View Full Version : [Tutorial]Setting up a second realm

16-09-09, 05:46 AM
Setting Up a Second Realm

Okay guys, I feel like I need to contribute something to the community, and now that I've just managed to figure out multiple realms, I'm going to do a very easy-to-understand tutorial on exactly how I did it. I know there are other guides with similar content but for me personally I have not yet found a guide on this topic that I was able to easily understand and do. It took me a lot of trial and error and guess-work to figure the cogs and gears of it out, so hopefully this will help those who aren't as 'emulator-fluent' as some of the folks out there.

This is also my first guide, so constructive criticism is appreciated and I'll be back regularly to make edits and what-have-you if such things are required. If you feel like my guide needs pictures, please request and I'll work on getting some up.

Step One: Making a new Server Folder

1.1 - So I'm assuming you've installed your repack, checked to make sure it works (if it's a faulty repack and you don't know it, then trying to make two of them will fail from the beginning :p). Most people have their repacks installed to:
C:/Repack Folder1.2 - For the purposes of this tutorial this is the file destination I'll be using, as well as "Repack Folder" for the name of the repack. Now, I make a new folder in the same 'C Drive' called "Repack Folder 2". To leave no doubt, this is what you would create:
C:/Repack Folder 21.3 - Currently an empty folder. Now you want to put your emulation folder in there. This involves going into your current server folder:
C:/Repack Folder1.4 - Depending on what Repack you're using, your emulation folder may be named differently. For me it was called "Arcemu":
C:/Repack Folder/Arcemu1.5 - Copy the "Arcemu" folder (using simple Ctrl+C) and navigate to your new realm's folder:
C:/Repack Folder 21.6 - Paste (Ctrl+V) your "Arcemu" folder into this currently empty folder, so that now you have:
C:/Repack Folder 2/Arcemu1.7 - Hopefully that wasn't too hard for you. It's certainly the easiest process in the guide, so if you're stumbling now then chances are you won't make it through the next part.

Step Two: Adjusting your new Realm Folders

2.1 - There are a few things you'll need to edit in this new Realm Folder before we progress any further. Firstly, head to this location:
C:/Repack Folder 2/Arcemu/configs2.2 - Delete (yes, delete) the "logon.conf" file. The emulator in this folder connects to the logon data from your 'original' Repack Folder, which contains your Logon Server and details. This also means you can go back one step to this location:
C:/Repack Folder 2/Arcemu2.3 - And you can delete the file called "arcemu-logonserver". Again, all your logonserver data is in your original repack folder, so you don't need these. Also remember that 'arcemu' is simply the emulator I'm using in this tutorial. Names may vary depending on what you use.

2.4 - Okay, we're getting there. Next is more tricky, and will involve creating an SQL Batch of the databases in your current Repack so we can duplicate it into our new Realm.

Step Three: Creating our new Databases

3.1 - I use Navicat. Some of you may use HeidiSQL. I hope that they operate much the same, because I haven't the faintest clue of how to use Heidi, so I apologize if Heidi users find this hard to follow.

3.2 - I'm also assuming you have used Navicat before, and that you've already connected to your Server's connection. For the purposes of this tutorial, the connection name for your server we'll call "Warcraft".

3.3 - Right-click the "Warcraft" connection name in the left-hand pane. It is the connection right at the very top that holds all of your server's database information within it. Glance down the list that pops up and select the option called"New Database..."

3.4 - A dialogue box will appear. The only textbox you want to worry about is this one. Don't write anything in the other textboxs. Write what I put in the square brackets:
Enter database name: [world2]
3.5 - Right-click the"Warcraft" connection name again, and create another database using the same process described above. This time you should write:
Enter database name: [logon2]3.6 - Now comes the fun but tricky part. What you are going to do is in basic terms, copy all the information from your original database to your new realm.

3.7 - You'll have a database within your "Warcraft" connection named "world". Double-click on it so that all the tables within appear in the main window of Navicat. Now you can right-click the "world" database, and glance down the list that appears. Select the"Dump SQL File..."

3.8 - A dialogue box will appear asking you where you want to save your SQL file. Choose anyplace easy to access and find again. Name it 'world2' or something similar for easy reference. Click "Save".

3.9 - It will process and save all your 'world' database information into an SQL file. Let it run, this may take a few minutes to complete.

3.10 - When it's done, strangely enough it will ask you if you want to "Start" or "Close". Don't make the same mistake I did and press "Start". It will just reprocess the same thing it already did. Press"Close" to quit the dialogue box.

3.11 - Repeat the exact same process from your "logon" database. Double-click it to expand it's contents, then right-click and select "Dump SQL File...". Repeat the steps described above. Name this file "logon2"

3.12 - Once you've created your'Batch SQL Files', now you can 'execute' them to your new realm databases that you created just before. For those who don't know, 'executing' basically means you're going to apply all the data you have saved into your new realm database.

3.13 - Double-click on your "world2" database. Currently it should be empty (no tables or contents in the main window). If there is you've probably selected the wrong database. Right-click on your "world2" database and select the "Execute Batch File..."

3.14 - Another dialogue box appears and again there's only one textbox I want you to worry about. It tells Navicat what SQL file to load into the database (if you're really slow, this means the SQL Batch we just made a couple of minutes ago). Click on the box next to the texbox (the one with the(...) in it) and navigate to the place where you saved your SQL files (see part 3.8) and select the SQL File you called "world2.sql". Click 'Open', then hit "Start" on the dialogue box. It will start executing your batch into your "world2" database. Let this run, again this takes a few minutes.

3.15 - You may notice that nothing has appeared in the main window of your "world2" database yet. This is okay. We have to disconnect our connection with "Warcraft" and reconnect before any tables become visible.

3.16 - Repeat this process for the"logon2" database. Double-click, right-click, select "Execute Batch File...", and select your "logon2.sql". Hit "Start" and watch it execute your batch into the database.

3.17 - Now once this is all done, you can breath easy! The hard stuff is done. Disconnect your "Warcraft" connection and reconnect, and if you've done everything correctly, then tables should appear in your new databases (world2 and logon2).

Step Four: Configuring the Final Touches

4.1 - If you've come this far then congratz, there's only one main thing left to do now, and that is to tell your server what the realms are, and where to draw their information from.

4.2 - Firstly we'll tell the emulator where the new world and logon information for the new realm is coming from. This is important, because without it you'll logon and still only see one realm in your 'realm selection screen'. It will just be idle database information. Navigate to the configs in your new realm folder open up this file:
C:/Repack Folder 2/Arcemu/configs/world.conf
4.3 - Look for this section in the file. (Maximizing the frame can sometimes help to see this code better). Change the words in red in the first set of code to match the words in red in the second set of code.

<WorldDatabase Hostname = "localhost" Username = "root" Password = "ascent" Name = "world" Port = "3306" Type = "1">
<CharacterDatabase Hostname = "localhost" Username = "root" Password = "ascent" Name = "logon" Port = "3306" Type = "1">4.4 - Make ^-this code-^ match v-this code-v

<WorldDatabase Hostname = "localhost" Username = "root" Password = "ascent" Name = "world2" Port = "3306" Type = "1">
<CharacterDatabase Hostname = "localhost" Username = "root" Password = "ascent" Name = "logon2" Port = "3306" Type = "1">4.5 - Remember the databases we made in Navicat before? The words in the second set of code (world2 and logon2) tell the realm to look for it's information in those databases.

4.6 - Now we have to set the specific details for the realm (such as it's name, timezone information, and whether it's a PvP/PvE/RPPvP/RPPvE etc). Before we begin, I'll just say that this was how I did it. There may be a better way, and if so you are most welcome to tell me and I'll update this. But I digress. Open up this file in your original server folder:
C:/Repack Folder/Arcemu/configs/realm.conf
Scroll right down to the bottom where you'll find this section of code:

<Realm1 Name = "Your Realm Name Here"
Address = ""
Icon = "PVP"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "3">4.7 - This realm is set to "PvP" using "Oceanic" timezone. You can set this to what you want. What you want to do is to copy that section of code and paste it again right beneath. Now make the following adjustments so it looks something like this (adjustments noted in red):

<Realm2 Name = "Your 2nd Realm Name Here"
Address = ""
Icon = "PVP"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "3">4.8 - Basically you're just identifying this second section of code as the "Second Realm". Again, set the other details you what you like, but remember that if you want the two realms to show up in the same window, keep the timezones the same.

4.9 - Your finished product should look like this:

<Realm1 Name = "Your Realm Name Here"
Address = ""
Icon = "PVP"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "3">

<Realm2 Name = "Your 2nd Realm Name Here"
Address = ""
Icon = "PVP"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "3">4.10 - Now copy both sections of code described above, and close down this particular file. Navigate to the realm config in your new realm folder:
C:/Repack Folder 2/Arcemu/configs/realm.conf
And paste this information over the old code, so that this config matches the other one indentically.

Step Five: Congratulations

5.1 - I believe that's the main junk of the labour right there. If you've done all this, close all files and folders (don't forget to save them), and start up your server. Now this will involve the following:

1. Start up the MySQL (if it wasn't running already while you were using Navicat).
2. Start up your 'arcemu-logonserver'
3. Start up your original 'arcemu-world' file:
C:/Repack Folder/Arcemu/arcemu-world.exe
4. Start up your new realms 'arcemu-world' file:
C:/Repack Folder 2/Arcemu/arcemu-world.exe5.2 - Start World of Warcraft and login to your server. You should see you're two realms appear in the frame once the .exe's finish loading their stuff.

5.3 - What you may notice is that if you had characters on your other realm, they'll now be on your new realm. That's okay if you have no players on your server at this point, because any new data added to your original realm's database will not be copied through to your new realm from now on. Put simpler, if a player creates a character on your first realm, it will not exist in your new realm.

5.4 - I know roughly how to create a realm that doesn't use the database from your original realm, but gives you a fresh one instead, but it's by far not the best way. If someone knows and would like to add their contribution to this guide then they are most welcome.

Epilogue: Common Errors and Mistakes

E.1 - Everyone makes mistakes. I've only listed one now, yes, but when i start getting asked inevitable questions and finding out other things that can go wrong I'll add more.
1. Syntax. Coding and programming have the annoying flaw that if one character is wrong then the whole system falls apart. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are invaluable in some of these situations for duplicating data that will invariably stay the same. There's nothing code-heavy in this tutorial, but it helps if you're careful about making sure your syntax is correct.
That's it from me...

I hope this guide helps, but it's far from finished. There's plenty of room for extra pieces (like creating a realm with fresh databases) so if you have something to add you can PM me or just reply and I'll edit the guide and give credits where due.

And if it sucks... well hopefully it doesn't but let me know. Otherwise, adios and good luck with creating a 2nd Realm!

Credits to ankorafoenix of *******.

Disclaimer: I do not take any credit for this guide. Any +rep to me would be a bonus.

16-09-09, 07:37 AM
+rep for share

17-09-09, 06:49 AM
Thanks Wigsplitta! Always a pleasure to share info (:

22-09-09, 12:54 AM
Please add credits then please, and ofc
Rep+ to you for sharing...
But i need to spread first :P

22-09-09, 07:44 AM
I did add credits.
L2read before posting.

Thanks for +rep.