View Full Version : Yoo all

09-02-10, 02:54 AM
Hello my name is Peter, and this is my first post in the forums. I have install my first server. It work great. I have 1 question, how do i get
Blood Elf and Draenei in TRM_Repack_383.zip.

And thx all for a great job.

//Regards Peter // Sweden

09-02-10, 03:02 AM
Hello Sweden :D welcome to MMOPRO.Net!

have you enabled wotlk+tbc for your account in the database ?

09-02-10, 04:05 AM
Yes now i have and i works fine......
I started a AHBot and it load fine but still nothing at AH?
This is my file. Sorry if its wrong place to write of this stuff.

AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 1
AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Account = 9
AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 4
AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.No_Bind = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Picked_Up = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Equipped = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Use = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_Quest_Item = 0
AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 200
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller = 0
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer = 0

Load screen:

Initialize AuctionHouseBot...
loaded 5 grey trade goods
loaded 257 white trade goods
loaded 25 green trade goods
loaded 7 blue trade goods
loaded 2 purple trade goods
loaded 0 orange trade goods
loaded 0 yellow trade goods
loaded 1003 grey items
loaded 530 white items
loaded 3071 green items
loaded 884 blue items
loaded 106 purple items
loaded 0 orange items
loaded 0 yellow items
AuctionHouseBot [AHBot-004-HotFix-06] is now loaded
AuctionHouseBot updated by Naicisum (original by ChrisK and Paradox)
AuctionHouseBot now includes AHBuyer by Kerbe and Paradox
SERVER STARTUP TIME: 0 minutes 33 seconds