View Full Version : [NaxpGaming] The time has come!

06-05-16, 03:26 PM

The year is 2009, and NaxpGamings legendary reputation begins to evolve in a rapid speed beneath the command of Nelson Alvarez. Achiving the toplist faster than any other server around, with more than thousands of players inside a community starring more than fourteen game servers for different games, NaxpGaming is widely known. Mostly for its WoW community and its ability to adapt to the players interest, to be abled to produce the highest possible entertainment during the players gaming-time. Years goes by, and so is NaxpGaming. Its reputation evolves, but Alvarez is stuck. His life took another direction, forcing him to not being able to maintain his creation in its desired state; adapted. His final move was to officaly close NaxpGaming and its servers, for good. Now, we are back. But having one of the previous NaxpGaming Administrator team members in the founder position instead of Alvarez. We will aim to achive what we once had, and even more. It's after all the passion that drives us, me and Alvarez, he passion of creating entertainment to people!

About Us
NaxpGaming is a old legendary server, having 9 realms and over thousands of players. NaxpGaming Community and its game servers got officaly terminated 2012, and now are back. This time, even better. We are aiming for the same goals as before, if not even higher ones. There is nothing but the old trashed website and small parts of the core left, therefor I will need to find a staff group suitable to fullfill the demands. Starting off with one person who can help me to moderate everything. This is what this thread is about, to find this very specific person.

Recruitment Information
I'm looking for someone to ride along with me on this epic journey. Someone who has a widely property of knowledge within leadership, WoW emulation and its game overall. This project won't have its offical gate open for a long time, the plan is to have it opened this summer in a state good enough for gamers to actually enyoy their time playing. The release date is not set, since I am indeed still in need of this capable Administrator to show up.

Below is a short list of things I want you to carry along, if applying. There's more, but this is the pre-defined basics.

World of Warcraft Gaming Knowledge
World of Warcraft Emulation Knowledge
TrinityCore / ArcEmu / SkyFireEmu / MangOS :: Knowledge
Database Knowledge & Experience
Leadership Knowledge & Experience
Personality with a Dedicated and Active spirit
Mature, professional but yet homouristic personality
Administration and Moderation knowledge & Experience
PHPbb / vBulletin / IPB knowledge & Experience
WoW Expansion Knowledge (And its contents)
A real, huge, enermous, passion and desire to actually do this

As mentioned, the list is longer than previewed. These punctations above is just some pre-defined mandatory propertys I wish the Administration to carry.

Apply Today

To become the one who will ride along by my side through this epic journey, to become the key-member, to become a very very very important part of a community, follow the instructions below. I do, as FYI, only seek an Administrator for now. An Administrator who will be seen as a project-leader, staff leader, server leader and all other 'top roles'.

Apply through sending me an Email including information about yourself, why you wish to be joining, why I should choose you specifically and other evidences proving your suitability.

Email: [email protected]
Subject: [NaxpGaming] <Your Name>

This is a two-step proccess, meaning you will not be accepted just through sending me this message. More information, about NaxpGaming and its revival, will be stated to the applicants if procceeded to futher steps, and to the officals in due course.

Thanks for your time.

People with excell development skills may email me as well, since I'm filling up the dev barn as well.

08-05-16, 02:08 PM
“Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine
anything of who do the things no one can imagine.”
- Alan Turing

17-05-16, 12:05 PM
Recruitment closed. I do no longer accept new applications to occur. And for the people who cares; once the current applicants has finished/left the process an administrator will be chosen in due course.
