View Full Version : [TrinityCore] RustEmu core v2

22-12-15, 03:36 PM
Hello guys!

I think time to present my fork of Trinity such as repack.



* Implement Blink v4 for REv2 (read more (https://rustemu.org/threads/blink.7/#post-44))
blink in abyss
blink by path ( rechecking each step )
where player can walk - blink will available there
implemented check on dynamic objects (locked doors and etc)
implemented total path of blink.


* implement Master Call (read more (https://rustemu.org/threads/spell-master-call.12/#post-30))
* pet should moving at player
* in melee distance cast spell (for remove root-effects)
* after cast will going at his (pet, not player) target


* implement Spell Dancing Rune Weapon (read more (https://rustemu.org/threads/spell-dancing-rune-weapon.15/))
* copy 50% of melee damage
* special abilities damage


* rewrite break Stealth and modify Stand State (read more (https://rustemu.org/threads/core-spells-break-stealth-and-modify-stand-state.11/))
Currently, only harmful CC spells will break stealth and modify the unit stand state.
This behaviour is wrong. Any harmful spell hit should break stealth and modify the stand state.

There are a few exceptions for this mechanic, such as:
- Mass Dispel (priest spell ID 32375, 32592, 39897)
- Earthbind Totem (Pulse) (spell ID 3600)
- Distract (rogue spell ID 1725)


It's from big changes, other commits you can see on github

Files of server + dbc/maps/vmaps/mmaps : here (http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B95oF05riRW0ckhJdi1jUWZ3bzg/view?usp=sharing)
SQL files for databases (realmd, characters, world) : here (http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B95oF05riRW0Rkw5SHRYOHJEdVk/view?usp=sharing)

Accounts : admin 123456; test 123456

12-02-16, 05:48 AM
New version

Revision 818


https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=48145 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=48145)
Visual C++ Redistributable

2015 (need 64 and 86)

files of server (.exe) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B95oF05riRW0Yk52SEo2bGNDV28/view?usp=sharing)

files of database (sql files for characters, auth, world) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B95oF05riRW0Q3IwSlFCcExlbU0/view?usp=sharing)

dbc, maps, vmaps, mmaps (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B95oF05riRW0YlptUFBPb1BSd3c/view?usp=sharing)

16-06-16, 11:55 AM

* fixed Core/Spell: Titan Grip Penalty (warrior) (https://rustemu.org/threads/core-spell-titan-grip-penalty.19/)
* fixed Steady Shot damage (hunter) (https://rustemu.org/threads/steady-shot-damage.33/)
* fixed Shadowmeld (night elf) (https://rustemu.org/threads/shadowmeld.32/)
* fixed Fix drop stealth by Slice and Dice (rogue)
* fixed Living bomb (Fixed check on AOE for all nearest targets, when cast explosion) (mage) (https://rustemu.org/threads/living-bomb.23/)
* fixed Pets and LoS (https://rustemu.org/threads/pets-and-los.30/) - available to use spells of pets on target in LoS or Out of Range

very important changes:

Fear effect (priest/warlock/warrior) :
* fixed Movement Fear visual bug (https://rustemu.org/threads/movement-fear-visual-bug-%D0%A4%D0%B8%D1%80-%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%82-%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%80.27/)

Confuse effect (polymorph, blind, scatter shot (right movement position and right orientation bug)):
before : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJe24fYTgkw
after: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dmc9-Nsrys

* Fix npc drop under texture. (fixed Collision check in Target Movement Generator) (https://rustemu.org/threads/collision-check-in-target-movement-generator.29/)
(Try to check this place on your server!)

It's from big changes, other commits you can see web-site

http://i.imgur.com/agU5KcG.png (https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B95oF05riRW0bTdvaEc3cVc3S2M&usp=sharing)

Files of server + mysqllib.dll : here (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B95oF05riRW0Q2YyeHJrWGw0QUU/view?usp=sharing)

Files of dbc/maps/vmaps/mmaps/Cameras : here (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B95oF05riRW0VEkxOHo3SlhyU0E/view?usp=sharing)


now new revision of RE with implemented mysql-server ( just download-click-play )
Repack already have uniform server (http://www.uniformserver.com/)-mysql server

For start server :
1) RustEmu_Repack_[25781]/mysql_start.bat (for stop mysql-server - mysql_stop.bat)
2) RustEmu_Repack_[25781]/authserver.exe
3) RustEmu_Repack_[25781]/worldserver.exe

In-Game Accounts : admin 123456; test 123456

19-08-16, 04:35 AM
Update:26191 revision - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B95oF05riRW0UjdpR1ptOVh5Qnc26191 database - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B95oF05riRW0ZWJ0RXcxdjBPajg

29-08-16, 06:50 AM