View Full Version : [TrinityCore] How to Install Paymenwall module in FusionCMS

05-06-15, 11:31 PM
Good.I have seen an issue where there were problems getting the module Paymentwall addition to several queries by Skype, so that will explain how to install, how it works and where it is, let's start:

1. Download.
donate_wall.zip (https://mega.nz/#!gZZkSC4C!DVmSRO7mbLDeYW3KZZ2t9YctS5P9pIR9FOj5PZ9 BbLs)
& put them donate_wall into your modules folder of fusionCMS

2. Create Account PaymentWall
We headed to the site of PaymentWall (http://www.paymentwall.com/) , we create an account, and we will create a widget. We introduce all the information you ask us. Then when we get the kind, we must select "Multi PaymentWall"

Once we have the system set up, it leaves us to complete the pingback URL where we put:

http : //MIWEB.COM/donate_wall/pingback/


Logically changing it to our web address.

4. Settings.

We go to our ACP FusionCMS, and we see that we have the module Paymentwall active.

Okay, let's edit the configuration detaill find them in our PaymentWall widget panel. We completed like this: The code of default widget is " p1_1".


5. Where did you find?
This system is in the following directory: http://miweb.com/donate_wall


6. Edition.

And this is the taste, can disable the default ones, or create another tab that leads up to this system, all within the panel of donations. My opinion is that the more options you give may have more facilities to users and better.All data I used are an example, can complete more fields PaymentWall to give more options credits / points. And customize the interface.

Originally posted by Desch from OverWoW