View Full Version : [Linux] Compiling Guide - ArcEmu 3.3 / 3.2

07-01-10, 03:07 AM
Guide made by : f1racer328

Hi everyone. Long ass time since I've posted here/been active but I think I'm gonna start being active again.

So I'll start off with a good old linux compile guide for ArcEmu.

Guide isn't for complete noobs, sorry nubs!

The OS that I'm currently using is Debian Lenny, but this should work for most other distros.

So first lets start by getting all of the compilers and stuff that you need.

That can be accomplished by doing an apt-get command (Must have sudo/root)

apt-get install build-essential automake subversion autoconf zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libtool libstdc++5 libgd2-xpm libpcre3-dev mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-devOnce thats done lets check out the source.

svn co svn://arcemu.info/svn/trunk Sourcecd to the source

cd Source[Optional] If you want 3.3, Apply the patch (I won't be linking this as I do not want to cause any issues/problems. It's an unofficial patch, find it yourself.

patch -p0 < patchName.patchConfigure & Build

autoreconf -fi
./configure --prefix=/Location/Where/You/wantit/ --enable-debugNow make & install

make && make installEnjoy!

Guide made by : f1racer328

07-01-10, 08:03 AM
mhm thanks.