View Full Version : Unforgiven WoW Core + Source + DB + DBC + Repack Base

18-03-13, 08:45 PM
This is the conversation that follows allowing me to release it:

Pastebin Copy: Rasmus loves cock - Pastebin.com (http://pastebin.com/ZXVwuSmf)

Disclaimer: We (Justicar WoW) bought all of the items for Unforgiven WoW and there was no non-distribute prohibition clause with the purchasing rights, this gives us full rights to the everything it encompasses, this allows us to give it away, sell it, or anything with it, along with editing. We have choose the former; give it away.

This is Unforgiven WoW in it's entirety. There is nothing missing from this package. This is brough to you by Luminariah and the Justicar WoW Staff. Lets detail a few things for you here in this notepad.

Rasmus (Arctic), the previous owner of Unforgiven WoW, sold copies of his software that he "developed" for three years. He originally sold it to Justicar WoW and told us that we were the only ones that were going to have it, he gave us exclusive rights. We paid him $150. He continued to sell the software to more than 76+ other servers for the same amount of money.

The items that we bought, we thought, were enough to run the server by itself, it was told to us that it would run by Rasmus (Arctic) perfectly, but it did not. It was supposed to be a setup and go project, but he led us to believe that we didn't need anything else for the server to run. After so many errors and the server not starting, we went back to Rasmus (Arctic) and asked him why it was not working, and he said to make it work we need all of the structures, and he intentionally left them out.

We also extend to anyone who downloads this FULL and UNHINDERED rights to this. The only ONE (1) thing we ask, is that you leave the readme.txt with his information intact. Do not take it out, otherwise you can do whatever you want with this.

The following are all the download links and the pastebin links to the readme.txt:

Pastebin: Rasmus loves cock - Pastebin.com (http://pastebin.com/ZXVwuSmf)

Megaupload with Decryption Key: https://mega.co.nz/#!fEAlhZJY
-----------------Decryption Key: !GFrjMVlN2w2XwNW9dDtMvQv0bQVRGmdgyyA1BCYpNNg

Megaupload with Built-in-Key: https://mega.co.nz/#!fEAlhZJY!GFrjMVlN2w2XwNW9dDtMvQv0bQVRGmdgyyA1BCY pNNg

Slingfile: SlingFile.com - Free File Hosting & Online Backup Services (http://www.slingfile.com/file/9u8tgxTgYp)

Anonfiles: https://anonfiles.com/file/a31f78d288988cafaf9407b3ddee2062

17-04-13, 01:34 AM
Aloha...this looks like a really great repack and Mahalo for uploading it for all us. I do have a couple of questions about this is anyone knows.

1) on this repack can you sill level the old way? (questing and grinding in the wow world or is it just the leveling road?
2) is this one of those repacks where I will be like lvl50 in 20 minutes?
3) Since I do not see a portable mysql and apatche but I see a DB folder does that mean that I need to make my own DB and add some how add them to it?
a) if so does anyone know a youtube video (with voice not music) that would show me how to do this?

Sorry to all the noob questions...but I am a noob to all this...and it is alot to learn just so I can play wow here soon once I do not have internet for 6 to 8 weeks...lol.

EDIT: Sorry I just saw that we can not ask questions here :confused: and I can not find ANY place to ask questions for repacks so I sent a PM to an admin to ask where I can post this to...once I hear back I will remove my questions from this post so that it only will say "thanks".

17-04-13, 07:31 PM
Your new thread is correct, i will look into it for you if Wise doesn't beat me to it ;)

05-09-13, 02:55 PM
Bro can you tell me which versions of Openssl, CMake, MySQL, Visual Studio - for the database, cause I have errors through the compiling... well I decided to not compile anything cause the Core Binaries(idk if I spelled ir right xD) has the requested files... So I decided to install the database from DATABASES folder, unfortunately I have this error: img.pl (http://img.pl/5228df94b9467/) . As I can see the auth connection works, but I don't have realm specified :D, can you tell me where/what to do into the auth database :/ ? And error while oppening worldserver.exe (maybe it's because authserver.exe isn't started but-) when I open it it says that there isn't a valid config file... I don't wanna be able to do many things into the server, just turn it on with all the database it's uploaded by you and be able to do pvp, pve and ofc all costum items with the 60M+ hp :) !!!

06-09-13, 03:46 AM
I fixed the missing realm problem, well new issue appeared: when I start the worldserver.exe it says that there is invalid or missing config file :/ Please make one config and worldserver.exe for the 255 unforgivenwow :) I'll be rly greatful

Again Update xD:
Well I decided to use a config which is for 255 level and I have problem of of the world database ... out of date :S If I use newer world database will I loose the costum items/bosses/locations/starting location or it's writed on the ace file or something in the binaries folder ?

10-09-13, 07:54 AM
im having so many problems getting this to work has anyone got this fully working yet?

14-09-13, 09:07 AM
Is anyone giving support to this repack? I have host and I want to run this repack but I can't compile it. I can compile the last version of trinitycore without any error but it doesn't work with this unforgiven dbs.

26-10-13, 01:39 PM
Can you fix the singfile download link ................ I worked it through there, unfortunately I had to fix my windows so I lost all the files and had to download them from anonfiles from where are bugged -.- ! Please SUPPORT me.

26-10-13, 05:38 PM
I'm sorry you've had these problems! Have you tried use an fully updated database? Compiled it correctly? ETC

28-10-13, 05:23 AM
Actually I didn't had to do any kind of compile cause there was compiled repack - well I used other one just changed some things in the configs and the authserver and worldserver applications run correctly, but still have a problem ---> The Anonfiles link contains bugged databases which I can't fix (not skilled C++) as you call it ! What I need is the correct databse which I was able to run with very very small bugs which are nothing I can't handle :/ well to get the fixed database (funworld.sql) must be fixed the singfile download link - last time I was able to run it through theese databases ... as I said I can't download it through there and tried to run the anonfiles ones :/ withouth succeess. I only need the files from the singfile site !

Actually I didn't had to do any kind of compile cause there was compiled repack - well I used other one just changed some things in the configs and the authserver and worldserver applications run correctly, but still have a problem ---> The Anonfiles link contains bugged databases which I can't fix (not skilled C++) as you call it ! What I need is the correct databse which I was able to run with very very small bugs which are nothing I can't handle :/ well to get the fixed database (funworld.sql) must be fixed the singfile download link - last time I was able to run it through theese databases ... as I said I can't download it through there and tried to run the anonfiles ones :/ withouth succeess. I only need the files from the singfile site !

- - - Updated - - -

Pff I guess I'll try the MEGA link download and reply if I have errors again ... for now I am OK ! :) thx for the support !

28-10-13, 05:56 AM
Actually I didn't had to do any kind of compile cause there was compiled repack - well I used other one just changed some things in the configs and the authserver and worldserver applications run correctly, but still have a problem ---> The Anonfiles link contains bugged databases which I can't fix (not skilled C++) as you call it ! What I need is the correct databse which I was able to run with very very small bugs which are nothing I can't handle :/ well to get the fixed database (funworld.sql) must be fixed the singfile download link - last time I was able to run it through theese databases ... as I said I can't download it through there and tried to run the anonfiles ones :/ withouth succeess. I only need the files from the singfile site !

Actually I didn't had to do any kind of compile cause there was compiled repack - well I used other one just changed some things in the configs and the authserver and worldserver applications run correctly, but still have a problem ---> The Anonfiles link contains bugged databases which I can't fix (not skilled C++) as you call it ! What I need is the correct databse which I was able to run with very very small bugs which are nothing I can't handle :/ well to get the fixed database (funworld.sql) must be fixed the singfile download link - last time I was able to run it through theese databases ... as I said I can't download it through there and tried to run the anonfiles ones :/ withouth succeess. I only need the files from the singfile site !

- - - Updated - - -

Pff I guess I'll try the MEGA link download and reply if I have errors again ... for now I am OK ! :) thx for the support !

You're welcome, not that I helped much though :)

01-11-13, 04:38 PM
Couldyou please just fix the Singfile download link ... or atleast send me compiled one Worldserver.exe which works exactly with this database :) ? I wanna run the server in they way it was before the shut down ! :3
I've been OK until the worldserver error - file 0004331.map from incompatible clientversion ! I used to run through this file with diff worldserver.exe but when I click on create character ... it says I chose wrong class/race xD so I have to get the right Worldserver.exe which is in the Singfile site only - the others don't contain the right .exe :/

Couldyou please just fix the Singfile download link ... or atleast send me compiled one Worldserver.exe which works exactly with this database :) ? I wanna run the server in they way it was before the shut down ! :3
I've been OK until the worldserver error - file 0004331.map from incompatible clientversion ! I used to run through this file with diff worldserver.exe but when I click on create character ... it says I chose wrong class/race xD so I have to get the right Worldserver.exe which is in the Singfile site only - the others don't contain the right .exe :/

- - - Updated - - -

Could someone just fix the Singile download link cause there's the righ worldserver.exe file which will run my server withouth showing the error- 0004331.map incompatible clientversion !?

Couldyou please just fix the Singfile download link ... or atleast send me compiled one Worldserver.exe which works exactly with this database :) ? I wanna run the server in they way it was before the shut down ! :3
I've been OK until the worldserver error - file 0004331.map from incompatible clientversion ! I used to run through this file with diff worldserver.exe but when I click on create character ... it says I chose wrong class/race xD so I have to get the right Worldserver.exe which is in the Singfile site only - the others don't contain the right .exe :/

Couldyou please just fix the Singfile download link ... or atleast send me compiled one Worldserver.exe which works exactly with this database :) ? I wanna run the server in they way it was before the shut down ! :3
I've been OK until the worldserver error - file 0004331.map from incompatible clientversion ! I used to run through this file with diff worldserver.exe but when I click on create character ... it says I chose wrong class/race xD so I have to get the right Worldserver.exe which is in the Singfile site only - the others don't contain the right .exe :/

- - - Updated - - -

Could someone just fix the Singile download link cause there's the righ worldserver.exe file which will run my server withouth showing the error- 0004331.map incompatible clientversion !?

- - - Updated - - -

Could someone just fix the Singile download link cause there's the righ worldserver.exe file which will run my server withouth showing the error- 0004331.map incompatible clientversion !?

Couldyou please just fix the Singfile download link ... or atleast send me compiled one Worldserver.exe which works exactly with this database :) ? I wanna run the server in they way it was before the shut down ! :3
I've been OK until the worldserver error - file 0004331.map from incompatible clientversion ! I used to run through this file with diff worldserver.exe but when I click on create character ... it says I chose wrong class/race xD so I have to get the right Worldserver.exe which is in the Singfile site only - the others don't contain the right .exe :/

Couldyou please just fix the Singfile download link ... or atleast send me compiled one Worldserver.exe which works exactly with this database :) ? I wanna run the server in they way it was before the shut down ! :3
I've been OK until the worldserver error - file 0004331.map from incompatible clientversion ! I used to run through this file with diff worldserver.exe but when I click on create character ... it says I chose wrong class/race xD so I have to get the right Worldserver.exe which is in the Singfile site only - the others don't contain the right .exe :/

- - - Updated - - -

Could someone just fix the Singile download link cause there's the righ worldserver.exe file which will run my server withouth showing the error- 0004331.map incompatible clientversion !?

Couldyou please just fix the Singfile download link ... or atleast send me compiled one Worldserver.exe which works exactly with this database :) ? I wanna run the server in they way it was before the shut down ! :3
I've been OK until the worldserver error - file 0004331.map from incompatible clientversion ! I used to run through this file with diff worldserver.exe but when I click on create character ... it says I chose wrong class/race xD so I have to get the right Worldserver.exe which is in the Singfile site only - the others don't contain the right .exe :/

Couldyou please just fix the Singfile download link ... or atleast send me compiled one Worldserver.exe which works exactly with this database :) ? I wanna run the server in they way it was before the shut down ! :3
I've been OK until the worldserver error - file 0004331.map from incompatible clientversion ! I used to run through this file with diff worldserver.exe but when I click on create character ... it says I chose wrong class/race xD so I have to get the right Worldserver.exe which is in the Singfile site only - the others don't contain the right .exe :/

- - - Updated - - -

Could someone just fix the Singile download link cause there's the righ worldserver.exe file which will run my server withouth showing the error- 0004331.map incompatible clientversion !?

- - - Updated - - -

Could someone just fix the Singile download link cause there's the righ worldserver.exe file which will run my server withouth showing the error- 0004331.map incompatible clientversion !?

- - - Updated - - -

Could someone just fix the Singile download link cause there's the righ worldserver.exe file which will run my server withouth showing the error- 0004331.map incompatible clientversion !?

02-11-13, 07:16 AM
Instead of spamming it, just GOOGLE VMAPS for Trinity

02-11-13, 09:26 AM
Instead of spamming it, just GOOGLE VMAPS for Trinity

Idk why the hell it spammed that much (I didn't spam it at all). I google the maps much times and withouth success - thats why I've came here AGAIN to ask what to do... Or atleast link me some maps/vmaps extractors which I'll try and write again if they didn't work :). Okey ?

02-11-13, 10:36 AM
Idk why the hell it spammed that much (I didn't spam it at all). I google the maps much times and withouth success - thats why I've came here AGAIN to ask what to do... Or atleast link me some maps/vmaps extractors which I'll try and write again if they didn't work :). Okey ?
There's no need to be rude even if you try.
I will get you the links soon

02-11-13, 07:55 PM

Use them ^

04-11-13, 08:30 AM
Same incompatibility error of file 0004331.map :( as far as I know this worldserver.exe isn't for this clientversion-not the file so if it's possible open the download link that I want so much to be fixed and if you can do something about the problem please do it cause the worldserver.exe from there is just what I need :( (singfile download link ^^). Thx for the maps :3.

04-11-13, 08:52 AM
Add me on skype, I can help you better there ;)

05-11-13, 09:30 AM
Add me on skype, I can help you better there ;)

and your skype is :D ?

05-11-13, 10:25 AM
and your skype is :d ?

22-10-14, 07:36 AM
have the same issue hopefully somone could help me

31-10-14, 04:51 AM
i can recompile it but when i login game its insta dc me for like 3 times when i dont recompile evrething works fine