View Full Version : Hunters Pet's Talent Points

31-01-10, 01:10 AM
well i see alot of hunters asking this ingame so ithought i'd post it :P

your pet gains 1 talent point every 4 levels starting at level 20...
so at level 20 you get your first and at level 80 you should have 16 talent points for your pet:)

Lvl TP
20 1
24 2
28 3
32 4
36 5
40 6
44 7
48 8
52 9
56 10
60 11
64 12
68 13
72 14
76 15
80 16

22-02-10, 11:57 PM
Add 4 points on to that if ure beeastmaster and have 51 points down to last talents basicly if ure 61+ if speced right