View Full Version : [Tutorial] Making your server non hamachi with or without a router.

20-12-09, 12:33 PM
Hello. Today I'm going to tell you, how to make a Arcemu/Mango's/Trinty/Hearthstone-Aspire server, when you havn't got a router, and bring it non hamachi.

Step 1.
To start, you download the repack off your choice, or compile your own repack. This can be done by making a map on the desktop, downloading SVN & Microsoft Visual C++. I'm not going further into this, but for those who're intrested, here's a guide : http://www.ac-web.org/forums/tutorials/54322-arcemu-how-compile-arcemu-tarkkanix.html.

Step 2.
Once downloaded, or compiled the repack, go to DDynDNS.com: Free DNS Hosting, E-mail Delivery, and VPS Hosting (http://www.dyndns.com/) or No-IP - Dynamic DNS, Static DNS for Your Dynamic IP (http://www.no-ip.com/). Create a account on there. They'll send you a registration email, open it, and activate your account. Then go back to the site, and login. I'm showing it for No-ip.com now.

Substep 2.1
Watch The Vid That I enterd.
Step 3.
Changing the details. Open your repack, 'arcemu' then go to 'configs'
Open up 'realms/realm/realmd/ depends on the source that you're using.
Scroll down till you see this part.

<Realm1 Name = "The Name Off Your Realm Here."
Address = "The Adress You Just Made On No-Ip.com here:8129"
Icon = "PVP"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "8">

If you already are using port '8129' your realm won't come online, or you can see it online, but can't logging, you'll keep popping back up on the charracter retrieving. That means the port is wrong. Then open a new port, for example 8130, and change the
<Realm1 Name = "The Name Off Your Realm Here."
Address = "The Adress You Just Made On No-Ip.com here:8129"
Icon = "PVP"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "8">
8129 into 8130.
When you opened a new port in realms, you also have to edit it in your world configs in this part.
<Listen Host = ""
WorldServerPort = "8129">
Just mod the WorldServerPort to 8129.

If you havn't got a router, you're done here. If you have, check step 4.

Step 4.
Opening ports.
Go to portforward.com, and look for the router you have, select it. Then choose the game you need to port forward for, and click on 'World of warcraft' a guide on how to setup your static IP will come (Note. This is not always neccesary) Enter your IP you just setted up, if you setted a static IP up, in your adress bar, and enter your rooter, and open the following ports:
8129 - Or If you choose to use a other port in the previous step, that one
This might not be complete, if not, please look on google for more, I'm 95% sure these ports are all you need.

Step 5.
After port forwarding, set your realmlist, to the party you changed your 'realms' into
<Realm1 Name = "The Name Off Your Realm Here."
Address = "The Adress You Just Made On No-Ip.com here:8129"
Icon = "PVP"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "8">
To the 'The adress You Just Made On No-Ip.com Here' part.

Step 6
Then, the hard part, if you havn't got a router, then you don't need to port forward, for making a account creation site. You need to go into your C drive. Then to Windows => System32 => drivers => Etc, then you'll see a file called 'host'. If you have Vista, copy & paste this on your desktop, and open it with notepad. The next part is the same for people with a router, and people without a router. Your host file should look somthing like :

# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host localhost
:: 1 localhost
We're gone focus on the localhost part. The little bit off text above it, isn't important, just leave that like it is. Also the :: 1 localhost, won't be the same for everyone.

Change that into :
<external IP> <DynDNS Address>
<internal IP> <DynDNS Address> <DynDNS Address>
Note, the DynDNS adress, is the adress you made on Dyndns.com or No-Ip.com. ATTENTION FOR THE GUYS WITHOUT A ROUTER THE EXTERNAL & ITERNAL ARE THE SAME.

The external IP can be found by going to this site :
My IP address? Free IP Address tracer, IP address lookup, IP address finder (http://www.ip-adress.com/)
Your Iternal IP can be found by opening run , or your start menu, for windows vista users. In here you type CMD, the one on the screenshot.

Then type ipconfig in the box. Like this :

Then hit 'enter' and a whole list will pop up, you just need your Ipv4 adress, this is your Iternal IP.

Step 7.
Now, download Xamp, or Wampserver, or just use the apache, which was in your repack, as standard. I uploaded you guys a simple account creation page, in a htdocs map, just replace everything in the .rar with the inventory off your Xamp or apache Htdocs. if you're running a Wampserver, you have to delete the whole www map, well, everything what is in there, and place the files in the uploaded Htdocs in there.
Here's the link : Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie! (http://filebeam.com/edcc3e59bff28f54edbef4b826c8d967)

Step 8.
Once the files which were in the htdocs I uploaded, are standing in the htdocs off your wampserver/xamp/apache (ONLY IN ONE) open the 'index' file, and change this parts :

$lang="en"; // Language ("en" - english, "ru" - russian)
$title="ServerName"; // Insert the title of your server here
$host="Char Db host"; // HOST for Character database
$user="Char Db user"; // USER for Character database
$password="Char Db pass"; // PASS for Character database
$db="Char Db name"; // NAME of Character database
$hostr="Logonserver Host"; // HOST for Logonserver database
$userr="Logonserver User"; // USER for Logonserver database
$passwordr="Logonserver Pass"; // PASS for Logonserver database
$dbr="LogonDB name"; // NAME of Logonserver database
$database_encoding = 'CP1251'; // Set encoding
$img_base = "img/"; // Image dir
$server = "Your realmlist"; // Ascent Server Address
$port = "Your server Port"; // Ascent Server Port
$lock_acc=0; // Lock created account to IP address (1 - on, 0 - off)
$lock_reg=0; // Registration only one (or more) account from one IP address
// 0 - not limit, 1 - one acc, 2 - two acc, etc...
& this little part
Welcome to <b>SERVER NAME</b>, Our Team Hope That You'll Have Fun. To Register, Simply Make An Account, And Login. You're Realmlist Has To Be Set To 'REALMLIST <p><li>To get back to the homepage - <a href="HOMEPAGE">Click here</a><br>

Then just launch your Xamp, or Wampserver, or Apache, and your site is running. I advise using Wampserver for this, you just have to download it, it'll pop up in your bar, next to your clock etc, left click on this, and press 'put online' then 'start all services' with Apache, you just click on the Apache.bat

Step 9.
To run your server, running the MySQL.bat, from the folder 'server' & then logonserver.exe & world.exe.

I hope this guide helped you guys.

~If you need any help, please, feel free & post here.:cool::eek: