View Full Version : [Other Emulator] [TFC-Core] Custom PvP Event RELEASE | Dalaran Crater |

23-11-19, 01:51 PM
[TFC-Core] Custom PvP Event RELEASE | Dalaran Crater |

Originally posted by Nerc

Path: .../lua-scripts

DalaranCraterConfig.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/Cmjmf3E1)
DalaranCraterEventMgr.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/YDZr6A31)
DalaranCraterPvpEvent.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/SwxZVxcx)
npc_1000000_dalaran_event_battlemaster.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/xN4MeasG)
npc_1000002_dalaran_event_battlemaster.lua: Pastebin.com - Page Removed (https://pastebin.com/pfgi9qtX)
PvpEventCommands.lua: https://pastebin.com/jkNxiMDR

Path: .../extensions/Defines.ext

-- Player events PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHARACTER_CREATE = 1, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHARACTER_DELETE = 2, -- (event, guid) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOGIN = 3, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOGOUT = 4, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SPELL_CAST = 5, -- (event, player, spell, skipCheck) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILL_PLAYER = 6, -- (event, killer, killed) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILL_CREATURE = 7, -- (event, killer, killed) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILLED_BY_CREATURE = 8, -- (event, killer, killed) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_REQUEST = 9, -- (event, target, challenger) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_START = 10, -- (event, player1, player2) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_END = 11, -- (event, winner, loser, type) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GIVE_XP = 12, -- (event, player, amount, victim) - Can return new XP amount PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEVEL_CHANGE = 13, -- (event, player, oldLevel) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_MONEY_CHANGE = 14, -- (event, player, amount) - Can return new money amount PLAYER_EVENT_ON_REPUTATION_CHANGE = 15, -- (event, player, factionId, standing, incremental) - Can return new standing PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TALENTS_CHANGE = 16, -- (event, player, points) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TALENTS_RESET = 17, -- (event, player, noCost) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHAT = 18, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_WHISPER = 19, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, receiver) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GROUP_CHAT = 20, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, group) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GUILD_CHAT = 21, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, guild) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHANNEL_CHAT = 22, -- (event, player, msg, Type, lang, channel) - Can return false, newMessage PLAYER_EVENT_ON_EMOTE = 23, -- (event, player, emote) - Not triggered on any known emote PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TEXT_EMOTE = 24, -- (event, player, textEmote, emoteNum, guid) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SAVE = 25, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_BIND_TO_INSTANCE = 26, -- (event, player, difficulty, mapid, permanent) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_UPDATE_ZONE = 27, -- (event, player, newZone, newArea) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_MAP_CHANGE = 28, -- (event, player)
-- Custom PLAYER_EVENT_ON_EQUIP = 29, -- (event, player, item, bag, slot) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_FIRST_LOGIN = 30, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CAN_USE_ITEM = 31, -- (event, player, itemEntry) - Can return InventoryResult enum value PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOOT_ITEM = 32, -- (event, player, item, count) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_ENTER_COMBAT = 33, -- (event, player, enemy) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEAVE_COMBAT = 34, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_REPOP = 35, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_RESURRECT = 36, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOOT_MONEY = 37, -- (event, player, amount) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_QUEST_ABANDON = 38, -- (event, player, questId) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEARN_TALENTS = 39, -- (event, player, talentId, talentRank, spellid) -- UNUSED = 40, -- (event, player) -- UNUSED = 41, -- (event, player) PLAYER_EVENT_ON_COMMAND = 42, -- (event, player, command) - player is nil if command used from console. Can return false

Path: .../extensions/Globals.ext:


function choice(table) return table[math.random(1, #table)];end


function kcontains(t, thing) for i, v in pairs(t) do if (i == thing) then return true; end end return false;end
function contains(t, thing) for i, v in pairs(t) do if (v == thing) then return true; end end return false;end
function count(t) local count = 0; for i, v in pairs(t) do count = count + 1; end return count;end
function choice(t) return t[math.random(1, count(t))];end
function ichoice(t) return t[math.random(1, #t)];end
function table.forEach(t, action) for i, v in pairs(t) do action(v, i); endend

Enjoy free The Forgotten Crusade scripts. Hope this brings some joy or use to whoever comes across it!

Originally posted by Nerc and All Credits to Nerc