View Full Version : Spell kicker - Interrupt cast - Autoit ( no memory read ) - any wow version

30-03-17, 11:23 AM
Spell kicker is a tool to interrupt enemy spell cast at best time possible : At the end of the cast bar / Beginning of the cast bar for channeled spells
This version uses LUA + AutoIt script to get the job done. This means it's very hard to automatically get detected by blizzard ( you can still get reported by players )
Supports almost all wow versions ( tested on Cataclysm 4.3.4 and WOD 6.x )

Current version :
- v5 : only tested on a private server using duel

What is supported now :
- hard to detect by blizz
- interrupt main target spell casting
- interrupt focus target spell casting
- interrupt any arena opponent spell casting even if not targeted ( if possible ) ( you have to add keybinds for it )
- lag compensation
- adjustable timers to fine tune moment of interrupt ( end of the cast bar at millisecond precision )
- setting to avoid interrupting instant cast spells
- most class interrupt spells included by default ( let me know if i forgot some )
- optional spell white list( only interrupt these spells ) ( by default list is empty )
- optional spell blacklist( interrupt anything but these ) ( by default list is empty )
- optional to only interrupt if target is bursting ( included some names by default but you need to set NumberOfBurstAuras = 1 )
- do NOT interrupt if target is spell shielded ( enabled by default )
- anti bot fake cast protection ( check if target is specced for that spell + only interrupt at last moment )( default list is empty )
- option to only interrupt spells that are buffed by specific auras ( bad ex : only interrupt Exorcism if target has Holy Avenger )
- GUI for quick keybind setup
- option to resend spell cast on failed cast ( latency / silence.. )
- option to use cyrilic ( UTF-8 ) keys for keybinds ( not practically tested )
- free, open source. You can change it and use your own version. Please post all your changes here, even if it is very small ( it makes me happy )

What will support when fully ready :
- all possible interrupt spells for all classes for all wow versions
- better radius check for AOE interrupts ( freez, silence .. )
- adjustable CPU usage for LUA

Known issues :
- if you can not see the addon in addon list, you might need to put correct interface version in KickBot.toc file. Wotlk : 30000, Cataclysm 40000, MOP 50000, WOD 60000
- SendBackKeys.au3 is sending strange keys to wow.exe. It's because you are probably running wow.exe in 64 bit mode and the script runs in 32 bit mode ( or the other way ). You need to run autoit and wow in the same build mode.
- if SendBackKeys.au3 can not find the green box. Try to use wow in windowed mode ( can be full screen )
- having the LUA window on a secondary monitor will give an error, as mouse can not be moved there to detect the LUA frame under it.

Setup :
- copy LUA addon to your wow addon directory
- on first login you will see a greenish box in the middle of the screen. Put it somewhere where it is not covered by other windows and does not bother you.
- setup keybinds ( keyboard button you would press for a spell cast..)
- make sure you run wow in windowed mode ( can be full screen )
- Alt + tab. Start SendBackKeys_x32.exe ( or SendBackKeys_x64.exe if you have 64 bit wow.exe ).
- Optional : Open KickBot.lua and read / change variable values to make the addon even better for your needs
- Optional : if you are pro enough, rename the whole addon to some random name. Blizzard can see addon names. You can use "GenerateRandomAddonName.au3" to generate a new semirandom addon name

How you can help me :
- if you think there is anything i can do to improve this software than post here. Ex : Spells that can interrupt(stun, silence, interrupt) and it is missing from the Bot
- if there is a bug / client version that is not working, let me know about it
- if you download it and use it, say thanks in this thread, it makes my epeen grow and make other tools.


Download link :

Example macroes for the keybinds :

/cast InterruptSpell

/cast [target=focus] InterruptSpell

/cast [target=arena1] InterruptSpell


/cast [target=arena5] InterruptSpell

Edit : Since some people wonder why there is an EXE for this bot. It's the compiled version of SendBackKeys.au3. You can use the autoit version directly. No need to use the exe. The exe was made for people who do not have autoit installed.