View Full Version : [TrinityCore] Starting Guild for the new Character

14-08-20, 10:14 AM
If activated, when some player is created, this script will add the player to a guild.
You'll need these options in your worldserver.conf file:

################################################## #################################################
# These settings control the Starting Guild functionality
# StartingGuild.Enable
# Description: Enables or Disables the Starting Guild functionality.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

StartingGuild.Enable = 0

# StartingGuild.GuildID
# Description: The identifier (ID) of the Guild. It must be an integer number
# Default: 1

StartingGuild.GuildID = 1

################################################## #################################################

Made by: Erictemponi

#include "ScriptMgr.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "Guild.h"
#include "GuildMgr.h"

class StartingGuildScript : public PlayerScript
StartingGuildScript() : PlayerScript("StartingGuildScript") { }

// called when some player is created
void OnCreate(Player* pPlayer)
if (sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("StartingGuild.Enable", false))
uint32 guildID = sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("StartingGuild.GuildID", 1);
Guild* targetGuild = sGuildMgr->GetGuildById(guildID);
if (targetGuild)
ObjectGuid playerGuid = pPlayer->GetGUID();
// player's guild membership checked in AddMember before add
CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans(nullptr);
targetGuild->AddMember(trans, playerGuid);

void AddSC_starting_guild()
new StartingGuildScript();


LordPsyan old patch
Erictemponi for this newest one.

10-01-23, 08:07 AM
Is there a way to have multiple entries, 1 for each faction?