View Full Version : [TrinityCore] JunkyBulgaria's Blizzlike 3.3.5 PvP/PvE WOTLK Repack without Limit

17-04-18, 08:24 AM
Why should you choose my repack?
- It is based on (TrinityCore, MythCore, SunwellCore) and over 500 my own commits with 8 year old git history.
Is it stable enough?
- It just made 15 days uptime on my dedicated server.
Is it really worth?
- Definitely yes! All the pve/pvp content is working perfectly without any issues, same as database/SAI releated stuff.
If i want a custom script in it would you apply it?
- Yes, i will, just reply to the thread with a link to the script. [EXCEPT ELUNA, i dont like lua so that's not going to happen]
Are there any limits?
- NO! You can hold as much players as you want but i do not take any responsibility of new 'one-week' private servers.

Custom Content

- Duel CD Reset
- Arena Spectator (without any bugs)
- Beastmaster
- 1v1 Rated/Skirmish arenas
- Enchanter
- Free i80 premade characters for new accounts(3 npc's in total)
- One-click class trainer
- Profession Giver
- Reforger - Credits to Rochet
- Teleporter - Credits to Rochet
- Titlegiver[Requires Apexis Crystals - Apexis Shard - Item - World of Warcraft
- Transmogrification (Gear/Enchants) - Credits to Rochet and me.
- Custom Arena rating requirements for 1v1
- 1v1 Rated Arenas
- 1v1 Skirmish Arenas
- 3v3 Skirmish Arenas
- 10v10 Skirmish Arenas
- Item Requester
- Arena Premade Start
- Transmogrification for items
- Transmogrification for enchants (v4)
- Vanilla-style PvP Titles (OnKill hook)
- Passive Anticheat(hardly modified) - Credits to Manuel
- Opcode flood protection for both Auth/World servers and to all opcodes.
- Custom NPC Displays (c) Rochet2 [V4]
- Arena Tournament's i80 boost npc [V4]
- Arena Anti Draw [V4]
- Account-wide Mounts [V4]
- Multivendor [V4]
- Custom account control (players can't log with more than Xaccounts) - prevents multiboxers [V4]
- Fake Players [V4]
- Custom Rates /too long to describe, check worldserver.conf/[V4]
- AHBot [V4]
- Custom Spell Regulations /modify spell damage or healing/ [V4]

Premium Account System /VIPS/

- [Done] Custom char names (Example: FALL1N)
- [Done] Custom player chat color icons and other cool stuff from the hysteria-chat addon
- [Future] Buffs on login
- [Done] increased honor gain
- [Done] increased xp gain
- [Done] increased gold gain
- [Done] increased reputation gain
- [Future] increased loot gain
- [Done] increased arena pts
- [Done] Crafting/Gatherin Skills
- [Done] maxskills
- [Done] instant logout
- [Done] Instant Fly
- [Future] Instant Zeppelin
- [Future] Hearthstone Cooldown
- [Done] Free flight paths for premiums
- [Done] Custom Mount ID for VIPs when using flight taxi

Anticheat Detection

[x] WPE / Packet Inject
[x] Opcode Flood
[x] Addon: Teleport back the user to latest safe position if he used cheats.
[x] Addon: Block completely flying hack.
[x] Freeze z coord
[x] Faction Hack
[x] Authserver packet flood - preventing players from logging in
[x] Authserver password exploit (they could login with anyone's account)
[x] WALL CLIMBING WITH "freeze z coord"

1. Download the repack's data from https://mega.nz/#!GRJTRQqS!uip27d1kX...rQwM7r4TeqCk6g (https://mega.nz/#!GRJTRQqS!uip27d1kXeBaQ4myehaCY1hmxEcterQwM7r4Teq Ck6g)
2. Unrar/Unzip everything.
3. Rename both world/auth configs to '.conf' extension and not '.conf.dist'
4. Unzip all 3 databases (a.zip, c.zip, w.zip) and import them to your MySQL server.

Fly mounts might be broken because of the movement changes, im still working on it.
Fly masters are bugged, they do work but the mounts do "strange" movements due to my movement rewrite so better make them 'instant' for now if you are running blizzlike environment.

Originally posted by mazxz (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/member.php?163279-mazxz)
Jeutie - for the great portable MySQL server.
Rochet - for the Transmogrification, Reforging and NPC Displays scripts.
TrinityCore, MythCore, Sunwell for the great fixes.

29-03-19, 04:04 PM
Dead link