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23-09-09, 09:44 AM
Guild System V.5.0

Guild System Script Project SVN Address - Now Hiring Devs - Serious Coders Only Apply (serious as in you want to code, not that your super intensely good, I want ppl that are driven to show they can finish goals. (http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/WX-Gaming)
The Main project is focused at Aspire Users, My own personal testing confirms only Aspire Server Cores, However with help from the community we will provide Conversions. We now have an SVN Project and all older versions have been saved onto SVN for the sake of original copies.
##5.0 UPDATES!!!!##

We now have Zone Checks in place currently working as I was hoping they would. It took me some time to figure out a way to add this in, but we now have Hostility Checks in place. If land is flagged HOSTILE in the database, then you will now be flagged for FFA upon Zone Entry. Now that I have this working properly I will start adding in more if statements for gm / guild member/owner checks and level checks (last thing we need is noobs getting slaughtered)
I have an Idea to use alot of the communitys scripts ideas as some inspiration to some of the Guild Systems Functionality. This will include, but is not limited to an event command to flag for pvp or even a scriptable event for GuildMasters to allow this option. On another Note I also want to know what people think about this next part... Should I have prefilled database Tables with all zones purchased? I would have to just pick the best spot possible for all zones, but I'm also wondering If I should just expand this into an Area script instead of limiting myself to just zones.

Current Chat Commands.

"#help"; // Lists commands
"#zone"; // shows available zone options
"#add"; // shows add commands(will have more in the future besides food)
"#mall"; // Malls for seperate Factions
"#event"; Event system
#event on for GM's
#event off for turning off events
#event takes player to event
Will soon have it set so that Guild Masters can set up Guild Events on their own


"#zone buy"; // added new query checks on buyland - if land is flagged forsale you may now purchase that land.
"#zone sell"; // sets land for sale
"#zone reset"; // sets not for sale

Credits to Tekkeryole