View Full Version : Untrix is Recruiting!

21-11-09, 02:59 PM

~Were an new emulator
~We will be the best
~Were recuiting devs
~The devs must know c++ and SQl
~There must be much expirence in Both of scripting languages
~You must be expirenced enought to script an emulator
~You must be some way active
~And yes we have devs Who is that can script like that
~We will be opensource when we will be done a time
~The svn will be only able for devs
~Bacouse if some ppl will use it to flame us in some way
~We will copy some files from Mangos based emulators
~Not the Game files
~Only a few files to make an .exe
~We will script Client Support by our self and Game
~and any other core files
~We will not have any world character or logon structure like
~Trinitycore2 or Mangos Or any Antrix based core
~But we will take some dataz like ACE to compile
~We will be much different anyway
~We will plan to have our own Lua++ engine
~It will not have as much commands as the curent one
~To start with

So what we willl work with is

Client Support
Game files
Core files
Logon files

Then the Scripting Engine we will take later.

Our application format

Real name:
Nick name:
Age:I dont like to set minimum age but its 13 you need to be 13!
GMT time zone:
Expirence with c++ and sql:You will need to make some commits in the first 3 days of work
Able time to be online:
Whats our operating system:

I will send your my MSN if your will get accepted

And the Questions and answers

Question-Will we copy From Antrix based emulators?
Answer-Ofcourse no

Question-Will be copy from Mangos Or any Trinitycore emulators?
Answer-We are copying ACE files etc

Question-What will be copyed then?
Answer-Etc The DBC support I think we will have different maps extractor from other cores and we will copy some of the ACE files to run the world and logon

Question-What the core will look like most?
Answer-The core will look Much Ascent based on how its runs
but it will be a little Mangos based and rest will be scripted by our self?

Question-Will the Emulator Support Vehicles?
Answer-Sure it will altso i think there will be an option in the configs where ur can able and disable the vehicles

Question-Will be luaengine be like the current Ascent ones?
Answer-No it will be true different but it will be in and Src folder and will be compiled into an dll like the current one.

Question-Will the commands be same as the current lua++ engines?
Answer-I hope yes but there will sure be many new ones

Question-How did you find To name the Core Untrix?
Answer-Its like Antrix the first core of all for The Ascent ones its really named Ascent Based but its really Antrix based i dont know the difference betwen ascent based ones and antrix i were only gm on servers when antrix did exist but commands were same so the letter is changed it could easily be named Yntrix Entrix Ontrix Intrix too but i think that Untrix were the best ur hear the U letter good tho.

Question-Who are the current Developers of the core?
Answer-Its Secret i dont know if they allow me to tell but there are enought to make an whole new emulator from scratch

Question-Whats the Site for the emulator?
Answer-Theres no site yet and will not be before the core is fully done.

Question-Do you think the core will be popular?
Answer-Yes it will be Stable as Mangos with Lua++ support and Easy to Setup As Arcemu so it sure will be

Question-But how will you get Databases for the core?
Answer-We will try to make some converter and setup some un-official Database Projects but were not that long yet so its no worries about it right now

Question-What will we work with currently?
Answer-In getting the console to work And abillity to login ingame use spells etc.

Question-Will The Scripts Look same as the Mangos based ones?
Answer-No They Will be A way different From The Antrix and Mangos based ones

Question-What will the emulator use Svn,Git,TortiseHG etc?
Answer-Svn it means TortiseSvn

Question-Will the Svn be Released yet?
Answer-Ofcourse no we will hold it secret.

Question-Will the Game master commands be same like in the Antrix and Mangos based cores?
Answer-Some of them yes but they will be different

21-11-09, 05:10 PM
What can I say, first of all:
We will be the best
that is a personal statement, that is something you should try to exclude as that is your opinion, someone else might thing my Emulator coded in Micrsoft Word, but which is currently not working, but has the best essay format ever, is the best emulator.
So, always exclude personal opinions.

Loads of sentences that could be rephrased, let a friend check your post out before you post it next time :) I don't like your bulletpoint lay-out, especially when you change to a new bulletpoint in the middle of a sentence like:
"~You must be expirenced enought to script an emulator

Anyways, I don't know you, and I don't know much about the project, but I don't like to be a ****tard pessimist, so I say Good Luck :)

22-11-09, 08:31 AM
What can I say, first of all:
We will be the best
that is a personal statement, that is something you should try to exclude as that is your opinion, someone else might thing my Emulator coded in Micrsoft Word, but which is currently not working, but has the best essay format ever, is the best emulator.
So, always exclude personal opinions.

Loads of sentences that could be rephrased, let a friend check your post out before you post it next time :) I don't like your bulletpoint lay-out, especially when you change to a new bulletpoint in the middle of a sentence like:
"~You must be expirenced enought to script an emulator

Anyways, I don't know you, and I don't know much about the project, but I don't like to be a ****tard pessimist, so I say Good Luck :)

blah blah.

altso we got tesla source its working fine but we will be improving it tesla source is an other emulator from scrath it has not ben released before.

22-11-09, 11:18 AM
blah blah.

altso we got tesla source its working fine but we will be improving it tesla source is an other emulator from scrath it has not ben released before.

That answer is just arrogant and *****y, you get no respect from me.

22-11-09, 11:29 AM
That answer is just arrogant and *****y, you get no respect from me.
Uh uh...


What do you need SQL devs for ?

22-11-09, 11:44 AM
lol this guys is the same who made shyemu and shyemu=arcemu

22-11-09, 01:33 PM
lol this guys is the same who made shyemu and shyemu=arcemu

Shyemu = arcemu
Arcemu =a copy/paste production by hasbro and hes fail team
they took codes from (ascent/antrix)

22-11-09, 03:42 PM
Shyemu = arcemu
Arcemu =a copy/paste production by hasbro and hes fail team
they took codes from (ascent/antrix)

repped finaly some people who Critic them with that i throught that shyemu were the only to get critic by take from arcemu.

and were based of an core from scratch currently etc fixing compile rite now.

Coolmanbob had an emulator from scratch made by him soo its gonna be succes bacouse he had tested it an says its working.

and i release the svn when we get all compiles fully working an some way more fixed etc.
easy to use.

22-11-09, 03:57 PM
VVV and his failed ArcEmu copies.

22-11-09, 05:12 PM
repped finaly some people who Critic them with that i throught that shyemu were the only to get critic by take from arcemu.

and were based of an core from scratch currently etc fixing compile rite now.

Coolmanbob had an emulator from scratch made by him soo its gonna be succes bacouse he had tested it an says its working.

and i release the svn when we get all compiles fully working an some way more fixed etc.
easy to use.

Go to school and learn more English + learn it on internet and talk with English people.

You know many words but you need to learn grammar and spelling :)

Regards, Dimman (sorry if this post is retorded im dead tired... )

23-11-09, 03:12 PM
VVV and his failed ArcEmu copies.

I know it was a fail to copy Eternalcore who copyed a fail.

Go to school and learn more English + learn it on internet and talk with English people.

You know many words but you need to learn grammar and spelling :)

Regards, Dimman (sorry if this post is retorded im dead tired... )

i know my grammar is bad iam using the Russian one currently and i little danish grammer.

23-11-09, 03:51 PM
I know it was a fail to copy Eternalcore who copyed a fail.

i know my grammar is bad I'm using the Russian one currently and i little danish grammar.
Read more books and practice :D

If you are using Firefox try use this addon it will help you with spelling :D
Link :English Dictionary Firefox Addon (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6526)

24-11-09, 11:26 AM
is using firefox and gonna check it

24-11-09, 02:16 PM
is using firefox and gonna check it
OK, :) it will help you ;)

25-11-09, 09:17 AM
Altso were recuiting Fully expirenced Developers now.

Altso were using Openssl and Svn boost for or compiles so ur should know how to fix that if some of ur wanna get accepted.
And were Looking for some Expirenced Scripters for the Authserver and gameserver Directory work not the Framework folder currently,
Like always ur should be expirenced with C++ like Coolmanbob or Nearly as good as him,
Bacouse the directories is named Authserver gameserver framework etc it not means were using mangos or trinitycore altso were not going to use ACE anyway,
So no copying.

25-11-09, 01:54 PM

25-11-09, 03:18 PM

i dont take that as a flame but if ur stop to flame my threads it can end up with iam going to give ur an rep like on ur soulstone-kamical thread.

and were currently getting lua to work.

is compiling its mabye gonna succes this time,

28-11-09, 01:39 AM
I just have a feeling, this project will fail horribly...
Lmao...Good Luck with all that shit you wanna do...
And Good Luck finding all the devs to do the shit you want.

29-11-09, 05:25 PM
I just have a feeling, this project will fail horribly...
Lmao...Good Luck with all that shit you wanna do...
And Good Luck finding all the devs to do the shit you want.

il loled.when ur use the word shit then i smell fear.
youre pissed off currently Doesnt have anything to do.
And ur mabye know c++ but not good enought.
And denied.
Il got enought devs currently.
No need of more this thread can get closed now.

29-11-09, 11:55 PM
Wow! Check it out a new emulator have not seen that in a while.

01-12-09, 03:07 AM
I wasn't applying...

01-12-09, 03:18 PM
just ur know that ur cant get accepted and were starting up shyemu as second project and helping an other project tho.

01-12-09, 03:51 PM
ITT: Future failed emus

01-12-09, 04:40 PM
Say what ur want i got devs whos better then ur lol.
Complain all ur want flame all ur want i dont care!
youre thinking that iam just shutting it down after 3days of flamming.

01-12-09, 04:44 PM
Say what ur want i got devs whos better then ur lol.
Complain all ur want flame all ur want i dont care!
youre thinking that iam just shutting it down after 3days of flamming.

Don't expect it to end in 3 days but after a few months you will probly drop of the radar.

02-12-09, 06:54 AM
Lol were developing shyemu tho igain.
So 3 cores Were getting the helping project to 3.2.2 support and joining it after!

09-12-09, 08:45 PM
Lmao, I already got 3.3 supported :)

14-12-09, 05:37 PM
WigSplit you can use any 3.2.2 emu on 3.3 client, auth stuff and basic queries did not change so you are just a retard you were always, **** off.

23-12-09, 04:28 PM
Azolex iam confused?
An arcemu dev helping me?
bug altso its not right altso shyemu got to 3.3 before arc its right bug.
and 3.2.2 client cant handle 3.3 much things changed i have tested it out.
and not everything is working in the core bcs of much changes in 3.3