View Full Version : Dawnbringers-WoWScape Repack " Instant 80 " - Trinity 3.3.5a

03-12-12, 07:29 AM
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Dawnbringers-WoWScape Repack " Instant 80 " - Trinity 3.3.5a

Fixed the Demonic Circle: Teleport spell.
Fixed the Demonic Circle: Summon spell.
Fixed the Mana Tap spell.
Fixed the Misdirection spell.
Fixed the Necrotic Touch spell.
Fixed the Volley spell.
Fixed the Blade Barrier spell.
Fixed the Rune Strike spell.
Fixed the Dancing Rune Weapon spell.
Fixed the Lifebloom spell.
Fixed the Unrelenting Assault spell.
Fixed the Siphon Life spell.
Fixed the Concussion Blow spell.
Fixed the Holy Shock spell.
Fixed the Earthen Power spell.
Fixed the Honor Among Thieves spell.
Fixed the Nourish spell.
Fixed the Oblit/Scourge Strike Runic Power Up spell.
Fixed the Item - Death Knight T8 Tank 4P Bonus spell.
Fixed the Item - Warrior T8 Protection 4P Bonus spell.
Fixed the Item - Rogue T10 2P Bonus spell.
Fixed the Item - Rogue T10 4P Bonus spell.
Fixed the Item - Rogue T9 2P Bonus spell.
Fixed the Item - Priest T9 Healing 2P Bonus spell.
Fixed the animations of the Invincible mount.
Fixed the animations of the Celestial Steed mount.
Icecrown Citadel Fixes:
Adjusted the script for Lady Deathwhisper
Adjusted the script for Deathbringer Saurfang
Adjusted the script for Festergut
Adjusted the script for Rotface
Adjusted the script for Professor Putricide
Adjusted the script for the Blood Prince Councils
Adjusted the script for Blood Queen Lana'Thel
Fixed various small ICC mechanic fixes.
Fixed the timing for Invocation of Blood.
Fixed the Despawn Ooze script in the Rotface encounter.
Fixed various achievement checks.
Spell fixes:
Adjusted the Ignite talent.
Adjusted the Ice Block ability.
Spell fixes
Fixed the Blood Presence spell.
Fixed the Dispel Magic spell.
Fixed the Deep Wound spell.
Fixed the Lay on Hands spell.
Fixed the Deliver Stolen Horse spell.
Fixed the Shadowfiend spell.
Fixed the Skartax Purple Beam spell.
Fixed the Scourge Strike spell.
Fixed the Lava Burst spell.
Fixed the Mocking Blow spell.
Fixed the Bloodthirst spell, again.
Fixed the Death Strike spell, again.
Fixed the Item - Death Knight T10 Melee 4P Bonus spell.
Fixed the Item - Death Knight T10 Tank 2P Bonus spell.
Fixed the Glyph of Totem of Wrath item.
Corrected the drop rate of the Formula: Enchant Boots - Surefooted item.
Spell fixes
Fixed the Death Pact spell
Fixed the Scourge Strike spell.
Fixed the King of the Jungle spell.
Fixed the Curse of Doom spell.
Fixed the Improved Concentration Aura spell.
Fixed the Item - Druid T8 Feral 2P Bonus spell.
Fixed the Shadow Resistance spell.
Fixed the Sentry Totem spell.
Fixed the Wyrmrest Defender: Destabilize Azure Dragonshrine Effect spell.

Item fixes
Fixed the Idol of Worship item.
Fixed the Idol of the Crying Wind item.
Fixed the Libram of Wracking item.
Fixed the Libram of Light item.
Fixed the Libram of Divinity item.
Fixed the Blessed Book of Nagrand item.
Fixed the Idol of the Flourishing Life item.
Fixed the Libram of the Lightbringer item.
Fixed the Libram of Tolerance item.
Fixed the Libram of the Resolute item.
Fixed the Foam Sword Rack item as well as all related mechanics.

Spell fixes
Fixed the Flamecap Fire spell.
Fixed the Intervene spell
Fixed the Improved Health Funnel spell.
Fixed the Gift of the Naaru spell.
Fixed the Lifebloom spell.
Fixed the King of the Jungle spell.
Fixed the Righteous Vengeance spell.
Fixed the Divine Sacrifice spell.
Fixed the Beacon of Light spell.
Various fixes to Hunter traps.
Fixed: Charge and Intercept Stun's

Warlock !

Fixed: Warlock's Banish - limit to 7 seconds in PvP
Fixed: Backdraft talent (Warlock)
Fixed: "Chaos Bolt cannot be resisted, and pierces through all absorption effects."
Fixed: Improved Succubus - Warlock talent

Death Knights are working 98% as intended.
Druids are working 97% as intended.
Hunters are working 97% as intended.
Mages are working 98% as intended.
Paladins are working 97% as intended.
Priests are working 98% as intended.
Rogues are working 97% as intended.
Shamans are working 99% as intended.
Warlocks are working 98% as intended.
Warriors are working 99% as intended.

Working Battlegrounds.
Random Battlegrounds are available.
Warsong Gulch is available.
Arathi Basin is available.
Eye of the Storm is available.
Alterac Valley is available.
Strand of the Ancients is available.
Isle of Conquest is available.
Wintergrasp is No tested !!.

Working Arenas.
Blade's Edge Arena is available.
Nagrand Arena is available.
Ruins of Lordaeron is available.
The Ring of Valor is available.
The Dalaran Arena No tested.
Talent's work 98%
Added Teleporter
Start in Mall's