View Full Version : [Addon Release] TrinityAdmin 3.2.2a (and MangAdmin)

09-01-10, 01:59 AM
TrinityAdmin 3.1.3 and 3.2.2a released

Since I do not run a MaNGOS server anymore, and have gone to Trinity, I have forked MangAdmin and am continuing on with TrinityAdmin.

**The MangAdmin project will continue on MangRound forums (Powered by Invision Power Board) (http://www.manground.org/forum) ***

I am pleased to offer you the first release of TrinityAdmin, for client versions 3.1.3 and 3.2.2a. clients.

Here are the specifics:

TrinityAdmin 3.1.3 (version numbers now correspond to the client version its compatible with)
- Wiki: Home | TrinityAdmin | Assembla (http://www.assembla.com/spaces/TrinityAdmin)
- Downloads: Files | TrinityAdmin | Assembla (http://www.assembla.com/spaces/trinityadmin/documents)

TrinityAdmin 3.2.2a (version numbers now correspond to the client version its compatible with)
- SVN: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/trinityadmin (recommended)
- Wiki: Home | TrinityAdmin | Assembla (http://www.assembla.com/spaces/TrinityAdmin)
- Downloads: Files | TrinityAdmin | Assembla (http://www.assembla.com/spaces/trinityadmin/documents)

Please note, in order to use SVN to checkout sources, you must have an account on Assembla and use your login info to access svn. The account is free.

Ok, STOP. If you're going to flame me with statements like "All you did was change the logo" or "All you did was change some strings"... DON'T.
I did change the logo. See, it isn't MangAdmin anymore. It's TrinityAdmin, get it?
As for strings, I changed some of them too. And some code. Secret: that's how programs get written and updated! In fact, I've been the main coder on the MangAdmin project for the last two years.

What changed:
In going from 3.1.3 to 3.2.2a, some of Blizz's FrameXML changed, therefore, some parts of MangAdmin broke. Those things have been fixed to work again with 3.2.2a.
A few minor features have been added, but most of my time after the above fixes has been
spent cleaning up code and old files, and working on... the Ticket System.

Tickets - The last time Tickets worked in MangAdmin was back around 2.2 or so, IIRC. Anyway, current Trinity Tickets work nothing like tickets did back then, so it's a total re-write. It doesn't help that Trinity outputs the ticket info to the chat window in a way thats rather hard to reliably capture and work with. Anyway, Tickets is partially functioning in the current release, and will be improved on as we go.

What about MangAdmin? Will TrinityAdmin work with Mangos?
Well, it might. As Trinity is a fork of Mangos, initially they were identical (as far as GM commands went). They aren't anymore. As time goes by, they diverge more and more. TrinityAdmin will "mostly" function for you Mangos users. Some of it will not (tickets for sure will not work). I will most likely not be working on MangAdmin anymore, so you Mangos folk have three choices: Improve MangAdmin yourselves, or, switch to Trinity http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif or, get the remaining members of the MangAdmin team to work on updating MangAdmin (good luck).

Lastly, if you have questions, comments, suggestions, feature requests, or bugs with TrinityAdmin, the one site for everything related to TrinityAdmin is
Home | TrinityAdmin | Assembla (http://www.assembla.com/spaces/trinityadmin/)

You can also follow development of TrinityAdmin on twitter: (trinityadmn) on Twitter (http://twitter.com/trinityadmn)

CrEDITS to iotech & mangAdmin devs

06-09-10, 07:00 AM
does it works for 3.3.5 ? it's cool ;) thank you

06-09-10, 01:21 PM
The most of us need the 3.3.5 rev xD