View Full Version : SQL = Easy How To Custom Boss. (HeidiSQL) - Display ID Change - Custom Name/Sub-Name

Spectrum-X Gaming
04-09-12, 06:39 PM
Baby Steps = Easy Steps.

1. Launch your Mysql.bat for your server:

2. Open Session for Server (If you don't have one made click New and type in your server's user and pass. *Usually Default: User: root Pass: ascent* Now Click Open):

3. Find your core Data by Expand Session ID:

4. Now Open your Data by Expanding your data (Usually Default: Server *In My Case it's mangos*:

5. Now Open your Creature_Template by Expanding your Creature_Template:
(View Pic. Here Imageshack - bandicam201209041828202.jpg (http://imageshack.us/f/812/bandicam201209041828202.jpg/) ) MMO Won't let you upload past 4 Pic.s

6. Now Find The Data Tab Toward's the Top Right and Click On It:

7. Now Find The Boss U want :

8. How To Edit a Column Name :
-2. Hit X (Escape) After Editing To Get Apply Changes. http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/1354/bandicam201209041829506.jpg (Must Hit F5 After Hitting Yes To Aply Changes)

-^Name Change:
~Find And Click Name Of Your Boss and click it and change the Name ***DO AS EXACTLY AS SHOWN!***:

-^Sub Name:
~Same As Name Change:

-^Display ID:
~Find the Display ID and Change that Display ID to the Display ID of what you want your boss to look like.

-----There You Go-----
Simple Boss Change: Keeps Mechanics (90% Of The Time *Some Mechanics May be removed - Very Unlikely)

Need Help? PM me or Leave a post And I'll get Back with you when I can.

Ignore The Thumbnail (If Its There)