View Full Version : GMIsland Theme Manager

08-08-14, 10:41 PM
GMIsland Theme Manager is an inspiration from the Gurubashi Arena Theme Generator. I actually code it from 0 without copying any codes from the Gurubashi Theme Manager and just made it look better and clean codes

How it works?

You have to click on the npc menu and chose one theme. The theme by default will be spawned for 25 seconds, but you can change it from the beginning of the script in "GMIsland_Theme.cpp"

Included themes:

XMas Pro
Alliance Barrack
Horde Barrack
Twilight Fantasy

GMIslandTheme (http://www.mediafire.com/download/h536mq6uulhqdw5/GMIslandTheme.zip)

Credits : Artister

12-10-14, 01:41 PM

Fixxed Many Monster viod's

// Deluxe-WoW © 2014
// Made by AlexeWarr

#include "ScriptMgr.h"
#include "ScriptedCreature.h"
#include "ScriptedGossip.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include <cstring>

#define COOLDOWN 300 // in seconds (this is the spawntime and cooldown)

namespace Generator
uint32 GetCooldown()
if (QueryResult cd_query = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `date` FROM `gmi_logs` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"))
return cd_query ? (time(NULL) - cd_query->Fetch()[0].GetUInt32()) : 0;
return 0;

void SendAnnounceToGMs(const char* text, WorldSession* self)
std::map<uint32, WorldPacket> localizedPackets;
SessionMap const& smap = sWorld->GetAllSessions();
for (SessionMap::const_iterator iter = smap.begin(); iter != smap.end(); ++iter)
if (Player* player = iter->second->GetPlayer())
AccountTypes gmLevel = player->GetSession()->GetSecurity();

if (uint32(gmLevel) != 0)
if (localizedPackets.find(player->GetSession()->GetSessionDbLocaleIndex()) == localizedPackets.end())
ChatHandler::BuildChatPacket(localizedPackets[player->GetSession()->GetSessionDbLocaleIndex()], CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_EMOTE, LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL, NULL, text);

}; using namespace Generator;

class GMIsland_Theme_Generator : public CreatureScript
GMIsland_Theme_Generator() : CreatureScript("GMIsland_Theme_Generator") { }

bool OnGossipHello(Player* player, Creature* creature)
if (creature->GetZoneId() != 876)
creature->Whisper("You can't use this outside the GMIsland", LANG_UNIVERSAL, player, false);
if (GetCooldown() >= COOLDOWN || GetCooldown() == 0)
if (QueryResult t_query = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `gmi_themes` WHERE `id` > 0 AND `available` = 1"))
Field * t_fields = t_query->Fetch();
player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM(0, t_fields[1].GetString().c_str(), GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, t_fields[0].GetUInt32());
} while (t_query->NextRow());
char message[255];

sprintf(message, "You need to wait %u seconds!", (COOLDOWN - GetCooldown()));

player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM(0, message, GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 0);

player->PlayerTalkClass->SendGossipMenu(907, creature->GetGUID());
return true;

bool OnGossipSelect(Player* player, Creature* creature, uint32 sender, uint32 action) override
switch (action)
case 0: {
} break;
default: {
if (QueryResult ts_query = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `entry`, `pos_x`,`pos_y`,`pos_z`,`pos_o` FROM `gmi_templates` WHERE `id` = %u", action))
WorldDatabase.PQuery("INSERT INTO `gmi_logs` (`theme_id`, `date`) VALUES (%u, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())", action);
Field * ts_fields = ts_query->Fetch();

float ang = ts_fields[4].GetFloat();

float rot2 = std::sin(ang / 2);
float rot3 = std::cos(ang / 2);

creature->SummonGameObject(ts_fields[0].GetUInt32(), ts_fields[1].GetFloat(), ts_fields[2].GetFloat(), ts_fields[3].GetFloat(), ang, 0, 0, rot2, rot3, COOLDOWN);
} while (ts_query->NextRow());

if (QueryResult tn_query = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `name` FROM `gmi_themes` WHERE `id` = %u LIMIT 1", action))
Field * tn_fields = tn_query->Fetch();

std::ostringstream message;

message << "|cffFF0000[GM Island]|r |cff00ccff" << player->GetName().c_str() << "|r changed theme to |cff00FF00" << tn_fields[0].GetString() << "|r.";

SendAnnounceToGMs(message.str().c_str(), NULL);

creature->Whisper("New Theme Generated!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, player, false);
} break;

return true;

void AddSC_GMIsland_Theminator()
new GMIsland_Theme_Generator();