View Full Version : [ManGOS] [How to] Make a Vanilla 1.12.1 Server Of Your Own in Less than 20 minutes

07-05-17, 12:04 AM
I wanted to post a Guide for everyone, where you can Create a Vanilla Server in just a Few Minutes of your Time!

Please comment below!..

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VIRUS SCANS -- Each Link.

1) Nostalrius Installer - Link1 Scan (https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/5f3d6bd3f0e93ccfcde46b567c0c94cf61db37c94d75f857d5 e5a9fef53faac1/analysis/)
Nostalrius Installer -Link 2 Scan (https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/796e29fd9156b3ecb1f3cf3599e8eaa6549efe5c04e87332a0 441374c5a5fabc/analysis/)
2) Altera WoW - Download Link - Virus Scan (https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/0251d46b75fcb93fedbfc5cffa45ed83d869bd35ee8a4dcec0 ca46f0bdfdde82/analysis/1466466975/)
3)Maps.rar - Link Scan (https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/3dd0916f1387978f2304176607823e4d3a9387ad265a71c1c3 e7553b5dd0cc2b/analysis/1466467033/)
4) VMaps.rar - Link Scan (https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/3dd0916f1387978f2304176607823e4d3a9387ad265a71c1c3 e7553b5dd0cc2b/analysis/)
5)Realmlist.wtf - Link Scan (https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/71216ea7e98991af2c7f6226d581d2ba513e14cc585f8e8d0f 6cf04bf112f755/analysis/)
6) .net framework - Link Scan (https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/45c8040b2afb70968ca0cc59f73084040f5a2c65c1356ede9c 0c4d8284be5176/analysis/)

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Files You Will Need : - Download in Any Order.

1) Download Vanilla WoW 1.12.1 Client -- ( This is the NOSTALRIUS WoW Installer :

DOWNLOAD LINK :: Nostalrius 1.12.1 Client Download - Link 1 (https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0BzSlx0-kMjTtdk9hYXVYVEdueWs&export=download)

-- OR -- ( If Link Above Is Broken ) -
Nostalrius 1.12.1 Client Download - LINK 2 (if Link1 DOEST WORK) (https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0BzSlx0-kMjTtYkxSWjhSZUNHaHM&export=download)


2) AlterWoW Vanilla Repack for patch 1.12.x v3.5 (x86) :

DOWNLOAD ::AlterWoW 1.12.1 Download Link (http://www.mediafire.com/download/qrpsdyvdms1ylyx/AlterWoW+Vanilla+Repack+v3.5.rar)


3) Maps 1.12.1

Maps.rar - Download Link ( Download MAPS + VMAPS ) (https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8t14iz2mip3st/1_12_dbc-maps-vmaps)


4) VMaps 1.12.1

VMaps.rar - Download Link ( Download MAPS + VMAPS ) (https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8t14iz2mip3st/1_12_dbc-maps-vmaps)


5) Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.1 - If you Have this Already - Skip!

DOWNLOAD LINK:: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 - Download - CHIP (http://www.chip.de/downloads/Microsoft-.NET-Framework-4.5.2_36595082.html)


6) Download My Custom Realmlist.wtf --- ( Custom just means )

DOWNLOAD LINK:: https://mega.nz/#!qtJAEKgR!3loW3HTYCg_EIICIEoode9UjSDinUUNS12aLtgp SiHw

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Now that you have the Required Files, lets begin! -- Its VERY SIMPLE from here on out.

NOTE: LEAVE All 3 Command Prompts OPEN!!

1) Extract AlteraWoW 1.12.1.rar to Desktop ( or a folder of your choosing.)

2) Open Folder
Desktop\AlterWoW Blizzlike 1.12.1 Repack\MaNGOS

3) Extract
Maps.rar INTO Folder --
Desktop\AlterWoW Blizzlike 1.12.1 Repack\MaNGOS

4) Extract
VMaps.rar INTO Folder --
Desktop\AlterWoW Blizzlike 1.12.1 Repack\MaNGOS

Steps 5 - 7 - DO IN ORDER!

5) Navigate to Folder
Desktop\AlterWoW Blizzlike 1.12.1 Repack\Server --- And click
--- A Red Command Prompt should open. -- LEAVE THIS OPEN!

6) Navigate to Folder
Desktop\AlterWoW Blizzlike 1.12.1 Repack\MaNGOS -- And Click
--- A New Command Prompt Window will Open --- LEAVE THIS OPEN!

7) Navigate to Folder
Desktop\AlterWoW Blizzlike 1.12.1 Repack\MaNGOS -- And Click
--- A 3rd Command Prompt Window should open --- LEAVE THIS OPEN

--- So, in total, you should have 3 command prompt windows open by now! We are almost done!!! only a few commands, and good to go!..

8) In the Mangosd.exe Command Prompt (Last one you Opened) -

Please type in the Following:

Account Create (Account name) ( Account Password.) ---- EXAMPLE --->
Account Create Bokutoxoc 123irock

--- If you SUCCEDED - you would see an "Account Created + Null in the Command promopt" otherwise, you would see Unknown command. and you have to Retry.

9) After creating your account ( Remember your account name ) Do the Following In The Same Command Prompt "Mangosd.exe" ----->
Account set gmlevel (account name) 3 1
-- EXAMPLE (Same Accnt Name as Above.) --->
Account set gmlevel Bokutoxoc 3 1

--- Success means you would see a message like " SQL Update: " otherwise it would give you an ERROR in the Prompt and you have to Retry.

What this does, is Sets your NEWLY Created account -- Which you created in Step 8 --- And makes it a GM level account.

LEAVE All 3 Command Prompts OPEN!!

10) Navigate to your WoW Folder --- DOWNLOAD ---> Realmlist.wtf File (https://mega.nz/#!zkBkDIjZ!8vpKR8dCOR7o9PbRMvyNsa-zOiInfcn9tbr5l3GFQ_I) ( Link was Posted Above! ) --- And PUT It Into your World Of Warcraft Directory (Where your WoW.Exe is )

set realmlist --- Is what you can put into a Realmlist.wtf File of your Own.

11) Launch WoW --- LOGIN Using the Account Details you used when in the Command Prompt -- EXAMPLE -->
Name: Bokutoxoc -- Password: 123irock


I Hope you Enjoyed my Tutorial... Simple GM Commands::



>> Alle GM Befehle für Mangos << - !!!!! WICHTIG !!!!! (http://www.iphpbb.com/foren-archiv/19/1164800/1164240/gtgt-alle-gm-befehle-fuer-mangos-ltlt-77242069-63152-76.html)

Use -- AoWoW - World of Warcraft Database (http://db.vanillagaming.org/) -- To Find " ID Numbers "

Select what Item / Quesst u want, In the Web Page- Address Bar You will see ' Numbers ' Towards the End of it - THIS is the ID Number..

vanillagaming org/?item=21408 --- 21408 = Your Number.

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Big Thanks To -- Link Owners:
Nostalrius Forums - Client Download
Mediafire - Hosting the Links