View Full Version : Looking for bug testers, Small-tim Dev's, and forum Mods For new 4.3.4 Server

22-05-13, 04:42 AM
So here it is guys I am looking for a FEW people to help in a new server, in their spare time, I myself am terrible in C, C++, and C#.

I am looking for some people to help me in a server, right now it is in dev stage and to go public in (beta) we need some small time Dev's (to give these guys a chance to shine) and bug testers, and 1-2 Forum mods

In total We need 3+ Small time devs, And maybe 10-15 bug testers.

My requirements are very low for now, For dev's:

You must have a DECENT Knowledge in coding, and know how to read code, and friendly with other team members

Bug testers, must be willing to test all bugs AND report them with clear details in a forums post

Forum mods must be able to keep the forums clean and running peacefully

Now as i said this is a beta stage project and has not even launched as of yet, so there is NO pay, if you want to join it will be volunteer work, until we are ready to launch, please apply to inbox or reply to this post.



Coding experience: (# of years/months or N.A for bug testers)

What you think you can do for us?:

WoW Game knowledge:

Do you have skype: (yes/no/Can get it)

27-05-13, 11:14 AM
Good luck!