View Full Version : [TrinityCore] JadeCore548-patched - free source + MOP 5.4.8 Repack

09-10-16, 03:11 AM
We have a good source out of here - and it's FREE!


Yes, you say - It's 5.4.7 not 5.4.8 - we have Patched exe file for this source - use it and all will be good!

- many crashes fixed
- many quests fixed
- exclusive SmartAI scripts added ( already scripted all Cataclysm Expansion zones )
- many SmartAI scripts added with phases
- many spells and talents works
- many C++ scripts added ( most of opensource)
- many DB errors fixed
- and much more.....
We just need more people - feelfree to help us!

Download Repack ( by gosa, thanks a lot)

https://mega.nz/#!DctERQpQ!awQz6tmEK...00M-S2F6f0HUt4 (https://mega.nz/#!DctERQpQ!awQz6tmEKSoYRwiO3zYeUQNTqj2-o00M-S2F6f0HUt4)


https://mega.nz/#!W0EABZiA!b05daLn4j...YKNAoIP8Rjm3aY (https://mega.nz/#!W0EABZiA!b05daLn4jQyRmM5T464ul-Niy5kBQYKNAoIP8Rjm3aY)
(thanks to Mysterium for the link )

24-10-16, 04:59 PM
A lot of things it does not work, it is better not to use, x64 not found

Ни хрена он не работает, лучше не использовать, 64 нету вообще