View Full Version : RadarLove | WoWRadar RareSpotting & Object Tracking in 1

12-12-12, 07:49 AM


RadarLove.exe - Jotti's malware scan (http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/6b108554ea1d12e69286b4bdb8858851635ddc39/d27f4ab09b00714fa7a792936f266e7bcafd4833)


RadarLove file with all MOP rares (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/86348557/wowmoprares.rlt)
RadarLove file with Pandaria treasures - Easy 1500 gold + loads of experience (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/86348557/treasures.rlt)
Thanks to http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/worl...xperience.html (http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-guides/381106-treasures-pandaria-easy-1500g-experience.html)


RadarLove combines two great functions in one tool: rarecamping & objectspotting
The old rarecamping tool RareSpotter(http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/worl...respotter.html (http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/358356-rarespotter.html)
) has been discontinued. Welcome to the new 2-in-1 application

So what does it do? Rarecamping is a function that lets your character camp for rares. Simply place the character at a specific campingspot and the application will make sure that it doesn’t go AFK and keeps scanning the area for the rare(s) that you are looking for. Upon finding the rare, the application will alert you by sound, flashing radar, pushmessage to your device and/or an SMS to your cellular. Very handy when it comes to finding Time-Lost Proto Drake, Aeonaxx, Alani, or any other rare. I actually got alerted at 3 o'clock in the night that Aeonaxx just spawned by SMS :-)
Objectspotting enables you to look for specific NPC’s and/or items while playing the game. It will alert you by sound or flashing radar. Searching NPC’s/objects can be done either by using the ObjectID or by using (part of ) the (case-insensitive)Name.

The tool uses an external settings.ini file that contains some general settings and also the memory offsets needed. When a new version of WoW is introduced, the only thing needed is to update the ini-file with the latest offsets.


1) Download the file and unpack its contents into a desired directory.
2) Like said in the security part of this post: rename the executable to a non-WoW
-affiliate name.
3) If you want to use an SMS provider or the Pushover service for the rarecamping feature, change the settings in the settings.ini file


1) Start up WoW
32bit and log in
2) Start up RadarLove
3) In the upper-right corner, select the WoW
process. You can also click refresh if you haven’t started up WoW
4) Add items by ID or by Name by right-clicking
on the tracklist. It’s also possible to clear the tracklist, delete the selected items, save the list or load a list.
5) Choose “Start Camping” or “Start Spotting”.
6) While running you can change the zoom level, the update rate and you can also disable sounds per object by double-clicking them in the tracklist. When you click on one of the objects, the name of the object will be shown in the bottom-left panel.


PC with windows
.NET NOT needed!
If you want to use the real-time notification service you will need to download the pushover.net app from Google Play or App Store. It has a very small fee (< 4$). You pay for the app, the service is free. Of course you will also need an Android/Apple device
An SMS Service provider that uses HTTP posting if you want to use the SMS Service


At random time intervals, between 10 and 60 minutes, the application caption will be renamed
At random time intervals, between 30 seconds and 4 minutes, the anti-AFK feature will be triggered in camping-mode
Make sure to rename the executable to a non-WoW-affiliate name.
Bare in mind: placing you’re character at 1 camping position for a whole week, day and night, is suspicious.
The application reads the memory from the WoW process and does NOT write any values into it. The application does however simulate key-strokes to the WoW-Window to not go AFK in camping mode. Camping mode can be turned off in the settings.ini file
