View Full Version : Hey guys

15-11-12, 12:46 AM
Just wanna tell you guys about my new 4.0.6 server ive been working really hard on it its still in testing mode and i need lots of testers. Ive managed to get all start zones working 100 % even goblin zone. From what i can tell all cata raids work ive fixed votex pinnicle and it works 100 % now that was only one i noticed not working. But in order to make it better i need testers. Ive also added alot of vashjir zone to it you can even use sea horse and quest some thier. Here are some pics 555556557558559 SO IF YOU GUYS WANNA HELP ME TEST YOUR WELCOME TO COME REGISTER HERE http://ehochstetler.zapto.org/

17-11-12, 10:25 AM
If i where to join and help would i be a Gm, i have experience in GM i have my own server.