View Full Version : [TrinityCore] [Antifarm] PvP Kill, Token Reward Script With Cooldown! Prevent players from kill farming!

31-07-18, 01:32 AM
Made by Sinistah I take no credits except sharing.

// Made by Sinistah @Ac-Web / Taco @ Lordcraft / TheEpicLazyTaco @BitBucket :) It would be nice if you did not remove this when you repost this years from now.

#include "Chat.h"
class PvPRewards : PlayerScript
PvPRewards() : PlayerScript("PvPRewards") {}

// ~ Setting Variables "Not Ideal But it will have to do." ~

// The item you want to give players.
uint32 itemID = 45978;
// Ammount of items to give.
uint32 ammount = 1;
// Time in seconds 60 = 1 Minute
uint32 cooldown = 60;
// This is the message that is sent when a player does recieve a reward.
std::string rewardMessage = "|cffff0000[System]|r You recieved a reward and are now on a cooldown.";
// Thhis is the message that is sent when a player is on cooldown.
std::string cooldownMessage = "|cffff0000[System]|r You are still on a cooldown and can not recieve a reward.";

//IMPORTANT! Unless you know what your doing I do not recommend editing anything below this comment.

// This is the map that is going to store all of our player's cooldowns during game play.
std::unordered_map <uint32, uint32> cooldownList;

// Returns our cooldown from the map if it has one.
uint32 GetPlayerCD(std::unordered_map<uint32, uint32> m, uint32 key)
//This gets our player's cooldown from the map and returns it to us in a uint32 form.
auto itr = m.find(key);

if (itr != m.end())
return itr->second;

//This is mainly to make the compiler happy about not all paths returning a value but also serves
return NULL;

//Updates/Inserts our players unique identifier and their cooldown.
void UpdatePlayerCD(std::unordered_map<uint32, uint32>& m, uint32 key, uint32 newValue)
//If it finds a value update it with new value
auto itr = m.find(key);
if (itr != m.end()) {
m[key] = newValue;
//If that character is not in the map add it.
m.insert(std::make_pair(key, newValue));

//This is where we add our item and send a mssg to our player and then we update the map.
void AddReward(Player * killer, uint32 itemId, uint32 ammount, uint32 cooldown)
//Add the item to the player.
killer->AddItem(itemId, ammount);
//Send Message.
ChatHandler(killer->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage(rewardMessage.c_str( ));
//Inset Data into map.
UpdatePlayerCD(cooldownList, killer->GetGUID().GetCounter(), killer->GetTotalPlayedTime() + cooldown);

//This is called when a player kills another player.
void OnPVPKill(Player* killer, Player* /*killed*/)
//Variable to store the saved cooldown value we get from our map.
uint32 mapCD;

//If the map is empty.
if (cooldownList.empty())
mapCD = NULL;
//Get the cd from the map and stores it in mapCD.
mapCD = GetPlayerCD(cooldownList, killer->GetGUID().GetCounter());

//If mapCD has no value.
if (mapCD == NULL)
AddReward(killer, itemID, ammount, cooldown);
//If mapCD has a value.
// If player's played time is higher then the cooldown time.
if (killer->GetTotalPlayedTime() >= mapCD) {
// Add items, Send Message, and Update Map. ~ See Function For More Info ~
AddReward(killer, itemID, ammount, cooldown);
else {
// If you are still on cooldown send cooldownMessage.
ChatHandler(killer->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage(cooldownMessage.c_st r());

void AddSC_PvPRewards()
new PvPRewards();