View Full Version : [TrinityCore] How to change the color of autobroadcast !!!

22-08-17, 02:27 AM
Programs you need : MySQL edit programs : HeidiSQL , Navicat or what you like to use .
1.Open your HeidiSQL or Navicat.

2.Enter World Database.
IP: your ip
User : your user from DB
Password : your password from DB

3.There is a table named "autobroadcast" find and enter it.

4.Now to change the color you will need to type the color code infront of the text like this:
|cffff0000You are cool!
Then it will be like this:
You are cool!

5.Go ingame and do .reload autobroadcast or restart server and test it out!

Some color codes:
BLUE - |cff0000ff
PURPLE - |cffDA70D6
GREEN - |cff00ff00
RED - |cffff0000
GOLD - |cffffcc00
GOLD2 - |cffFFC125
GREY - |cff888888
WHITE - |cffffffff
SUBWHITE - |cffbbbbbb
MAGENTA - |cffff00ff
YELLOW - |cffffff00
ORANGEY - |cffFF4500
CYAN - |cff00ffff
IVORY - |cff8B8B83
LIGHTRED - |cffff6060
LIGHTBLUE - |cff00ccff

Hope is usefull for someone !

27-06-18, 02:52 PM
Awesome been trying to figure out the ID for color!