatever database editor u got and change the ip in mangos/realmd/realmlist to ur ip and it should work

also iquest xp works fine for me
dorito im sorry if i made u angry at me being a "****" but i wasnt aware that port forwarding was necessary for connections that are staying in the lan or that u could even forward a port in the lan to the lan probably why i didnt forward any ports and it worked after following Relic120's advice but thanks anyway im sure u were just trying to help and maybe got confused or something im sure it probably gets annoying trying to solve ppls problems on a forum all the time.
no hard feelings

19-02-10, 04:52 AM
Hello guys,

I can see that this repack does not support ahbot, been trying to figure out workarounds but no luck. Im already running this repack on my private server, is there anyway i can add ahbot?

Thanks in advance guys,


19-02-10, 05:35 AM
does ulduar spell ram works? and does icc boss working? frozenthrone lich king spawned?

19-02-10, 10:53 AM
Well I have dowload the repack. All i wann do is run it for my self I have never tryed out commands on a mangos server before I hope it not hard :D

19-02-10, 05:07 PM
rev4 will be uploaded soon as iam compiling all the cores atm

19-02-10, 09:13 PM
Seeing that Trinity Core does not yet support 3.3.2, I guess I'll stick with MaNGOS. Thanks.

20-02-10, 01:24 AM
i like ur repack, i'm waiting for rev4 thanks :D

20-02-10, 02:48 PM
This is one BOMB repack! love it and Great work Dorito and those who helped with the ai and stuff!

20-02-10, 03:45 PM
Oh also i have one question. How do I change the name of the Realm from Mangos to whatever i want? I have searched the config files, but didn't find anything bout it.


20-02-10, 07:41 PM
good repack....ty :)

20-02-10, 10:28 PM

Is the repack blizzlike or is it a funserver?

21-02-10, 12:25 AM

Is the repack blizzlike or is it a funserver?


21-02-10, 12:27 AM
Oh also i have one question. How do I change the name of the Realm from Mangos to whatever i want? I have searched the config files, but didn't find anything bout it.

its easy just use Navicat to edit the realmd Database, the table is realmlist and the column to edit is name.

21-02-10, 02:29 AM
its easy just use Navicat to edit the realmd Database, the table is realmlist and the column to edit is name.

Thanks man!

21-02-10, 02:30 AM

Is the repack blizzlike or is it a funserver?

This repack can be whatever you want it to be. It comes as Blizz-like, but you can modify the config files to make funserver, or whatever.

21-02-10, 07:00 AM
Oh also i have one question. How do I change the name of the Realm from Mangos to whatever i want? I have searched the config files, but didn't find anything bout it.


You have to go on your database, to be more precise the "realmd" then inside that you have a table called "realmlist", just change the Name from Mangos to whatever you like :)

21-02-10, 05:06 PM
thank you every1 who likes this rev4 will be another 3-4 days until i get my new computer than you'll get rev4 asap :D,

Oh also i have one question. How do I change the name of the Realm from Mangos to whatever i want? I have searched the config files, but didn't find anything bout it.

okay, open up mysql.bat
than goto navicat,
than open ur evo-X connection, and doube click realmd and you'll see realmlist and there u go :D

21-02-10, 06:27 PM
Thanks again Dorito! I have been testing it out the past few days and it seems superior to the other repacks i have seen.
*** Mangadmin goes great with this: Link is here: Mangadmin (http://www.mmopro.org/wow-addons/100-gm-handbook.html)
just open up the folder you saved it in, then get the Mangadmin addon folder and put it in the addons folder of your WoW directory. Then when you login and get to your character screen, click "addons", then activate the addon and click "load outdated addons". Its still works.

21-02-10, 07:23 PM
taking this to a better forum

21-02-10, 11:44 PM
I can't wait for you updated repack i'm sure its going to be the shiz-net... And ICC and other Instances going to function along with the RIGHT loot tables if not that's no big deal I can fix that myself.

23-02-10, 07:54 AM
Hi again,

Im a bit confused about the core. Is it anyway similar to Mangos? Especially the DB. I have a Mangos server and i need to import the accounts and characters in to the DB so would it be a problem importing the my current DB into this DB? And would all the players still have their items?
Sorry I don't wanna like screw up my server so i need to know.


24-02-10, 12:35 AM
Good work Dorito! I downloaded and tested, besides the issues you noted, I found that the 25HC instances are not working and there are no mobs. Also, you should delete your Maps and VMaps and let folks extract those on their own since the ones that you posted don't appear to be working or up to date.

24-02-10, 01:39 PM
everytime i teleport to stormwind the server shutsdown ive tryed using vmaps and diffrent maps and diffrent dbc but nuthing seems to work
any help?

24-02-10, 04:35 PM
nice repack :D

24-02-10, 07:15 PM
Dude, im soo NOOB, my friends and i are making this, IDk what im dooing, ima give it a try see what happens garuntee ima have problems though, :/

24-02-10, 08:00 PM
Cant start server bind on TCP/IP port: Invalid argument
ERROR: Do you already have another mysqld server running on port (numbers here)

24-02-10, 09:50 PM
Okay, So whenh i start Mangosd it closes SUPER FAST so i cant type in account names, and all..

24-02-10, 10:44 PM
doritos are yummy =p and nice repack, downloading.

24-02-10, 10:55 PM
nice going dorito , 3.3k views :)

24-02-10, 11:59 PM
thanks mysterious :)
3.3k and still going :D haha

25-02-10, 04:22 PM
You did want us listing problems we found right Dorito? DK's mostly work fine, but the gargoyle does basic melee damage, not nature based and not affected by your attk pwr. Same goes for dancing runeblade.
Summon ghoul is broken, though army of the dead works.
Random factions are aggressive either when they shouldn't be at all or at the wrong times (like the sympathizer guards in Theramore)
I was in Dal looking at the heirloom vendor's gear, when I got attacked by the mini shaman totems in the nearby display case, which promptly followed me around dalaran attacking me for 1-2 damage until I ran away...
Other than little things though, this has been by far the best I've seen. Great work man!

Oh, what is causing npc's to "fall" through the air when going up or down stairs sometimes, or allowing npcs to "float" up to me when I'm on a flying mount above the ground? Played around with turning the vmaps LOS options on or off in the mangosd, but they only seem to prevent aggro through walls and such.

Oh, one more thing: The flight master in the final phase of the DK starting zone is broken. His platform seems to be based out of light's hope, as it says you are there on the flight map. So of coarse you get the "you are too far away from the platform" message when you try to use him.

25-02-10, 04:51 PM
Great Repack Dorito, I have only been using for a day but no issues with it yet.;)

25-02-10, 08:56 PM
I found my problem! :D I need help though!
2010-02-25 20:48:58 ERROR:Check existing of map file './maps/0004331.map': not exist!
2010-02-25 20:48:58 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmap/*vmdir files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map/*.vmap/*.vmdir files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.

26-02-10, 06:09 AM
gunnarkeith, if you download the3 maps and vmaps recommended with the repack, then extract them into the Evo-X subfolder then it should work.

26-02-10, 03:12 PM
Doritos Mangos 3.3.2>Evo-X
MANGOS>>>>>>>>>>Control Panel/DBC/vmaps/maps/ACE/errors/dbghelp/char/libeay32/libmySQL/mangosd(notepad)/Mangosd.exe/Realmd(Notepad)Realm.exe(more stuff)
what did i do wrong, what do i need to change>?

26-02-10, 04:12 PM
Got it, made the accounts new problem! My problem now is, It never stops Authenticating!! :(

26-02-10, 06:41 PM
FINISHED !! ALL GOOD!! How to get my friend to join? i made his account...We tried having him set realmlist (My hamachi IP) But it says login server down is there somthing i must do to make it live?/Allow friends in

26-02-10, 10:32 PM
support for this is no more, this repack will be discontinued as of now,
sorry guys I'll bring a new one soon but this one is over! mod delete please

26-02-10, 10:35 PM
What!!! :'(

28-02-10, 02:39 AM
well, this blows.... wish this was continued