View Full Version : Detailed Prospect Shuffle Guide

20-02-13, 01:01 AM
Prospecting Like Your On Drugs

I will be covering addons, programs and methods that make the shuffle flawless. Yes there are other guides that already out there but before you judge read over this one!

Table of Contents

1. Addons & Programs
2. Method
3. Extras that can only benefit the process.

Addons & Programs

1. Auctionator (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator)

a. This one is almost a duh but most people don't take advantage of the "Shopping List". By adding all your uncut gems to a shopping list, you can instantly get a price check on how much a stack will sell for. Why do you need to know this? Because I sell uncuts in trade chat in bulk. I have a macro that posts all the colors of rare gems I have in stock. I've built a good rep of the goto guy for most top guilds on my realm. You don't have to sell them in trade chat but I find it faster flipping. Of course you could always cut them and fight the other people on Auction House but I hate the UnderCut War.

2. Scrap (Junk Seller) (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/scrap)

a. This addon allows you to vender your rings and necks you make with the uncommon gems very fast. If you rather DE them and make enchants to put on AH that again is another UnderCut War which I try to avoid. So I just vender the uncommon rings and necks.

3. Postal (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/postal)

a. This addon allows you to open your mail without having to click each item. Also remembers your other toons for sending the rare rings & necks to a bank alt. Also tells you how much gold you collect from auctions when it comes in the mail. Just makes life easier...

4. LUI Core (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/lui)

a. This is a UI addon
that has a very nice bag sort function. I like the UI (expect the spell bar which you can turn off in the settings) but you don't have to use this addon, any bag sort mod works.

5. The Consortium Key Sender (http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/986894-The-Consortium-Key-Sender-(CKS)-Legitimate-Background-Milling-amp-Prospecting)

[NOTE: VirusTotal Report (https://www.virustotal.com/file/efbb575cbf30caeba2b974a9bbd6526009c90cf8141ddaa1ec c55430fd129e1c/analysis/) this does send keys to your World of Warcraft program. So it shows a false positive. If your scared of a keylogger or feel scared about getting banned using this THEN DON'T USE IT. Do your research on it before flamming about it]

but follows the rules of TOS. It uses the same idea as people that multi-boxing. Basically you can have WoW
in the background and every key pressed, mouse click or mouse movement send ONE key to WoW
. So you can just use the macro below to prospect while you surf the internet or do homework.


1. After you got all above covered your going to need to make this macro below
#showtooltip Prospecting
/cast Prospecting
/use Ghost Iron Ore

a. This will be used for the program The Consortium Key Sender. You will need to bind it to a key, I used Z since nothing useful was bind there anyway.

2. After that you will need to buy Ghost Iron Ore as cheap as you can. Each realm will different so you got to get a feeling for whats a good deal or not. On my realm, anything less then 35g a stack is good profit. I personally avoid anything more just because its really cutting into the profit. I tend to buy 500 stacks of Ghost Iron Ore a day.

3. When you got your supply of ore, its time to set up the program. Go ahead and open it.There are 7 main settings that you have to really worry about.
a. Listen to mouse (when you click it'll prospect)
b. Listen to keyboard (when you press a button it'll prospect)
c. Listen to user input (when you move your mouse it'll prospect)
d. Keys to send (what ever key you bind for the above macro)
e. Random interval (I have mine set to 1.5 - 3.5 seconds)
f. Check World of Warcraft (Tells what program to send the key to, the macro bind)

You don't have to have a,b,c all checked just fine what works for you.

4. Do what ever you want while it prospects

5. Once your full, now visit the JC vender, I camp here while I turn my uncommon gems to ShadowFire Necks and Rings. So go ahead and craft those. When bags get full, click the scrap button (from the addon above) and drag and drop THE UNCOMMONS
to that button. This will tell the addon what you want to sell in one click. (NOTE: If you want to DE these then skip) For the rare rings and necks I send those to my bank alt and put them up on Auction House. Usually check for undercuts three times a day. If you don't want to put them on AH and don't want to DE them then feel free to just vender them but do know that if you don't atleast AH these then you wont be making that much in profit.

6. After you made all your rings & necks mail the rare ones to a bank alt and up them on AH. Sometimes I do vender the rares only because I can't sell them fast enough and tend to get extremely backed-up.

7. Now you got rare uncut gems left. You have two choices here, cut them and fight the UnderCut War or do what I do. Get a clever macro and have it explain your selling them in stacks for a discounted price. Explain what colors you have and that they are RARE uncut gems stacks. If you don't include rare then people think your selling trash. Remember to make a shopping list using Auctionator to quickly check prices on all the rare uncut gems. Because if your realm is like mine, you will get SLAMMED with messages. Some Guild Masters, some people looking to flip your uncut gems, others just want to keep on hand. If you find that a stack of a certain gems are selling too cheap, then be smart and hold them for a day or so. Sometimes the the prices fall, just hang tight and save them for later that day or next day.


1. I can't say this enough, MAKE CONNECTIONS. If your buying 4 tabs of ore from some one, ask them if you can add them your friends list. Then you can get a really steady flow of ore. Same thing with people who buy your stacks of uncut gems. Sometimes you'll get a guild leader who buys it for the guild bank, he'll need a steady flow of the uncuts. Ask him if its cool to add him to your friends list. And for the random people trying to make a profit from cutting your gems, tell them you will have a lot. Making connections is HUGE. I got 3 people that fight to buy my entire stock of uncuts (all colors). I can't prospect/buy ore fast enough.

2. Don't be afraid of doing math. Simple math of how much your spending and making can show you where to improve. You'll only need to do this for a little while before you learn the market. Or if you suck at math make a spreadsheet.

Hope this guide helps people, again I know this is over posted but I havn't seen anyone post anything similar. I have done a search but nothing like this. Also I'm not saying this is bulletproof but it works for me. Hope this guide helps people! Let me know if I can improve it or if anything isn't clear. Enjoy!
