23-11-19, 01:51 PM
[TFC-Core] Custom PvP Event RELEASE | Dalaran Crater |
Originally posted by Nerc
Path: .../lua-scripts
DalaranCraterConfig.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/Cmjmf3E1)
DalaranCraterEventMgr.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/YDZr6A31)
DalaranCraterPvpEvent.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/SwxZVxcx)
npc_1000000_dalaran_event_battlemaster.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/xN4MeasG)
npc_1000002_dalaran_event_battlemaster.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/pfgi9qtX)
PvpEventCommands.lua: https://pastebin.com/jkNxiMDR
Path: .../extensions/Defines.ext
-- Player events PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHARACTER_CREATE = 1, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHARACTER_DELETE = 2, -- (event, guid) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOGIN = 3, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOGOUT = 4, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SPELL_CAST = 5, -- (event, player, spell, skipCheck) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILL_PLAYER = 6, -- (event, killer, killed) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILL_CREATURE = 7, -- (event, killer, killed) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILLED_BY_CREATURE = 8, -- (event, killer, killed) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_REQUEST = 9, -- (event, target, challenger) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_START = 10, -- (event, player1, player2) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_END = 11, -- (event, winner, loser, type) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GIVE_XP = 12, -- (event, player, amount, victim) - Can return new XP amount PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEVEL_CHANGE = 13, -- (event, player, oldLevel) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_MONEY_CHANGE = 14, -- (event, player, amount) - Can return new money amount PLAYER_EVENT_ON_REPUTATION_CHANGE = 15, -- (event, player, factionId, standing, incremental) - Can return new standing PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TALENTS_CHANGE = 16, -- (event, player, points) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TALENTS_RESET = 17, -- (event, player, noCost) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHAT = 18, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_WHISPER = 19, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, receiver) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GROUP_CHAT = 20, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, group) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GUILD_CHAT = 21, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, guild) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHANNEL_CHAT = 22, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, channel) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_EMOTE = 23, -- (event, player, emote) - Not triggered on any known emote PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TEXT_EMOTE = 24, -- (event, player, textEmote, emoteNum, guid) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SAVE = 25, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_BIND_TO_INSTANCE = 26, -- (event, player, difficulty, mapid, permanent) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_UPDATE_ZONE = 27, -- (event, player, newZone, newArea) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_MAP_CHANGE = 28, -- (event, player)
-- Custom PLAYER_EVENT_ON_EQUIP = 29, -- (event, player, item, bag, slot) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_FIRST_LOGIN = 30, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CAN_USE_ITEM = 31, -- (event, player, itemEntry) - Can return InventoryResult enum value PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOOT_ITEM = 32, -- (event, player, item, count) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_ENTER_COMBAT = 33, -- (event, player, enemy) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEAVE_COMBAT = 34, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_REPOP = 35, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_RESURRECT = 36, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOOT_MONEY = 37, -- (event, player, amount) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_QUEST_ABANDON = 38, -- (event, player, questId) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEARN_TALENTS = 39, -- (event, player, talentId, talentRank, spellid) -- UNUSED = 40, -- (event, player) -- UNUSED = 41, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_COMMAND = 42, -- (event, player, command) - player is nil if command used from console. Can return false
Path: .../extensions/Globals.ext:
function choice(table) return table[math.random(1, #table)];end
function kcontains(t, thing) for i, v in pairs(t) do if (i == thing) then return true; end end return false;end
function contains(t, thing) for i, v in pairs(t) do if (v == thing) then return true; end end return false;end
function count(t) local count = 0; for i, v in pairs(t) do count = count + 1; end return count;end
function choice(t) return t[math.random(1, count(t))];end
function ichoice(t) return t[math.random(1, #t)];end
function table.forEach(t, action) for i, v in pairs(t) do action(v, i); endend
Enjoy free The Forgotten Crusade scripts. Hope this brings some joy or use to whoever comes across it!
Originally posted by Nerc and All Credits to Nerc
Originally posted by Nerc
Path: .../lua-scripts
DalaranCraterConfig.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/Cmjmf3E1)
DalaranCraterEventMgr.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/YDZr6A31)
DalaranCraterPvpEvent.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/SwxZVxcx)
npc_1000000_dalaran_event_battlemaster.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/xN4MeasG)
npc_1000002_dalaran_event_battlemaster.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/pfgi9qtX)
PvpEventCommands.lua: https://pastebin.com/jkNxiMDR
Path: .../extensions/Defines.ext
-- Player events PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHARACTER_CREATE = 1, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHARACTER_DELETE = 2, -- (event, guid) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOGIN = 3, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOGOUT = 4, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SPELL_CAST = 5, -- (event, player, spell, skipCheck) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILL_PLAYER = 6, -- (event, killer, killed) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILL_CREATURE = 7, -- (event, killer, killed) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILLED_BY_CREATURE = 8, -- (event, killer, killed) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_REQUEST = 9, -- (event, target, challenger) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_START = 10, -- (event, player1, player2) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_END = 11, -- (event, winner, loser, type) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GIVE_XP = 12, -- (event, player, amount, victim) - Can return new XP amount PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEVEL_CHANGE = 13, -- (event, player, oldLevel) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_MONEY_CHANGE = 14, -- (event, player, amount) - Can return new money amount PLAYER_EVENT_ON_REPUTATION_CHANGE = 15, -- (event, player, factionId, standing, incremental) - Can return new standing PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TALENTS_CHANGE = 16, -- (event, player, points) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TALENTS_RESET = 17, -- (event, player, noCost) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHAT = 18, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_WHISPER = 19, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, receiver) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GROUP_CHAT = 20, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, group) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GUILD_CHAT = 21, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, guild) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHANNEL_CHAT = 22, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, channel) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_EMOTE = 23, -- (event, player, emote) - Not triggered on any known emote PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TEXT_EMOTE = 24, -- (event, player, textEmote, emoteNum, guid) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SAVE = 25, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_BIND_TO_INSTANCE = 26, -- (event, player, difficulty, mapid, permanent) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_UPDATE_ZONE = 27, -- (event, player, newZone, newArea) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_MAP_CHANGE = 28, -- (event, player)
-- Custom PLAYER_EVENT_ON_EQUIP = 29, -- (event, player, item, bag, slot) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_FIRST_LOGIN = 30, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CAN_USE_ITEM = 31, -- (event, player, itemEntry) - Can return InventoryResult enum value PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOOT_ITEM = 32, -- (event, player, item, count) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_ENTER_COMBAT = 33, -- (event, player, enemy) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEAVE_COMBAT = 34, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_REPOP = 35, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_RESURRECT = 36, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOOT_MONEY = 37, -- (event, player, amount) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_QUEST_ABANDON = 38, -- (event, player, questId) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEARN_TALENTS = 39, -- (event, player, talentId, talentRank, spellid) -- UNUSED = 40, -- (event, player) -- UNUSED = 41, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_COMMAND = 42, -- (event, player, command) - player is nil if command used from console. Can return false
Path: .../extensions/Globals.ext:
function choice(table) return table[math.random(1, #table)];end
function kcontains(t, thing) for i, v in pairs(t) do if (i == thing) then return true; end end return false;end
function contains(t, thing) for i, v in pairs(t) do if (v == thing) then return true; end end return false;end
function count(t) local count = 0; for i, v in pairs(t) do count = count + 1; end return count;end
function choice(t) return t[math.random(1, count(t))];end
function ichoice(t) return t[math.random(1, #t)];end
function table.forEach(t, action) for i, v in pairs(t) do action(v, i); endend
Enjoy free The Forgotten Crusade scripts. Hope this brings some joy or use to whoever comes across it!
Originally posted by Nerc and All Credits to Nerc