View Full Version : MMOFUSE 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack

09-10-13, 08:31 AM
This repack includes:
full 4.3.4 (Cataclysm) support.
Core: T (https://bitbucket.org/persiancore)rinity Core.
Database: T (https://bitbucket.org/persiancore)rinity Core Database(clean TDB).

It also has MMAPS,VMAPS,MAPS,DBC,Xampp and much more. The repack is ready to go meaning you can launch the mysql and by clicking the authserver and worldserver exes it is ready to go. All of the features were tested some were even improved a little bit to provide closer blizzlike experience.

Spells and talents are working:

Death Knights are working as intended.
Druids are working as intended.
Hunters are working as intended.
Mages are working as intended.
Paladins are working as intended.
Priests are working as intended.
Rogues are working as intended.
Shamans are working as intended.
Warlocks are working as intended.
Warriors are working as intended.

No actual percentage has been used for the classes because we have added several fixes to make the classes even more playable

Working Battlegrounds & Arenas:

Random Battlegrounds are available.
Warsong Gulch is available.
Arathi Basin is available.
Eye of the Storm is available.
Alterac Valley is available.
Strand of the Ancients is available.
Isle of Conquest is available.
Wintergrasp is available.
Twin Peaks is available.
The Battle for Gilneas is available.
Tol Barad is available.
Blade's Edge Arena is Available.
Nagrand Arena is Available.
Ruins of Lordaeron is Available.
The Ring of Valor is Available.
The Dalaran Arena is Available.

If you encounter problems with some of the working features above please feel free to let us know what is wrong with them so we can improve them even more.

Login Information:
Database:Host: localhost
Username: root

Game account hasnt been made so when you start the server and everything is working in the worldserver.exe console type:
account create (name and password) in order to be able log in the game

example : account create admin admin

http://mmofuse.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=4 (http://mmofuse.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=4)

or use this alternative link

09-10-13, 12:14 PM
nice release , its good to see something great from mmofuse +rep

09-10-13, 11:46 PM
CREATE TABLE `autobroadcast` (
`realmid` INT(10) NOT NULL,
`weight` TINYINT(3) NULL DEFAULT '1',
PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `realmid`)

execute this in the auth db if you have problem starting up the server

12-10-13, 05:30 AM
Here is a link to a noob-friendly set-up guide for getting everything running, from Step 1 to actually connecting with a client.


12-10-13, 12:08 PM
Nice release! :D +rep

14-10-13, 02:24 PM
where do i find the auth db,
for some reason i don't find it and i've been searching for quite some time now
and immediatly another question,
You need to already have the game of WoW installed? or isn't it necessary with this folder you guys provide?

14-10-13, 02:28 PM
Hi , first of all , nice repack :) ... I have a question how can i put it online? I mean as a server in which friends can play it ?

Post edited: I could do it , Problem resolved ;)

15-10-13, 06:59 PM
where do i find the auth db,
for some reason i don't find it and i've been searching for quite some time now
and immediatly another question,
You need to already have the game of WoW installed? or isn't it necessary with this folder you guys provide?

You have to use a database program such as HeidiSQL, open it, write the username & password and you'll see an auth db if that's what you need?

And you need to have 4.3.4 version of WoW installed, but i do have an exe generator of 4.3.4 so it only takes a few minutes to actually get the 4.3.4 client instead of waiting hours and hours on downloading the torrent.

- Here i made a guide: http://mmofuse.net/forums/f30/getting-4-3-4-client-%5Bfast-way%5D-20253/

16-10-13, 10:51 AM
When i try to start the MySQL it gives me another error which i cannot solve...

Which follows to not being able to boot my AUTH server and worldserver which gives me as error in my logs:
TrinityCore rev. unknown 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived branch) (Win32, Release) (authserver)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file authserver.conf.
OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013 (Library: OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013)
Opening DatabasePool 'auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1.
MySQL client library: 5.5.9
MySQL server ver: 5.5.32-log
Connected to MySQL database at
MySQL client library: 5.5.9
MySQL server ver: 5.5.32-log
Connected to MySQL database at
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 71, sql: "SELECT id, weight, text FROM autobroadcast WHERE realmid = ? OR realmid = -1"
Table 'auth.autobroadcast' doesn't exist
DatabasePool auth NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
Cannot connect to database

Do you have any idea how to solve this?
And Btw,
you are my hero for the 4.3.4 client!
I browsed the internet for it for few hours but couldn't find any good or reliable client.

Greetz Krypto(still noob in making server)

quick reply,
i got myself one step further, however the log files still say the same thing.
my cmd now provides me with this text (which i think now my server is running?)

Okey, i swear this is my last update...
a friend of mine pointed this one out to me...
The DBError log gives me 10k+ errors due to not finding some database (however i believe that if i'm able to resolve the problem with the auth server, that the database will be found.
i'll put the end of the DBError log as a picture here but keep in mind this is just the end of the many errors
once again... sorry for having this much troubles :/

17-10-13, 02:31 AM
Running xampp control panel and start mysql and apache.

To me it works.

But gm commands not working ingame.
Now I will test the battery repack and write errors yet. :)
I hope you will support.

17-10-13, 04:17 AM
What do you mean with thé xammp controll pannel, thé aplication in thé bottom of thé xammp file? I jist gotta boot it upand afterwards run my MySQL and apache? Ill immediatly try it when im home.
Thank you very much for thé tip ^.^

17-10-13, 05:52 AM
"CREATE TABLE `autobroadcast` (`realmid` INT(10) NOT NULL,
`weight` TINYINT(3) NULL DEFAULT '1',
PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `realmid`)
execute this in the auth db if you have problem starting up the server"

This should fix the auth errors, quoted from blindspell.

To your mysql error, you should make sure there's not another one running, open task lisk and check for existen mysql's, restart pc or whatever there will close it.

17-10-13, 07:33 AM
It might be à stupid question, but hiw do i exécute it? I just put it in somewhere or....

17-10-13, 11:06 AM
It might be à stupid question, but hiw do i exécute it? I just put it in somewhere or....

right click desktop --> create new .txt ---> open it

copy paste

CREATE TABLE `autobroadcast` (`realmid` INT(10) NOT NULL,
`weight` TINYINT(3) NULL DEFAULT '1',
PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `realmid`)

save it as an .sql ( windows is going to blah bah just click yes ) ( also make sure you have the option hide extensions for know file types "OFF" not "ON" or else you cant change extensions )

how to change extensions

click start ---> control panel ---> folder option ---> click tab view ---> search for hide extensions for know file types and disable it ....

open Heidysql or which you have installed go to the authtable and inject that .sql you created ...

have funn

17-10-13, 11:31 AM
right click desktop --> create new .txt ---> open it

copy paste

CREATE TABLE `autobroadcast` (`realmid` INT(10) NOT NULL,
`weight` TINYINT(3) NULL DEFAULT '1',
PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `realmid`)

save it as an .sql ( windows is going to blah bah just click yes ) ( also make sure you have the option hide extensions for know file types "OFF" not "ON" or else you cant change extensions )

how to change extensions

click start ---> control panel ---> folder option ---> click tab view ---> search for hide extensions for know file types and disable it ....

open Heidysql or which you have installed go to the authtable and inject that .sql you created ...

have funn

i tried to insert the new .sql file into heidisql.
For some reason it keeps on telling me that auth.autobroadcast already excists...

17-10-13, 11:50 AM
i tried to insert the new .sql file into heidisql.
For some reason it keeps on telling me that auth.autobroadcast already excists...

delete the autobroadcast in your auth *

than retry

my en i snot so good :)


17-10-13, 12:02 PM
but the real problem is that i just don't find it in my folder.
and then to be honest... i'm not sure how to correctly add it in... :/

17-10-13, 12:09 PM
but the real problem is that i just don't find it in my folder.
and then to be honest... i'm not sure how to correctly add it in... :/

can you make some Printscreen's

of your heidysql auth table ? so i can check


- - - Updated - - -

@ Krypto , im a starter aswel so no wurry's

I can help you to insert and stuff like that its basic...

just need to check your auth table in Heidysql ... and than i can point you out ...

17-10-13, 12:13 PM
IT WORKED! thank you all :D

17-10-13, 12:13 PM
IT WORKED! thank you all :D

good !

have funn ;)

17-10-13, 12:49 PM
1 more question...
if i want to run my server on my LAN ip adress,
do i only have to switch the adress field in realmlist in my authdb to my lan ip or do i have to convert the ip adress of the localhost server to my lan ip adress?
because it keeps on giving errors if i try to put it on lan ip...
then suddenly he doesn't recognise the server anymor

17-10-13, 02:42 PM
well more like how to put him on for my friends to join .... :/

17-10-13, 09:02 PM
I am attempting to set this server up for my kids...and I haven't any experience with doing such a task. I have unzipped this release on my C: drive as such:

C:\MMOFuse 4.3.4 Repack

I found an xamp start.bat...and I clicked it....and received this error:

Syntax error on line 37 of C:\MMOFuse 4.3.4 Repack/xamp/apache/conf/hpptd.conf:
ServerRoot must be a valid directory. Would someone write a step-by tutorial on this particular release if someone has the time? It would be a huge help.

Thank you for any consideration,


18-10-13, 07:41 AM
I am attempting to set this server up for my kids...and I haven't any experience with doing such a task. I have unzipped this release on my C: drive as such:

C:\MMOFuse 4.3.4 Repack

I found an xamp start.bat...and I clicked it....and received this error:

Syntax error on line 37 of C:\MMOFuse 4.3.4 Repack/xamp/apache/conf/hpptd.conf:
ServerRoot must be a valid directory. Would someone write a step-by tutorial on this particular release if someone has the time? It would be a huge help.

Thank you for any consideration,


i will try to make a mini Tuto for you

what you need to make this one work is Heidysql get it from here (http://www.heidisql.com/installers/HeidiSQL_8.1.0.4583_Setup.exe)

Install it heidysql

1) brows to folder xamp click on Mysql_start .bat
2) Open heidysql create a new session for example Mmofuse 4.3.4
user : root
password : ascent
save this session and open it

3) At this moment when heidysql is open you should see

now you need to ad a sql that is needid to make this server run you can find it here (http://www.mediafire.com/download/vzevcvz7689y6bv/autobroadcast.sql)

left click on auth than ctrl+o , search for the autobroadcast.sql you just downloaded open it and than click on the blue PLAY button

4) When the injection is done close heidysql --> go to your repack folder and click on authserver.exe , than click on worldserver.exe wait for it to Beep ...

now the server is ready

5) Make accounts in the worldserver screen like command prompt with this command --> account create USERNAME PASSWORD ( example - account create test test hit enter
for gmaccount you do this

account create USERNAME PASSWORD ( example ) account create admin admin
account set addon USERNAME 2 ( example) account set addon admin 2
account set gmlevel USERNAME 3 -1 (example)) account set gmlevel admin 3 -1

hope this helps ;)

18-10-13, 08:10 AM
1 more question...
if i want to run my server on my LAN ip adress,
do i only have to switch the adress field in realmlist in my authdb to my lan ip or do i have to convert the ip adress of the localhost server to my lan ip adress?
because it keeps on giving errors if i try to put it on lan ip...
then suddenly he doesn't recognise the server anymor

you need to open ports, also when you have an dynamic ip ( non static ip) you better of making a free hostdomain @ here (http://www.noip.com/) and download the updater here (http://www.noip.com/download?page=win)

which port need to be open and how to make trinity public/wan or lan you find it here (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?91438-How-to-make-Mangos-Trinity-server-public!!)


18-10-13, 09:14 AM
you need to open ports, also when you have an dynamic ip ( non static ip) you better of making a free hostdomain @ here (http://www.noip.com/) and download the updater here (http://www.noip.com/download?page=win)

which port need to be open and how to make trinity public/wan or lan you find it here (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?91438-How-to-make-Mangos-Trinity-server-public!!)


Or you just use Hamachi for LAN, it might not be the sweetest thing to use, but it something you can do before you ever try to run it PUBLIC :)

18-10-13, 10:15 AM
Or you just use Hamachi for LAN, it might not be the sweetest thing to use, but it something you can do before you ever try to run it PUBLIC :)
But what do i have to adjust if i wanna run it on LAN?

and if i try to run alll of the files like Apache, MySQL and FileZilla, all of them work, except Apache....
the first time he gave an error that skype was using it's ports, so i redirected my skype but it doesn't seems to start (the apache i mean)
with this as error if i try to manually start it from the files:

18-10-13, 03:02 PM
For the apache error you need to do ( you find this in the readme-en.txt file located in xampp )


[NOTE: Unpack the package to your USB stick or a partition of your choice.
There it must be on the highest level like E:\ or W:\. It will
build E:\xampp or W:\xampp or something like this. Please do not use the "setup_xampp.bat" for an USB stick installation!]

Step 1: Unpack the package into a directory of your choice. Please start the
"setup_xampp.bat" and beginning the installation. Note: XAMPP makes no entries in the windows registry and no settings for the system variables.

Step 2: If installation ends successfully, start the Apache 2 with
"apache_start".bat", MySQL with "mysql_start".bat". Stop the MySQL Server with "mysql_stop.bat". For shutdown the Apache HTTPD, only close the Apache Command (CMD). Or use the fine XAMPP Control Panel with double-click on "xampp-control.exe"!

Step 3: Start your browser and type or http://localhost in the location bar. You should see our pre-made
start page with certain examples and test screens.

Step 4: PHP (with mod_php, as *.php, *.php3, *.php4, *.php5, *.phtml), Perl by default with *.cgi, SSI with *.shtml are all located in => C:\xampp\htdocs\.
- C:\xampp\htdocs\test.php => http://localhost/test.php
- C:\xampp\htdocs\myhome\test.php => http://localhost/myhome/test.php

Step 5: XAMPP UNINSTALL? Simply remove the "xampp" Directory.
But before please shutdown the apache and mysql.

Next adding accountwebpage.

to add a webpage theme grab this one here (http://www.mediafire.com/download/r5z887rr7av4i58/Myran2_-_Site.rar) ( gredits for who made this one )

if you find and better one np .. search one that fits you the most.

how to.

unpack it in the xampp htdocs folder ---> open the config.php and change the password to ascent ;).

how to online for your friends

you need to follow that how to guide i posted

ps there are other repacks that have premade server inc accountwebpage but its an wolk 3.3.5a not cataclysm


18-10-13, 06:05 PM
GM Commands not working. How do we fix this?

18-10-13, 07:46 PM
GM Commands not working. How do we fix this?

read this

it will help you to setup gm account/permission.

19-10-13, 10:05 AM
read this

it will help you to setup gm account/permission.

Still not getting it to work and now something else has happened. I cant even log in now because its giving me an error in wow log in saying "This WoW account has been closed and is no longer available for use."

I figured something out but. It keeps adding to the ip_banned with the reason on DOS (Packet Flooding/Spoofing)

19-10-13, 12:39 PM
But what do i have to adjust if i wanna run it on LAN?

and if i try to run alll of the files like Apache, MySQL and FileZilla, all of them work, except Apache....
the first time he gave an error that skype was using it's ports, so i redirected my skype but it doesn't seems to start (the apache i mean)
with this as error if i try to manually start it from the files:
Easiest way to add you're server to LAN/Hamachi is to bind the server IP in config files and just go on mysql and set the realmlist to the same IP.

GM Commands not working. How do we fix this?

When you make an account, go in console do: .account set gmlevel "Accountname" "1-3" "-1" :)

19-10-13, 04:24 PM
Still not getting it to work and now something else has happened. I cant even log in now because its giving me an error in wow log in saying "This WoW account has been closed and is no longer available for use."

I figured something out but. It keeps adding to the ip_banned with the reason on DOS (Packet Flooding/Spoofing)

You can disable this ipban function in the world.conf open it with notepad ++ --> ctrl+f write banned or warden settings search for anti cheat and put disable ( 0 ) see if the ipban helps.
Also make sure you delete the ip that is banned in the table ( Heidysql ) look for ipbanned or something like that , you see its banned in there ( delete the whole line ).

19-10-13, 08:17 PM
Not been into repacks for a long long time. Seems they have come a long way since I last played around with 3.3.5 repacks. Great to see there's work done and more work being done!

Thanks for this repack so far i'm trying to get my head around this RBAC thing. However I mainly would like to know if most items from 4.3.4 are included in the database so I can add them. Trying to test some things, until I have the gm commands working I cant give myself any items I believe.
If someone can answer me this particular question it will save me a lot of time. Either way it doesnt matter, thanks for reading :)

Also thanks for the repack!

20-10-13, 10:31 AM
When you make an account, go in console do: .account set gmlevel "Accountname" "1-3" "-1" :)

I had already done that way before and it still doesn't work

20-10-13, 12:37 PM
I had already done that way before and it still doesn't work

Is it the IP ban that still is going on or is it the GM acces you still got a problem with?

20-10-13, 06:39 PM
Is it the IP ban that still is going on or is it the GM acces you still got a problem with?

The GM Access

21-10-13, 02:14 AM
The GM Access

Well, you have no idea how hard it is for me to describe it :p I will make a guide later today that shows this better :)

22-10-13, 05:19 PM
Hi there! I did not have a chance to test the repack yet, as after I created my acc in the worldserver file, the game told me the acc had been blocked and couldn't be played, and as I am new to doing this stuff, I have no idea how to proceed. I also wish to ask if it would be possible to somehow add a custom vendor to the server with gear available to all classes? Thank you very much in advance and sorry for the inconvenience!

22-10-13, 09:36 PM
Hi there! I did not have a chance to test the repack yet, as after I created my acc in the worldserver file, the game told me the acc had been blocked and couldn't be played, and as I am new to doing this stuff, I have no idea how to proceed. I also wish to ask if it would be possible to somehow add a custom vendor to the server with gear available to all classes? Thank you very much in advance and sorry for the inconvenience!

This will help you with the blocked issue....i had the same thing

You can disable this ipban function in the world.conf open it with notepad ++ --> ctrl+f write banned or warden settings search for anti cheat and put disable ( 0 ) see if the ipban helps.
Also make sure you delete the ip that is banned in the table ( Heidysql ) look for ipbanned or something like that , you see its banned in there ( delete the whole line ).

24-10-13, 10:09 AM
about the rbac account settings .... i think i did it wrong but this is what i got






24-10-13, 06:30 PM
Still not working. I looked at the Server logs and i noticed this keeps coming up when i log in.

Table `command` have not existed subcommand 'revoke' in command 'rbac account revoke', skip.
Table `command` have not existed subcommand 'deny' in command 'rbac account deny', skip.
Table `command` have not existed subcommand 'list' in command 'rbac account list', skip.
Table `command` have not existed subcommand 'grant' in command 'rbac account grant', skip.

25-10-13, 02:35 AM
Awsome Repack love to learn how to make stuff like this Keep up the good work...Kudoes to the makers.

26-10-13, 09:17 AM
Still not working. I looked at the Server logs and i noticed this keeps coming up when i log in.

use this http://mmofuse.net/forums/f166/scats-rbac-manager-20284/#post47168

credits Scat !

26-10-13, 09:51 AM
Still not working. I looked at the Server logs and i noticed this keeps coming up when i log in.
You should seek out updates to the database if the link BELOW dosen't help you

use this http://mmofuse.net/forums/f166/scats-rbac-manager-20284/#post47168

credits Scat !

26-10-13, 12:03 PM
use this http://mmofuse.net/forums/f166/scats-rbac-manager-20284/#post47168

credits Scat !

After working for days to figure out how to fix it.... this simple fix changed it all and it works perfectly!!!! Thank you so much

29-10-13, 03:41 PM
I am not sure if i am missing something but it doesnt seem that the mages have the portal and teleport spells?

Also, I was just wondering if any of the raids or instances are working. I stepped foot inside BoT raid and i didnt see mobs.

30-10-13, 08:41 AM
I am not sure if i am missing something but it doesnt seem that the mages have the portal and teleport spells?

Also, I was just wondering if any of the raids or instances are working. I stepped foot inside BoT raid and i didnt see mobs.

Go to the portal trainer in each city and train it ..? :)

01-11-13, 02:02 PM
Go to the portal trainer in each city and train it ..? :)

I went to both SW and IF and went to the portal trainers and they didn't have anything for me

02-11-13, 07:15 AM
I went to both SW and IF and went to the portal trainers and they didn't have anything for me
Hmmm, strange

04-11-13, 04:01 PM
Blindspell, could you create a linux repack like this?


04-11-13, 05:01 PM
Blindspell, could you create a linux repack like this?

Its not hard using this for Linux mate ;)

04-11-13, 05:20 PM
Its not hard using this for Linux mate ;)

Do you have any guide?

05-11-13, 12:42 AM
Its not hard using this for Linux mate ;)

well its made for windows , without source these people can't make it working with linux.

05-11-13, 02:10 AM
well its made for windows , without source these people can't make it working with linux.

I'll get this on to linux in no time :),

07-11-13, 02:38 PM
I'll get this on to linux in no time :),

great! I'll waiting ^^

09-11-13, 06:50 PM
The elevators of Undercity are out of order.

13-11-13, 11:01 PM
problem authserver!!!! no solved with query.

14-11-13, 12:11 AM
problem authserver!!!! no solved with query.

Maybe say whats wrong, not this ^

15-11-13, 04:53 AM
It's been a while since I've messed with private servers so I'm a little behind on what kind of stuff to do.

I've downloaded the repack and changed realmlist as of right now.

Trying to launch the server and I get "failed to connect to mysql.

I did install it, not sure if I have the right version of it since it's not the one I remember using a few years ago. I have MySQL Workbench.

I connected to the database using the info given, u: root p: ascent

I try launching the server again and it again says I'm not connected to mysql.

If anyone is willing to help me out, it would be much appreciated!


swubu (http://mmofuse.net/forums/members/swubu/)'s post helped me out a lot and I'm on the server. Thanks for your guide!

Anyone know where I can find GM commands? I've set my gm level to 3, but no commands work..it just comes out as text. :/

16-11-13, 04:23 PM
It's been a while since I've messed with private servers so I'm a little behind on what kind of stuff to do.

I've downloaded the repack and changed realmlist as of right now.

Trying to launch the server and I get "failed to connect to mysql.

I did install it, not sure if I have the right version of it since it's not the one I remember using a few years ago. I have MySQL Workbench.

I connected to the database using the info given, u: root p: ascent

I try launching the server again and it again says I'm not connected to mysql.

If anyone is willing to help me out, it would be much appreciated!


swubu (http://mmofuse.net/forums/members/swubu/)'s post helped me out a lot and I'm on the server. Thanks for your guide!

Anyone know where I can find GM commands? I've set my gm level to 3, but no commands work..it just comes out as text. :/


Try this


and see if it helps your problem ... :D

17-11-13, 06:14 AM
It's been a while since I've messed with private servers so I'm a little behind on what kind of stuff to do.

I've downloaded the repack and changed realmlist as of right now.

Trying to launch the server and I get "failed to connect to mysql.

I did install it, not sure if I have the right version of it since it's not the one I remember using a few years ago. I have MySQL Workbench.

I connected to the database using the info given, u: root p: ascent

I try launching the server again and it again says I'm not connected to mysql.

If anyone is willing to help me out, it would be much appreciated!


swubu (http://mmofuse.net/forums/members/swubu/)'s post helped me out a lot and I'm on the server. Thanks for your guide!

Anyone know where I can find GM commands? I've set my gm level to 3, but no commands work..it just comes out as text. :/

Yeah, trinity added a new system called RBAC, that ****s around on the commands, I'm currently making a tut on this

25-11-13, 04:56 AM
Have someone link to server files because I can't run it on MySQL (I've installed first 5.6 and 5.5v but non of it wors).

25-11-13, 06:30 AM
Hello all thanks a lot for that amazing share i download the repack it runs ok all the consoles but i receieve many many warnings errors on DBerrors Logs here is one example

spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 42636 at field id:2202 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 45433 at field id:2203 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 90120 at field id:3251 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 92943 at field id:3251 at spellid1 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 90059 at field id:3255 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 92948 at field id:3255 at spellid1 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 89289 at field id:3258 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
GameObject (Entry: 126337 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 126338 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 126339 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 126340 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 126341 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 126345 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 151951 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
Gameobject (Entry: 181105 GoType: 22) have data0=27873 but Spell (Entry 27873) not exist.
Gameobject (Entry: 181106 GoType: 22) have data0=27874 but Spell (Entry 27874) not exist.
Gameobject (Entry: 181165 GoType: 22) have data0=28276 but Spell (Entry 28276) not exist.

And many many others here is the all my dbErrors Log


25-11-13, 07:53 AM
Hello all thanks a lot for that amazing share i download the repack it runs ok all the consoles but i receieve many many warnings errors on DBerrors Logs here is one example

spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 42636 at field id:2202 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 45433 at field id:2203 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 90120 at field id:3251 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 92943 at field id:3251 at spellid1 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 90059 at field id:3255 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 92948 at field id:3255 at spellid1 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 89289 at field id:3258 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
GameObject (Entry: 126337 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 126338 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 126339 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 126340 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 126341 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 126345 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
GameObject (Entry: 151951 GoType: 8) have data0=2061 but SpellFocus (Id: 2061) not exist.
Gameobject (Entry: 181105 GoType: 22) have data0=27873 but Spell (Entry 27873) not exist.
Gameobject (Entry: 181106 GoType: 22) have data0=27874 but Spell (Entry 27874) not exist.
Gameobject (Entry: 181165 GoType: 22) have data0=28276 but Spell (Entry 28276) not exist.

And many many others here is the all my dbErrors Log

DBErrors (http://www.mediafire.com/download/rkeglctmrubtc1m/DBErrors.rar)

Its nothing serious, only warnings that happen if things aren't the exact way it should.
Nothing big to worry about, we'll be fixing this soon

25-11-13, 08:02 AM
Okay thank u for inform me :)

25-11-13, 08:35 AM
Okay thank u for inform me :)

No problem :)

25-11-13, 06:08 PM
Is this repack still being updated? Or is it on to a stopping point?

27-11-13, 07:46 AM
Is there the possibility to obtain the source code?

27-11-13, 12:12 PM
Is there the possibility to obtain the source code?

Not untill the new version comes out.

27-11-13, 02:57 PM
ok :)

27-11-13, 06:46 PM
sry double post

sry double post

- - - Updated - - -

Hello i have a problem to give any gm-admin access for the server i try everything and i make it correctly i follow the Rbac account managment guide but still the same think i get always the messag no such command :/
i follow that guide here

28-11-13, 03:31 AM
sry double post

sry double post

- - - Updated - - -

Hello i have a problem to give any gm-admin access for the server i try everything and i make it correctly i follow the Rbac account managment guide but still the same think i get always the messag no such command :/
i follow that guide here
How to RBAC (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?176819-How-to-RBAC)

I'll be making a Video Tutorial about RBAC system for all those who need it.
Will be made later today:)

29-11-13, 07:10 PM
Why when I press "back" in the selection character panel I get a ip ban?

And how can I activate the BG? Because they don't work by default...


30-11-13, 11:50 AM
And how can I activate the BG? Because they don't work by default...


I want attach: URGENT problem +rep for Fix, Battleground deserter issue (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?178577-URGENT-problem-rep-for-Fix-Battleground-deserter-issue)

Is the same problem with your Repack (a problem with rbac).

Could you tell me what to do to solve that?


30-11-13, 12:26 PM
This topic will be set as CLOSED, due to the fact this ain't being updated by O.P
If you have any questions regarding issues please either post a new thread or PM me.
