View Full Version : [CMS] AquaFlameCMS 1.0 & 2.0

02-07-13, 01:03 AM
http://aquaflame.org/images/forum/logo.png (http://aquaflame.org/)

We are presenting you the Reborn AquaFlameCMS V1 & V2

AquaFlameCMS V1.0

This website includes:

What is Working

Working with a variety of Patches
Latest MaNGOS Core & Trinity Core + Skyfire
News System working!
Armory working!
ACM (Account Management) working! (82%)
Comments working!
Forum working!
Status working!
Change Password working!
Create an Account working!
Log In working!
Player Status working!
Media working!
Vote Panel working!
Vote Shop Under Dev!
Userplate working!
Languages working!
Avatars working!
Statistics working!
Ban Check working!
Character Unstuck working!
Admin Panel working!
Latest Forum Posts working!
Latest News Posts working!
Multiple Realms working!

What is not Working

Change E-mail not working!
Character Transfer not working!
Faction Change not working!
Race Change not working!
Name Change not working!
Appearance Change not working!
Recruit a Friend not working!
Donation Shop not working!

General Help

In Order to make the armory work perfectly, please enable the following on your worldserver.conf
By doing so you will have the Stats working on your Armory
PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel = 1
PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout = 1
Even so these will not help you see the armory if you don't have the PDO_Exception and Curl enabled on your php.ini

Now if you go to: armory.class.php @Line 99-100
You will see this:
$this->setCharDb(new Character_Database(array('host' => 'localhost','username' => 'root','password'=>'password',ucfirst('character') => 'characters')));
$this->setWorldDb(new World_Database(array('host' => 'localhost','username' => 'root','password'=>'password',ucfirst('world') => 'world')));
This is the Configuration for the armory! What is marked with Red is what you need to change! This Fix applies for those with Blank Page or Access Denied over PDO. Even so, remember to have the PDO & Curl Plugin activated.

AquaFlame.NET is going wild! We now support MaNGOS, Trinity, Arctium, Skyfire, ArcEMU.
Our website is gonna be Multi-Cored soon! Stay tuned for any news or navigate to AquaFlame.NET | AquaFlameCMS (http://aquaflame.org/) for real-time changes.


http://s18.postimg.org/3mjp5bt11/Demo.png (http://demo-one.webuda.com/) http://s7.postimg.org/p54pjp09j/Download.png (http://aquaflame.org/)

Demo Currently: Online

AquaFlameCMS V2.0

This website includes:

What is Working

Working with a variety of Patches
Latest MaNGOS Core & Trinity Core + Skyfire
News System working!
Login working!
Registration working!
Comments working!

What is not Working

Everything else is not working!

AquaFlameCMS 2.0 Video Tutorial #1:
AquaFlameCMS 2.0 Tutorial #1 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkCcmIqK4yI)

http://s18.postimg.org/3mjp5bt11/Demo.png http://s7.postimg.org/p54pjp09j/Download.png (http://aquaflame.org/)

Demo Currently: Offline

14-08-13, 11:47 AM
Let me warm you up a bit.
Check this out!
Image #1 (http://i.imgur.com/6ZhMiXR.png)
Image #2 (http://i.imgur.com/Ji0I0h2.png)
More Updates can be found here: Site - Github.com (https://github.com/FailZorD/AquaFlameCMS-Dev)

03-09-13, 04:33 PM
Timer has run out! Our website is back online! :)
If you see a 403 - Forbidden that means that our Devs are working on it. So please navigate to http://aquaflame.org/forum/

25-09-13, 12:49 PM
great side but for me it all updated very secunden and load my ip when it is below what yeah right stati.wowhead.com us and how do I disable it the the side as stupid invites new

09-11-13, 10:20 AM
For more information please register to our Official Forums. There you will find your answer pretty quickly! :)

22-12-13, 03:44 PM
We have successfully moved to our new Host but all of the accounts have been reset. We will fix our Registration system within 24 hours. Till then you can still register but please report any Spammers of Bots. Because we will enable the unsafe registrations.