View Full Version : ArcEmu New Commands :O

03-08-08, 01:48 PM
ArcEmu has changed commands , so here are the new commands , not too much changes ,but there you go :

commands (0) - [Shows Commands]
help (0) - [Shows help for command]
announce (u) - [Sends Msg To All]
wannounce (u) - [Sends Widescreen Msg To All]
appear (v) - [Teleports to x's position.]
summon (v) - [Summons x to your position]
kill (r) - [.kill - Kills selected unit.]
killplr (r) - [.killplr <name> - Kills specified player]
revive (r) - [Revives you.]
reviveplr (r) - [Revives player specified.]
demorph (m) - [Demorphs from morphed model.]
mount (m) - [Mounts into modelid x.]
dismount (h) - [Dismounts.]
gps (0) - [Shows Position]
worldport (v) - Missing description!
start (m) - [Teleport's you to a starting location]
invincible (j) - [.invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you)]
invisible (i) - [.invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages)]
playerinfo (m) - [.playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...)]
levelup (m) - [Levelup x lvls]
modify (m) - Missing description!

hp (m) - [Health Points/HP]
gender (m) - [Changes gender 0=male / 1=female.]
mana (m) - [Mana Points/MP]
rage (m) - [Rage Points]
energy (m) - [Energy Points]
level (m) - [Level]
armor (m) - [Armor]
holy (m) - [Holy Resistance]
fire (m) - [Fire Resistance]
nature (m) - [Nature Resistance]
frost (m) - [Frost Resistance]
shadow (m) - [Shadow Resistance]
arcane (m) - [Arcane Resistance]
damage (m) - [Unit Damage Min/Max]
scale (m) - [Size/Scale]
gold (m) - [Gold/Money/Copper]
speed (m) - [Movement Speed]
nativedisplayid (m) - [Native Display ID]
displayid (m) - [Display ID]
flags (m) - [Unit Flags]
faction (m) - [Faction Template]
dynamicflags (m) - [Dynamic Flags]
talentpoints (m) - [Talent Points]
happiness (m) - [Happiness]
spirit (m) - [Spirit]
boundingraidius (m) - [Bounding Radius]
combatreach (m) - [Combat Reach]
emotestate (m) - [NPC Emote State]
bytes (m) - [Bytes]

waypoint (w) - Missing description!

add (w) - [Add wp at current pos]
show (w) - [Show wp's for creature]
hide (w) - [Hide wp's for creature]
delete (w) - [Delete selected wp]
movehere (w) - [Move to this wp]
flags (w) - [Wp flags]
waittime (w) - [Wait time at this wp]
emote (w) - [Emote at this wp]
skin (w) - [Skin at this wp]
change (w) - [Change at this wp]
info (w) - [Show info for wp]
movetype (w) - [Movement type at wp]
generate (w) - [Randomly generate wps]
save (w) - [Save all waypoints]
deleteall (w) - [Delete all waypoints]
addfly (w) - [Adds a flying waypoint]

debug (d) - Missing description!

infront (d) - Missing description!
showreact (d) - Missing description!
aimove (d) - Missing description!
dist (d) - Missing description!
face (d) - Missing description!
moveinfo (d) - Missing description!
setbytes (d) - Missing description!
getbytes (d) - Missing description!
unroot (d) - Missing description!
root (d) - Missing description!
landwalk (d) - Missing description!
waterwalk (d) - Missing description!
castspell (d) - [.castspell <spellid> - Casts spell on target.]
castself (d) - [.castself <spellId> - Target casts spell <spellId> on itself.]
castspellne (d) - [.castspellne <spellid> - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc.]
aggrorange (d) - [.aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature.]
knockback (d) - [.knockback <value> - Knocks you back.]
fade (d) - [.fade <value> - calls ModThreatModifyer().]
threatMod (d) - [.threatMod <value> - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer().]
calcThreat (d) - [.calcThreat <dmg> <spellId> - calculates threat.]
threatList (d) - [.threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature.]
gettptime (d) - [grabs transporter travel time]
itempushresult (d) - [sends item push result]
setbit (d) - Missing description!
setvalue (d) - Missing description!
aispelltestbegin (d) - Missing description!
aispelltestcontinue (d) - Missing description!
aispelltestskip (d) - Missing description!
dumpcoords (d) - Missing description!
sendpacket (d) - [<opcode ID>, <data>]
sqlquery (d) - [<sql query>]
rangecheck (d) - [Checks the 'yard' range and internal range between the player and the target.]
setallratings (d) - [Sets rating values to incremental numbers based on their index.]
testlos (d) - [tests los]
testindoor (d) - [tests indoor]
getheight (d) - [Gets height]
getpos (d) - Missing description!

gmTicket (c) - Missing description!

get (c) - [Gets GM Ticket list.]
getId (c) - [Gets GM Ticket by player name.]
delId (c) - [Deletes GM Ticket by player name.]
list (c) -
[Lists all active GM Tickets.]
get (c) - [Gets GM Ticket with ID x.]
remove (c) - [Removes GM Ticket with ID x.]
deletepermanent (z) - [Deletes GM Ticket with ID x permanently.]
assign (c) - [Assignes GM Ticket with id x to GM y (if empty to your self).]
release (c) - [Releases assigned GM Ticket with ID x.]
comment (c) - [Sets comment x to GM Ticket with ID y.]

gobject (o) - Missing description!

select (o) - [Selects the nearest GameObject to you]
delete (o) - [Deletes selected GameObject]
spawn (o) - [Spawns a GameObject by ID]
info (o) - [Gives you informations about selected GO]
activate (o) - [Activates/Opens the selected GO.]
enable (o) - [Enables the selected GO for use.]
scale (o) - [Sets scale of selected GO]
animprogress (o) - [Sets anim progress]
export (o) - [Exports the current GO selected]
move (g) - [Moves gameobject to player xyz]
rotate (g) - [Rotates gameobject x degrees]

battleground (e) - Missing description!

setbgscore (e) - [<Teamid> <Score> - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments.]
startbg (e) - [Starts current battleground match.]
pausebg (e) - [Pauses current battleground match.]
bginfo (e) - [Displays information about current battleground.]
battleground (e) - [Shows BG Menu]
setworldstate (e) - [<var> <val> - Var can be in hex. WS Value.]
playsound (e) - [<val>. Val can be in hex.]
setbfstatus (e) - [.setbfstatus - NYI.]
leave (e) - [Leaves the current battleground.]
getqueue (z) - [Gets common battleground queue information.]
forcestart (z) - [Forces initialitation of all battlegrounds with active queue.]

npc (n) - Missing description!

vendoradditem (n) - [Adds to vendor]
vendorremoveitem (n) - [Removes from vendor.]
flags (n) - [Changes NPC flags]
emote (n) - [.emote - Sets emote state]
delete (n) - [Deletes mob from db and world.]
info (n) - [Displays NPC information]
addAgent (n) - [.npc addAgent <agent> <procEvent> <procChance> <procCount> <spellId> <spellType> <spelltargetType> <spellCooldown> <floatMisc1> <Misc2>]
listAgent (n) - [.npc listAgent]
say (n) - [.npc say <text> - Makes selected mob say text <text>.]
yell (n) - [.npc yell <Text> - Makes selected mob yell text <text>.]
come (n) - [.npc come - Makes npc move to your position]
return (n) - [.npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint.]
spawn (n) - [.npc spawn - Spawns npc of entry <id>]
spawnlink (n) - [.spawnlink sqlentry]
possess (n) - [.npc possess - Possess an npc (mind control)]
unpossess (n) - [.npc unpossess - Unposses any currently possessed npc.]
select (n) - [.npc select - selects npc closest]
npcfollow (m) - [Sets npc to follow you]
nullfollow (m) - [Sets npc to not follow anything]
formationlink1 (m) - [Sets formation master.]
formationlink2 (m) - [Sets formation slave with distance and angle]
formationclear (m) - [Removes formation from creature]

cheat (m) - Missing description!

status (m) - [Shows active cheats.]
taxi (m) - [Enables all taxi nodes.]
cooldown (m) - [Enables no cooldown cheat.]
casttime (m) - [Enables no cast time cheat.]
power (m) - [Disables mana consumption etc.]
god (m) - [Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage.]
fly (m) - [Sets fly mode]
land (m) - [Unsets fly mode]
explore (m) - [Reveals the unexplored parts of the map.]
flyspeed (m) - [Modifies fly speed.]
stack (m) - [Enables aura stacking cheat.]
triggerpass (m) - [Ignores area trigger prerequisites.]

account (a) - Missing description!

level (z) - [Sets gm level on account. Pass it username and 0,1,2,3,az, etc.]
mute (a) - [Mutes account for <timeperiod>.]
unmute (a) - [Unmutes account <x>]

honor (m) - Missing description!

addpoints (m) - [Adds x amount of honor points/currency]
addkills (m) - [Adds x amount of honor kills]
globaldailyupdate (m) - [Daily honor field moves]
singledailyupdate (m) - [Daily honor field moves for selected player only]
pvpcredit (m) - [Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points]

quest (q) - Missing description!

addboth (2) - [Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as start & finish]
addfinish (2) - [Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as finisher]
addstart (2) - [Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as starter]
delboth (2) - [Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as start & finish]
delfinish (2) - [Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as finisher]
delstart (2) - [Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as starter]
complete (2) - [Complete/Finish quest <id>]
finisher (2) - [Lookup quest finisher for quest <id>]
item (2) - [Lookup itemid necessary for quest <id>]
list (2) -
[Lists the quests for the npc <id>]
load (2) - [Loads quests from database]
lookup (2) - [Looks up quest string x]
giver (2) - [Lookup quest giver for quest <id>]
remove (2) - [Removes the quest <id> from the targeted player]
reward (2) - [Shows reward for quest <id>]
status (2) -
[Lists the status of quest <id>]
spawn (2) - [Port to spawn location for quest <id>]
start (2) - [Starts quest <id>]

pet (m) - Missing description!

createpet (m) - [Creates a pet with <entry>.]
renamepet (m) - [Renames a pet to <name>.]
addspell (m) - [Teaches pet <spell>.]
removespell (m) - [Removes pet spell <spell>.]
spawnbot (a) - [.pet spawnbot <type> - spawn a helper bot for your aid]

recall (q) - Missing description!

list (q) -
[List recall locations]
port (q) - [Port to recalled location]
add (q) - [Add recall location]
del (q) - [Remove a recall location]
portplayer (m) - [recall ports player]

guild (m) - Missing description!

create (m) - [Creates a guild.]
rename (m) - [Renames a guild.]
members (m) -
[Lists guildmembers and their ranks.]
removeplayer (m) - [Removes a player from a guild.]
disband (m) - [Disbands the guild of your target.]

gm (0) - Missing description!

list (0) - [Shows active GM's]
off (t) - [Sets GM tag off]
on (t) - [Sets GM tag on]
whisperblock (g) - [Blocks like .gmon except without the <GM> tag]
allowwhispers (c) - [Allows whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.]
blockwhispers (c) - [Blocks whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.]

server (0) - Missing description!

setmotd (m) - [Sets MOTD]
rehash (z) - [Reloads config file.]
reloadtable (m) - [Reloads some of the database tables]
shutdown (z) - [Initiates server shutdown in <x> seconds (5 by default).]
restart (z) - [Initiates server restart in <x> seconds (5 by default).]
save (s) - [Save's your character]
saveall (s) - [Save's all playing characters]
info (0) - [Server info]

character (0) - Missing description!

learn (m) - [Learns spell]
unlearn (m) - [Unlearns spell]
getskillinfo (m) - [Gets all the skills from a player]
learnskill (m) - [.learnskill <skillid> (optional) <value> <maxvalue> - Learns skill id skillid.]
advanceskill (m) - [advanceskill <skillid> <amount, optional, default = 1> - Advances skill line x times..]
removeskill (m) - [.removeskill <skillid> - Removes skill]
increaseweaponskill (m) - [.increaseweaponskill <count> - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1).]
resetreputation (n) - [.resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.)]
resetspells (n) - [.resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS.]
resettalents (n) - [.resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS.]
resetskills (n) - [.resetskills - Resets all skills.]
additem (m) - Missing description!
removeitem (m) - [Removes item %u count %u.]
additemset (m) - [Adds item set to inv.]
advanceallskills (m) - [Advances all skills <x> points.]
getstanding (m) - [Gets standing of faction %u.]
setstanding (m) - [Sets stanging of faction %u.]
showitems (m) - [Shows items of selected Player]
showskills (m) - [Shows skills of selected Player]
rename (m) - [Renames character x to y.]
forcerename (m) - [Forces character x to rename his char next login]

lookup (l) - Missing description!

item (l) - [Looks up item string x.]
quest (l) - [Looks up quest string x.]
creature (l) - [Looks up item string x.]

admin (z) - Missing description!

castall (z) - [Makes all players online cast spell <x>.]
dispelall (z) - [Dispels all negative (or positive w/ 1) auras on all players.]
renameallinvalidchars (z) - [Renames all invalid character names]
masssummon (z) - [.masssummon - Summons all players.]
playall (z) - [Plays a sound to the entire server.]

kick (m) - Missing description!

byplayer (f) - [Disconnects the player with name <s>.]
byaccount (f) - [Disconnects the session with account name <s>.]
byip (f) - [Disconnects the session with the ip <s>.]

ban (m) - Missing description!

ip (m) - [Adds an address to the IP ban table: <address> [duration]\nDuration must be a number optionally followed by a character representing the calendar subdivision to use (h>hours, d>days, w>weeks, m>months, y>years, default minutes)\nLack of duration results in a permanent ban.]
character (b) - [Bans character x with or without reason]
account (a) - [Ban account. .account ban name timeperiod]

unban (m) - Missing description!

ip (m) - [Deletes an address from the IP ban table: <address>]
character (b) - [Unbans character x]
account (z) - [Unbans account x.]

kickplayer (b) - [Kicks player from server]
gmannounce (u) - [Sends Msg to all online GMs]
clearcooldowns (m) - [Clears all cooldowns for your class.]
removeauras (m) - [Removes all auras from target]
paralyze (b) - [Roots/Paralyzes the target.]
unparalyze (b) - [Unroots/Unparalyzes the target.]
gotrig (v) - [Warps to areatrigger <id>]
exitinstance (m) - [Exits current instance, return to entry point.]
modperiod (m) - [Changes period of current transporter.]
createarenateam (g) - [Creates arena team]
logcomment (1) - [Adds a comment to the GM log for the admins to read.]
removesickness (m) - [Removes ressurrection sickness from the target]
fixscale (m) - Missing description!
addtrainerspell (m) - Missing description!

Original : http://upload.virtual-angel.de/command-list.xml

03-08-08, 07:47 PM
ughh i hate how they changed them do you know exactly what ones where changed?

03-08-08, 09:25 PM
Reborn-emu did not change anything and we are more stable and probably more fixed :). Check my blizzlike repack for teh svn and compile it yourself :) O_-.

03-08-08, 09:55 PM
what exactly is better in it >.<

03-08-08, 10:00 PM
We don't crash every few hours >.< about the same amount of spell fixes and we don't change what originally ascent was made for the idea or the configs. Ascent is burlexs and he will be credited for reborn as well. :)

03-08-08, 10:16 PM
i heared about rebornEmu from succy , but you need to introduce rebornemu by making a new thread

05-08-08, 12:48 PM
We will be up with a site very shortly.

05-08-08, 12:49 PM
Thanks MSoul =]

Was about to make this but u saved me the time XD

Flying All-Star
05-08-08, 02:16 PM
thx , helps