View Full Version : [TrinityCore] AzerothCore Repack | Open Source | x64 | Best WoTLK Repack [3.3.5]

30-10-16, 02:11 AM

The open source MMORPG server application

Hello ! I would like to present you AzerothCore, a community driven core with only one goal, provide a bug free experience for your entertainement.

.::. Information .::.

What's AzerothCore ? It's based on Sunwell core with few changes such as :

Modular Structure (https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/wiki/The-Modular-Structure)
Easy to create/update your database (https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/wiki/Installation#6-setting-up-the-database)
Active community (we are on gitter !) (https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/graphs/contributors)
Never heard of sunwell? click me ! (http://www.azerothcore.org/pages/sunwell.pl/)

.::. Why us ?.::.

Our main goal is to create a playable game server, offering a fully working game experience. In short, we focus on the user experience (UX).

We also believe in software modularity, because the more the software is modular, and the more it will be easy to be maintained, understood, developed, etc... So we organized the structure of AzerothCore as modular as possible, giving the possibility to create new modules to add custom features (instead of patching the core).

AzerothCore is a learning project. If you want to learn how to use C++, SQL, git, etc... you came to the right place! We will gladly to help you: programming is our passion.

.::. Links.::.

Git repo : https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk
Gitter : https://gitter.im/azerothcore/azerothcore
Wiki : https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/wiki
Data : https://mega.nz/#F!9dYjjaJD!cmFzgTEn...f2yLQ!BQwihAYA (https://mega.nz/#F!9dYjjaJD!cmFzgTEnM-9AZ6pfNf2yLQ!BQwihAYA)
Repack : https://mega.nz/#!P98h0SjJ!UDHwt_PCe...JxkQHX8aamgSIU (https://mega.nz/#!P98h0SjJ!UDHwt_PCeSeojRDbQOnKEljLzXp6oJxkQHX8aam gSIU) Compiled in x64
Issue Tracker : https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/issues

.::. Repack Installation.::.

You need to have mysql up and running !!! you can download it HERE (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.6.html) or use an portable one !

You'll need to create 3 database called world,characters and auth, once you've done that apply the sql located in AzerothBin.7z.
Now you'll need DBC, maps, vmaps and mmaps which can be downloaded above ( click on Data ) put dbc[etc..] in the same folder as the core, remove .dist from configuration files and modify them to your liking.

don't forget to change the mysql info from the conf or the core won't boot !

Admin account(level 4) by default, the credentials are dany password dany

01-11-16, 03:12 AM

27-04-17, 06:59 AM
Hello to everyone, here are the [NEW] releases compiled with the latest updates on Windows 10 64-bit:

Official Release

X86 (Without-Maps) 3.3.5a (clean-source) (32-bit) MySQL 5.6 - No-Maps.rar (https://mega.nz/#!RBUz1CwY!whtlol0nhVGusTiq9QJ7kSg9J-RzT9Ix2YXOtYdkNQk)
x64 (Without-Maps) 3.3.5a (clean-source) (64-bit) MySQL 5.6 - No-Maps.rar (https://mega.nz/#!gZc23brB!TVeSfFDCmfjkfEOR4D1ZvYaAf6bJqlgmS2FAhEV AhOQ)

[CUSTOM] Release

Added Modules: Transmog, Anticheat, DuelReset, RandomEnchants, VASAutoBalance

X86 (Without-Maps) 3.3.5a (With-Modules) (32-bit) MySQL 5.6 - No-Maps.rar (https://mega.nz/#!QFtS2ZSY!j1Oh8-3HG-JxqWP6f88F2Ru4QhK9JpsZpIXU-KFJop8)
X64 (Without-Maps) 3.3.5a (With-Modules) (64-bit) MySQL 5.6 - No-Maps.rar (https://mega.nz/#!VBlzHazY!H7pcirdepf5UIebccdBrQ74HxYQt2qe3cBrZUnX Y-GY)

[NEW] maps:

(dbc (https://mega.nz/#!gU0CWRaT!FvYXcsqD0OFd2rz-IdloTKuaBPzXjallkaPSnCNJi2s), maps (https://mega.nz/#!wVcVkBRS!6HPovXMjUe3m1Rf_aTMvR_UXz0wHaGShJwxHPJz wttw), mmaps (https://mega.nz/#!lU1xhIaD!Y-PsmCNhLfw6UQSwrHl2ZSa_bsV-1q43YbDIF5JC18U), vmaps (https://mega.nz/#!4QFgRaLb!yUp99--wSHdxTlSSrtxURwm_GHTVBPjfVKTWSmSqJzI))

27-04-17, 09:49 AM
Really nice, thanks for sharing @irome

29-04-17, 03:23 PM
Hi Irome, i've installed the repack and download all four data folders, i think i provided all the info to where it should be but im having problems getting the world server to run as it shuts down almost inmediately after launch. I think im doing something wrong but i don't know where exactly.

So far i started mysql server and then authserver and then world server, but this last one shuts down.

30-04-17, 03:44 AM
Hi Irome, i've installed the repack and download all four data folders, i think i provided all the info to where it should be but im having problems getting the world server to run as it shuts down almost inmediately after launch. I think im doing something wrong but i don't know where exactly.

So far i started mysql server and then authserver and then world server, but this last one shuts down.

Hi Monoman

To help you, I need to know what error you get from worldserver.exe.
To know the error you need to create a .txt file, open it, enter the following data:


Save, and rename the extension of .txt to .bat
After you start mysql_start.bat, authserver.exe and finally the file you created, and see what is the last message written in the worldserver.exe

However, all maps (data, maps, vmaps, mmpas) must be located within the "Core/data" folder

30-04-17, 02:46 PM
Hi Irome, thanks for the help. I just managed to launch the worldserver and get the text file -3-'. The data folder contained double folders like "data/maps/maps/" or "data/dbc/dbc/" so after i fixed that, i launched the server and loaded until it closed again and gave this messages:

017-04-30 16:06:41 ERROR: WORLD: World initialized in 2 minutes 33 seconds
2017-04-30 16:06:41
2017-04-30 16:06:41 Guild Daily Cap reset.
2017-04-30 16:06:41 worldserver process priority class set to HIGH
2017-04-30 16:06:41 Starting up Auction House Listing thread...
2017-04-30 16:06:41 Max allowed socket connections 1024
2017-04-30 16:06:41 ERROR: Failed to open acceptor, check if the port is free
2017-04-30 16:06:41 ERROR: Failed to start network
2017-04-30 16:06:41 Auction House Listing thread exiting without problems.
2017-04-30 16:06:42 AzerothCore rev. 604fa387b53d 2017-04-18 18:55:36 +0200 (master branch) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon) ready...
2017-04-30 16:06:44 Instance ID reset occurred, sending updated calendar and raid info to all players!
2017-04-30 16:06:50 Halting process...

01-05-17, 03:47 AM
Hi Irome, thanks for the help. I just managed to launch the worldserver and get the text file -3-'. The data folder contained double folders like "data/maps/maps/" or "data/dbc/dbc/" so after i fixed that, i launched the server and loaded until it closed again and gave this messages:

Your firewall or antivirus prevents worldserver.exe from opening ports to communicate with the client.

Try Windows settings to add authserver.exe and worldserver.exe to firewall exceptions, and check the same thing with your antivirus.

01-05-17, 08:35 PM
It worked, it was the windows firewall who was stoping the worldserver.exe. I managed to run it flawlesly. Thank you Irome. :D

Now i just have to play a bit and see the changes.

Finally a couple of interrogants about the server.
First one, is there a program like Quice or Trice to manage the sql tables on the core to say create quest, npc and items?.

And the second one, Worldserver.exe is using up to 1.392.000 kb. and Mysql is using 690.000.kb of memory. Is this a normal amount of memory usage?.

Again thank you Irome for the help. I was very lost and your guide lead me quite nicely to fix everything.

02-05-17, 03:36 PM
It worked, it was the windows firewall who was stoping the worldserver.exe. I managed to run it flawlesly. Thank you Irome. :D

Now i just have to play a bit and see the changes.

Finally a couple of interrogants about the server.
First one, is there a program like Quice or Trice to manage the sql tables on the core to say create quest, npc and items?.

And the second one, Worldserver.exe is using up to 1.392.000 kb. and Mysql is using 690.000.kb of memory. Is this a normal amount of memory usage?.

Again thank you Irome for the help. I was very lost and your guide lead me quite nicely to fix everything.

There should be a similar tool, try checking here: https://github.com/azerothcore
However if you run 32-bit azerothcore it is normal that memory is used.

27-06-17, 12:32 PM
Thank you I test, a small question: your repack it has the last correction ???

03-07-17, 05:25 AM
How do i start the server? If i open it it imediatelly closes again. On worldserver.exe and auth-server.exe

18-10-17, 05:53 PM
Hi everyone, after a long wait finally came the [NEW] release compiled with the latest updates on Windows 10 64-bit:

Official Release



x86 (Oct-17-2017) 3.3.5a (Clean-Release) (32-bit) MySQL 5.6 - No-Maps.rar (https://mega.nz/#!QAVFCYTR!Tgg-c94SvFHyXaGGcsyCy_7CZiPuYGp7LuX4WP9OQWA)
x64 (Oct-17-2017) 3.3.5a (Clean-Release) (64-bit) MySQL 5.6 - No-Maps.rar (https://mega.nz/#!QYlgCCgK!ncLPZKkJCTknfWhr95aAH3hNAoa0qHK6FWD3Y3T Xmtk)

01-11-17, 05:36 AM
[CUSTOM] Release

Added Modules:
AccountAchievements, Anticheat, BossAnnouncer, CongratsOnLevel, CustomLogin, CustomServer, DuelReset, GMSecurity, LearnSpells, MoneyForKills, NPCAllMounts, NPCBeastMaster, NPCBuffer, NPCCodebox, NPCEnchanter, NPCGambler, PremiumAccount, PvPTitles, RandomEnchants, RewardSystem, SoloCraft, StartGuild, Transmog, VASAutoBalance


x86 (Nov-01-2017) 3.3.5a (With-Modules) (32-bit) MySQL 5.6 - No-Maps.rar (https://mega.nz/#!1I8yVayJ!LPuw4paTvjq3l-WXR_XD82WIRvswP4xmuOG2e6yi2OU)
x64 (Nov-01-2017) 3.3.5a (With-Modules) (64-bit) MySQL 5.6 - No-Maps.rar (https://mega.nz/#!ZBthnIDK!gCEG2lKofMZCQx-zpAPH0K53eiZeWLa-x2kNOi3orHo)

17-01-21, 07:20 PM
Will this be made available again?