View Full Version : [TFC-Core] Simple Boss Script

09-04-19, 08:02 AM
Im releasing some of my server's scripts because it is paused atm due to a very low number of testers & developer non-consistency in terms of workflow, and I've worked for 1 year+ on this project, paid money to finance the server alone, without getting anything in return, so in the end I realized it wasn't really worth it. Anyway back to topic guys!

PS: I am the owner. I am intentionally sharing these scripts to the public for obvious reasons I suppose.

The Forgotten Crusade - Funserver
Type - Boss Script
- Developer(s): Nerc, Psykko
- Status: 100%
- ScriptName: 'boss_aquarius'
- Comment: needs testing

-- -- -- Tables
-- NPC EntryIDs
local entryIds = {
["boss"] = 205010,
-- SpellIDs
local spellsIds = {
-- -- Fight
-- Boss
["wind"] = 6982,
-- Texts
local msgIds = {
-- On Fight Start
[1] = "Sample text to be changed!",

-- -- Spell Loops
-- Wind
function aquariusWind(eventId, delay, repeats, worldobject)
worldobject:CastSpell(worldobject:GetVictim(), spellsIds["wind"], true)

-- -- Hook Functions
local function AquariusOnEnterCombat(event, creature, target)
-- Misc
creature:SendUnitSay(msgIds[1], 0)
-- Spells
creature:RegisterEvent(aquariusWind, 9523, 0)
local function AquariusOnDied(event, creature, killer)
-- Misc

-- Hook Register
RegisterCreatureEvent(entryIds["boss"], 1, AquariusOnEnterCombat)
RegisterCreatureEvent(entryIds["boss"], 4, AquariusOnDied)

Enjoy free The Forgotten Crusade scripts. Hope this brings some joy or use to whoever comes across it!

Credits to Psykko for helping with boss scripts and many developmental obstacles we have faced on our TFC journey.