View Full Version : tMorph — 64-bit Morpher (updated for WoD)

09-02-16, 02:28 AM
Original post by Journey

* Updated for (08/01/16) *

Please note that this only supports the 64-bit version of WoW. I don't have any plans to support x86 in the near future. Download at the bottom.


* Persistent smart player morphing (i.e. you can shift in and out of forms as a druid)
* Special race morphing with support for Pandarens
* Race appearance customization
* Persistent mount morphing
* Item morphing
* Weapon enchant morphing
* Spell animation morphing
* Title morphing
* In-game command system
* Underlying Lua API


* Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (vc_redist.x64.exe) (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145)
* 64-bit version of WoW (Wow-64.exe)
* Must be run with Administrative privileges

Usage Examples

To morph yourself into a troll pirate:

.morph 25041

To morph into another race (Pandaren, in this case):

.race 24

Race IDs:

1 -- Human
2 -- Orc
3 -- Dwarf
4 -- Night Elf
5 -- Undead
6 -- Tauren
7 -- Gnome
8 -- Troll
9 -- Goblin
10 -- Blood Elf
11 -- Draenie
22 -- Worgen
24 -- Pandaren

To swap genders after a race morph:


The following commands allow you to change the appearance of regular races:

.skin 2
.face 1
.hair 6
.haircolor 3
.piercings 5

To morph an item (where 1 is the inventory slot ID (http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api_types#inventoryID)):

.item 1 32235

Alternatively, to morph an item into its Mythic variant:

.item 1 115542 3

Item version IDs:

0 -- Normal
1 -- Heroic
3 -- Mythic
4 -- Raid Finder

6 -- Stage 1
7 -- Stage 2
8 -- Stage 3

To change a weapon enchant (e.g. Mongoose):

.enchant 1 155

To swap a spell animation:

.spell 774 139

To morph your mount:

.mount 45797

To morph your title:

.title 199


Q: How can I change my various druid forms?
A: Create a small WoW add-on using the following code (edit as necessary).

local events = CreateFrame("Frame")
events:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) return self[event](self, ...) end)

function events:UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM()
-- http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/GetShapeshiftFormID
local form = GetShapeshiftFormID()
if form == 1 then -- cat form
SetDisplayID("player", 1337)
elseif form == 5 then -- bear form
SetDisplayID("player", 1338)

if UnitClass("player") == "Druid" then

Download Here (http://bit.ly/1djYz9Y)
Just extract and run tInject.exe while in-game (as Administrator).

10-06-16, 07:51 PM
Hi, the download button downloads 6.2.4, and i want tMorph for wow please reply soon. :3