View Full Version : [Lua] Namechange npc.

05-01-10, 01:15 PM
Namechange npc.

Quick and boring explaination =P

I have created a name npc. You just click on him and you get an option to change your name. You fill in the new name you want. It checks if the name contains symbols like: %$!@#313. If so then it says it does not allow symbols like these. Same for spaces. If it doesn't contain symbols like these it wil capatilize the first symbol. And make the other ones normal ones. Even if the player made them capital symbols.

The script: http://pastebin.com/f35a53ec8

05-01-10, 01:18 PM
nice one , +rep

03-03-10, 11:11 PM
Doesn't work

Error while loading Lua file

scripts/namechanger.lua:11: unexpected symbol near '='