01-05-13, 07:25 AM
Ok this is the fun repack 4.3.4 , just replace your world and core files with the archive files and insert that character_update and your done , once you login into the game , go to gmisland and then into gurubashi arena where are vendors , you always can modify them or put them some where alse , btw in gurubashi its just 1 NPC at the arena hes id is 900015 and works just there only , more fun things will come for this ,
for download Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie! (http://fbe.am/kaW)
password ozeneu
CREDITS TO OZENEU of wowsource
for download Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie! (http://fbe.am/kaW)
password ozeneu
CREDITS TO OZENEU of wowsource