View Full Version : [TrinityCore] [3.3.5] Teleporter NPC - Enter where you want to go

24-02-16, 10:46 PM
The teleporter script isn't the standard gossip menu script. This particular script allows the player to enter a destination e.g orgrimmar and the teleporter will teleport the player to orgrimmar, once player has been teleported the npc will spawn and follow the player for 20 seconds if player decide to teleport else where.

Player cannot access prohibited zone (gmisland)

Ideal for GM servers...

/* * Script Detail: Teleport_NPC is a NPC script which uses [ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM_E - Pastebin.com (http://pastebin.com/AXK5u5XY)


To do:
Add option where can add multiple prohibited areas to script.