View Full Version : Boosting your friend? (1-60+) NO RAF

05-01-10, 01:08 PM
This is a guide in progress I hope more people could help out with aswell.

UPDATE: pulling huge packs and AOE-ing got hit by the nerf-stick last patch.

"Area-of-Effect Damage Caps: We've redesigned the way area damage is capped when hitting many targets. Instead of a hard cap on total damage done, the game now caps the total damage done at a value equal to the damage the spell would do if it hit 10 targets. In other words, if a spell does 1000 damage to each target, it would hit up to 10 targets for 1000 each, but with more than 10 targets, each target would take 1000 damage divided by the number of targets. 20 targets would be hit for 500 damage each in that example."

So, pulling superlarge groups will have a HUGE different now.

Power-leveling your friend in instances!
Giving them the fast exp/hour from it.

Example: your friend is level 24, without RAF, your sitting on a paladin at level 80 woundering how you could help him give him fast exp.

Have been searching a while for this kind of guide with more in-deept details of boosting without RAF.
I mean, RAf Boost (done it befor) goes so smooth its just silly.

But without RAF and try to boost and save time (best exp/hour per run etc etc)

I spotted one of those guides on the wow-forum a while ago, havnt gotten my hands on it again, googled around and all that.
Shure there is a few boost guides out there, but not good ones, or some out of date, not perfected.
If I have been missing something thats up to date and consider boost without RAF do link.
I usually dont have problems finding what I want, but this one.. I probably just do it epicly wrong.

I got a few in my mind im used to run with, and this one is for Horde-side in mind.

Duno if this is the right spot to post it on, but I hope to get replys on this so we can improve it to get the most of the boosted time.
Build a huge easy to use guide to boosting your friends easily!

Start up, load up, things to know!
If you are not a healer or resurecter do bring bandage of highest class, these will usually heal up your friend at low level in one tick.
Shure is a life-saver.

If your engineer you might be able to ressurect them.

Siegesmiths bomb is a greate item to pull mobs with.
Search the forums for more info (HORDE ONLY)
I use it alot.

The boosted can stand in the start and get all the exp, but sometimes for profs (aka Skinner/Tailor/First Aid/Enchanting, jadda jadda they want to follow you behind.

Keep in mind, its better (if your class is suited/good for it) to kill packs and dont try to be a cool puller grabbing all of em, mobs tend to reset in some instances without reasons or switch aggro.

Ranged mobs befor AOE? make your pitstop behind a corner.

The numbers inside each instance topic is not total accurate yet, but that should be around the level you benefith most from it.

Pit-spots: Will add red marks to the map where it could be a good idea to stay and kill of the packs befor pulling more, since mobs tend to reset alot, caster is even worse since even with Thorns or whatever buff they will miss you with their spells and take no damage.

If your a paladin pit-stops is rather useless.

Dont be afraid to kill mobs befor pit-stops or ignore them if you find your run go smooth anyway.
The #1 reason a boosted dies is to reseted mobs.

The stops recomended is marked in a RED area.

RFC Ragefire Chasm (10-15) Orgrimmar
- starts around 10 and goes on to around level 14-15, could go higher but would take a while.
Im usually run the whole instance the first 2-3 times to get all the gear needed, after that I pull all the trogs and stops right befor the humanoids, due to long runback else.

(Note of interest)
Here is a map to make the run more a bit smother at the trogg-part.

At the white "circle" part you can jump down after aggroing the guys near the dead quest-torem, the mobs will run around through the lava.
Be shure to clear the troggs befor proceeding up the area with the golems, since they got a knitch for reseting without a good reason.

Also, note on #2 Area, the mobs stun there, if you pull the whole room you CAN get stunlocked to death without anything to do, (if you cant iceblock or bubble) keep that in mind, seen a few "cool" boosters done that, or Iceblock to survive.. meaning the boosted one gets aggro.

WC Wailing Caverns (15-18) Barrens

Will not add a map to this once, since its super-large and the map is kinda ****ed up.
Also its ALOT better to just pull the closest 3-4 packs and kill them off due to the bugged and wierd nature of WC thats been around since vanilla.

WC - Around level 15-16 up to level 18-19 maby?
Its an easy and fast instance to get around.
Both sides gets back to the start.

Here you have the old famouse bugged mobs blizzard havnt fixed yet.
Some might hit you from the "void" aka beneth the ground, and can easily switch aggro, a buff or a heal or whatever to give AOE threath, even a tiny ammount can save your friends life to get aggro to you, usually you can AOE or ignore them and they reset.

There is a few of those so keep in mind.
You can pull the whole first large room of WC, near the first boss, without issues to drop aggro, its a circular run so its good.

On the west Side of WC you can pull all the way to the boss, but the mobs CAN reset without reason there thou.

SFK might be a good alternative for this one if you dont want to roll to stockades and dont have an use for the wool.
I cant remember how good the exp here is compared to stock, since I used to boost befor they raised the exp gained during a patch somewhat ago.

The Stockade (18-24) Stormwind City

Here is the main issue with the instance, the lockouts, you could boost here for a long while and still have greate exp/hour thanks to the small, fast runs, but if you dont want to take a break from now and then, you should be more then fine to get level 21 in here, since RFK will give mad exp.

Stockades - For horde this is a rather pain to get to but totaly worth it, alot of wool, to sell or use on the boosted char. you can easily and fast pull it here, tiny instance, alot of mobs, relative fast exp
Sadly its so tiny so you can easily hit the max instance per hour limit.
Forcing you to stay outside in stormwind and might get to corpse-run from the ****ed up Graveyard.
So you might want to throw in a tea breake or whatever during some runs.

In this instance the Siegesmith Bombs adds alot of speed.
Save your wool aswell, they might sell for a bit of gold on the AH.
No real loot thou.
The Boat-way into stockades is the good one, might get to corpse-run once (or if your unlucky more times depending on alliance activity)

The problem here is to save your friend from aggro via the guards, pull all guards you can find.
Damp down into the water ASAP when you can (the waterthingine inside stormwind)
Once inside water it should be an easy runway to Stockade.

There is mobs in every room here, if you have the Siegesmith nade you can easily just throw one in on every second room and bodypull the other one.
Make a stop on one of the sides first befor continuing, even if they might not reset, the stun some mobs have can get totaly annoying.

Easy as that.

Razorfen Kraul (20-24) The Barrens

Since You need to pitstop alot and the map looks so ****ed up I wont add it to this one.

Just tripped into it and around 21 (Without hirelooms) it gives aprox 50% exp per full clear.
Notes for this instance.. its simple, follow it, I usually clean right side first then the tiny left side of it.

You end at the start when your done so its supergood.
DONT pull to many packs, if your a class that can kill as you go, try to kill packs as often as you can, the mobs reset very easy without a reason.
ALSO they have totems that can keep you in combat making your boosted friend to enter combat, and switch aggro.

Dont pull to many Bats later inside if your a user who cant attack with silence on you, they spam it.

Scarlet Monastery (25-36(38)) Tirisfal Glades

Scarlet Monestary -
Short fast instances with good loot and fast exp.
Im not shure wich one to run at what level to get the most out of it, so if anyone have a slight idea do tell.

Graveyard - Relative tiny and ugly instance, alot of non-elites here aswell.
Wouldnt really bother more then once or twice for the gear, havnt checked the exp given yet thou.

Library - A rather good and avarage instance, mobs in the first large room can stun you with hammer of justice.
Nothing else to know, besides the last boss Arcanist doan becomes immune and does an nasty AOE for low-levelers, they might want to wait outside the room.
(giving a level 26 aprox 20% from 1 full run)

Im not totaly shure but since I clean the instance completety there still is Monks roaming around, seems like they love to spawn from time to time.
This have given a few deaths to boosted people, keep that in mind and always be ready to rush to aid.

The first room have stunners so thats why you want to stop befor going into the larger area.
Hiding in the first boss room to get casters.

Every room after the first yard have a chace of spawning a monk (not shure how that works yet)
So be careful once your inside.

The nade proves usefull to pull the rooms without dropping into them here.
If your not a paladin or any other class that can have threath on low-level casters you want to make a few stops every now and then as marked on the map, since there is alot of casters.

Armory - Here you have a greate instance for boosting, its crowded, its straight forward and its tiny in the area, easily to pull alot of mobs.
Dont overdo it thou, mobs still have a knitch to reset even thou you do some kind of damage to them, so make atleast 2 kill stops befor getting the last boss.
Note on boss: he whirlwinds its evil, and when he dies alot of minions start to run, super-low health but can kill a low-level so make the boosted char jump down to you when the boss dies.

Enter first, alot of newbies tend to aggro the door-guard.

Items from this instance without any good use but is fun.
At the last pack inside the real "armory" part you can get rockets from barrels, collect those for fun moments or to sell lateron.
The adds that spawn after Herod dies can drop the scarlet tabard.
Herods shoulder just look epic! gotta love it.


First real room tend to have some humans sneaking around patrolling, try keep an eye out for them thats why you want to try sneak over the whole room.

The dots lateron at the Square rooms is where mobs is, try to taunt/rangepull or use your loved siegesmith bomb to pull these easy.

The Gray square with the circle around is where the rockets are. be shure to pit-stop befor it so you or your boosted friend can have a moral-boost with the joy of rockets.

The exp given from this one is just slightly better then Library, considering how fast it goes, id say play both instances befor doing a reset to save on the lockout.

Cathedral -
No map here, easy tiny one.

Here is your best friend for power-leveling around the right level.
Giving a level 27 aprox 20-22% exp per run, giving around 23-26% at level 28 id say you will get better and better exp until your around level 32 or something, where you get the most, then it will start decreasing again.

A hint how to do it safe and fast, enter first, alot of newbies tend to aggro the door-guard.
Pull the first room combined with the first yard and put them to sleep forever.

If you usually AOE-kill mobs this works out good.
Divide the upstairs into 2 parts, left stair and right stare, pull each side and hide at the stairs to kill em all including ranged.
Having your boosted friend time to loot one stair while the others is being pulled.
(this also helps since some classes might have an issue with keeping aggro on ranged units)

Inside the Cathedral itself you just open the door, run up to mr.Mograine, give him the finger and the whole ****ing instance will rush to help him.
Aoe everything down there (thou try to keep ze girl out of range that spawns when Mograine dies, you CAN get sleeped with alot of adds on yah, resulting in a death)

Leg it out, rince, repeat, fast and easy.
I had a level 60 warriro friend in vanilla wow that boosted me there for an insane rush at levels back in those days. stayed there from 32 to 42 with ease. thou it went a bit slower since he couldnt take too many.

Razorfen Downs (30-40) The Barrens

Pretty much the same exp/run as SM, if not a bit less and a bit slower due to the build of the instance.

Same as RFK with the pulls, gotta kill often, even with dots and such some mobs can reset if you take them to far away from their spawn, annoying casters and such.

You should only take a peak in here for 2-3 runs for the gear, or if your just passing by.

Maraudon (36-46) Desolace

This instance grant the same experience points as Zul'Farak.
If your friend is around questing these parts or want some gear for soloing (aka when your doing other stuff then boosting)

Or if you simply get tired of ZF over and over and over again this instance is a nice change.
Its long, it takes time, the gear is nice, the instance is neat looking and its not the same parts over and over again as it easily gets in ZF/SM

Giving aprox 70% on a full clear around level 37-38.

How to clear it?

Id suggest going into the Orange entrance and clearing until Celebras room, where orange/purple gets together, then clean purple backwards.
Going outside and using the portal to pop down after the waterfall.

Or you could clean Orange, then run out again and take purple after that continue, I dont recall it THAT huge of a difference on how you do that.

After Waterwall part is done kill landslide and head to princess, to drop down, kill rootgrip and then hunt for ze goblin aka Tinkerer Gizlock.

Every run I done, group back in vanilla always ended with him as the last one, after that it was a good run.

Zul-Farrak (36-46) Tanaris

Got here as late as level 38, thou have heard reports of good exp even for a level 36.
You can sadly not mass-pull as easy as befor but to be shure I usually only drag alot of mobs in the graveyard room and the stairs-event.

Neat familiar instance for most of us, you end where you started almost, you can mount (Thou even getting close to a mob knocks you off)
Nice loot that will last for a while, also close to Tanaris if your boosted friend tends to quest a bit its a good spot, packed with quests.
(some instance-quests on higher level)

I prefer to clear this instance counter-clockwize out of old habit.

Inside the graveyard-room, ask your friend to stand outside, open all the graves befor nukeing them all down. : ) its nice to see some numbers.

(Note the patchnote in the top)
Since 3.3.0 released you will notice a hefty difference in the AOE-ing in this instance.

The stairs-even itself gets alot of waiting, only a few elite mobs BUT some boss-loot, 2 actually, the goblin blows the door to the "last" boss, and the last wave of the event summon one boss.

You could skip this since it will give you a bit of waiting.
Simply start the first wave, kill them and then ignore the event and continue cleaning towards Gaz'ranka.

Temple of Atal'Hakkar (44-50) Swamp Of Sorrow

I couldnt recall much about this instance, but after doing a few runs in there I recall why.
The instance itself, on almost a full clean (skipping a few adds and a boss we couldnt summon)

It gave aprox 30% exp if not a tiny bit more, it involved alot of running and not to huge packs.
Hard to orient, takes a few runs to get used to and even then its annoying.
Id say avoid this if you dont badly want it.

If someone have a different oppinion, do share

Blackrock Depths (46-5X) Molten span (between Searing gorge and Burning steppes)

Here is a sweet place to hug for a while, its a long instance that requires alot of walking to get back to the start.
Thats why we aint doing a full run, just covering the best parts and end back at the start.
Going to update it later, still in progress

Stuff here is in progress.
Feel free to fill me up with stuff I missed on the other instances above and below.
Was a while ago I boosted people so I cant tell for shure what the deal is anymore exept for the small things I remember.

I usually skip uldaman due to the long runningtime in it, anyone can tell if this is a good waypoint befor ZF/Maraudon?

Zul-farak around level 38 or maby earlier is one of the other good instances, you get back to the start easily, crowded and rather ok in size. might stay here to 46?
Everyone also loves the gear AND my favorite as a booster is the graveyard area, press every grave to get nasty exp ;D

The temple of Atal'Hakkar, is it worth to boost?
Easy to get out and reset?
I only remember something about jumping down in a hole, is it crowded, fast exp or just shitload of running?
I played wow since beta release and honestly I only did this instance twice, one while drunk..

BRD is a good instance, but usually its just 1 run due to a large runback area.
Do anyone got a good way to boost in there, wich parts to skip etc?
Considering the arena (the spectators) and such, it could prove to be a good area if you get a good run-around area so you fight in and out.

Dire maul (54-61) when can we start benefit from exp here?
Its a rather large instance, anyone tried boosting in it, any routes?
Any zones to avoid due to exp-lose?

Stratholme/Scholomance is also a good spot to level in from what I recall

Around level 58.. is it just a run to outlands and starting all those hellfire instances, or should yah stick around and do ZG/AQ 20 boosting?
Both is fairly soloable, might even start earlier.
Sadly its just 1 run befor its over.
Since they can stand in the start it shouldnt be an issue, but what about the reduced expgain?
Might go to ZG earlier?

Im peaking into alot of these while leveling my brother atm, getting used to RAF cripples alot when the exp aint as good when you boost a non-raffed guy..

Starting to run an instance to early leveled might not be the best idea, and sometimes its better to quest in a highly quest-crowded area for fast exp btw the instance-runs to get the right level to benefit from it.

Hope to get this thread going.
If its right-posted and all that and alot more is interested in helping me to get this one larger I will organize it alot better.

05-01-10, 01:26 PM
Alot of text lol :) anyway thanks for this :)