View Full Version : [SUGGESTION] How to introduce yourself or your Application!

11-03-13, 10:42 AM
My advice/guide on what you should include and think about when writing an application.


This is made for those who's having a hard time writing applications. In order to improve your applications you should consider reading this. In this thread I will give my advices on how an good application should be written. By this I'm not attending or trying to attend that I'm the best at writing applications, because I definently is not. Use my advices if you feel like.. Otherwise don't. That's how simple it is. I will just point out what (I) find the most important when writing an application. I've tried to shorten it down as much as possible for easier reading.

1. The layout

A nice layout is always a great start. Try to make clear ''lines'' in your application in order to make it easy for the reader to see when ever you are changing the subject.
Coloring your text can be good and bad. In my opinion only the titles should be colored (if coloring anything at all). Coloring the whole application might annoy the readers eyes, and can seem kind of ''immature''. Try not to make it too fancy.

2. Selling your self

An application is about selling your self. Of course you shouldn't lie about your self, but always try to highlight the things you are best at in the area you are applying for. Another thing which is important when writing an application is your confidence. Through the whole application you should show a lot of self confidence in order to attract your reader and convince him/her that you are the one they are looking for.

3. Being serious

You should be serious through most of the application and try to act as mature as possible when writing in order to make the reader know that you really are going all in for this position and really want this. But we also have to keep in mind that this is a WoW private server community, so trying to give the reader a laugh or two during your application dosen't hurt, as long as it dosen't get too much and ruins your application and/ or makes you look childish in any way.

4. The grammar

Good grammar is very important when writing your application, as it has influence on what the reader thinks of you. A bad grammar often symbolises immaturity, and is very unlikely when applying. Especially when applying for positions which includes communication with other players grammar has an very important role, because you as lets say a game master don't want to be misunderstood as this might cause problems between you and player. Are you from a country which dosen't teach English, you of course can't do anything but your best, and try to improve your English in order to find ''jobs'' more often. I suggest that you chat with other members of the forum and stay active on the forum by reading lots of threads and so on. In this way your English probably will improve a bit.

5. The unexpected

Creativity always is a huge plus. Do you master the ability of being creativ and are you able to add this to the application, it makes the chances of you getting chosen way bigger. In general people love new ideas, so being able to come up with new ideas in the application helps a lot. Of course you should consider if your idea is relevent to the project or position you are applying for before posting. If you find it relevant and good to go, there is nothing left to do, but to give it a shot and hope they'll like it. This was just an example of what it could be. How you wan't to express your creativity is up to you.

Extra tip:

Do not answer the application format with short sentences, try to be as detailed as possible. This is also a great way to give the reader a view of your grammar.