View Full Version : [MegaTuT] How to make Custom Instance

05-09-09, 10:27 AM
Hello everyone. This is my first ACTUAL tutorial. I will be working on this post for a few days. I do not see specific tut's on this topic. So I will show people how to make their OWN custom instance.
What You need :
-DB Acsess
-Core (to put scripts in your script folder)
0-1: Overview

0-2: Organizing

0-3: Making NPC's
-Naming NPC's

0-4: Making Loot Tables
-Custom Items
0-5: LUA Scripting

0-6: Spawning

0-7: Optional SPash

0-1: Overview

-Okay, so you want to make and script a custom instance that every player will enjoy? You came to the right Tutorial! During this process, you will need the skills of anything from a brain, to LUA scripting. Depending on how big you want your instance to be, it can be easy. Well before you do anything, you need to choose an area to make your instance. My suggestion would be an instance where people do not normally use.

0-2: Getting Organized

-Here is your first ACTUAL step. You must get a bit organized. I suggest going to the "My Documents" folder and creating a new folder inside that. You can name that whatever, but just remember what you named it. For example, "Jarg's Darkness Lair" <---- lol. Anyway, this folder is where you will be putting ALL of your custom instance NPC's, LUA scripts, or special notes.

0-3: Making the NPC's

-First thing you do for making your instance awsome is making the NPC's. The NPC's are what makes the instance, well, an instance. They set the story and background for your instance. So go to WoW-V (http://wow-v.com) http://wow-v.com/ and make an account. Afterwards go to >http://wow-v.com/create.php?tool=mob< (http://wow-v.com/create.php?tool=mob<)
NPC creator)
Fill out the following
-Name (more about this later)
-Entry ID ( I suggest a big and random number)
-Rank (Make it Rare Elite)
-Display ID (Make your NPC fit the setting of your Instance)
-Faction (Hostile)
I think you have SOME intelligence to fill out the rest yourself. After you fill out the required fields, press submit and click the green "Download" button. Click the Emu core your server runs with. For example "ArcEmu". Now make sure you remember the ENTRY ID you set for that NPC. Anyway, open up your database editor, for example "Heidi SQL". Execute the SQL for the NPC you made for the instance. Repeat this step for each NPC you want in your instance.

-Naming Your NPC's

-The NPC naming part can be hard at times if you have not figured out exactly what you want your instance setting to be. So this short chapter may enlighten you. Ok, well its now or never. Figure out what you want your instance setting to be NOW. Let's say you want your instance to be Scourge themed. You might name your NPC "Deathlord Roka" Lol Roka is just a random name. But Your begginning part of the name is all that counts.

0-4: Creating Loot Tables

-Creating Custom Items

First, you need to create items before you put them in the NPC"s. So here is what you do. I explained above that you need a theme picked out. Now, make an item corresponding to your NPC's. For example, my NPC name is Killerman. Now if I wanted him to drop custom items, I'd atleast make the stats and name matching his name and look and spells that he uses. So since his name is "Killerman" my item name would be "Killerman's Axe" and it's stats would match Killerman's stats. It's hard to explain, but the name and stats are up to you completely. I'm just telling you the Blizzlike way. By the way make your custom items here (http://wow-v.com/create.php?tool=weapon) http://wow-v.com/create.php PUT CUSTOM ITEMS IN YOUR FOLDER IN "MY DOCUMENTS" FOR ORGANIZATION

-Creating Loot Tables

Loot tables are the items that drop once you kill the NPC. You must have already executed the items you want the NPC to drop in order for this step to work. Now, go to this link >http://wow-v.com/create.php?tool=loot (http://wow-v.com/create.php?tool=loot)< The loot creater on WoW-V creates the SQL for you. It's a pretty neat new feature. I really like it. Anyway, for this part, you need the ENTRY ID of the NPC you made earlier. For the first box in the loot creator, you need the ENTRY ID of your NPC. Type that in there. When it asks for your Item Entry ID, type in the entry ID of the item you would like to drop. For the % Chance option, fill in how often you want that item to drop. For example, I want "Martin Thunder" to drop 20% of the time. The Minamal and Maximal amount options are for how many quantity's of that item you want to drop. Like "Martin Thunder" drops at 20% atleast 4 times per kill. If you know what I mean. It's hard to explain. For FFA option, just make it "NO" Click submit and download the batch corresponding with your Emu Core. Execute this SQL file into your "world" database.

0-5: LUA Scripting (oh boy)

-I'm not an expert at this, but their are plenty of other guides on this subject. For now, I'm going to make it sweet and simple. Let's say my main boss had no spells (kinda lame). But anyway, you don't want your NPC to cast spells but you want him to say something during combat. Then this is what you do:

Let's pretend my bosses name is "Evilman" and his entry ID is "111111"

function evilman_OnCombat(Unit, Event) Unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "You are mine!!!")endfunction evilman_OnLeaveCombat(Unit, Event) Unit:RemoveEvents() Unit:SendChatMessage(11, 0, "Wussy's. Go cry to yer mom.") endfunction evilman_OnKilledTarget(Unit, Event) Unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "So much for killing me. Muahaha") endRegisterUnitEvent(111111, 1, "evilman_OnCombat")RegisterUnitEvent(111111, 2, "evilman_OnLeaveCombat")RegisterUnitEvent(111111, 3, "evilman_OnKilledTarget")RegisterUnitEvent(111111, 4, "evilman_OnDied")
And there you go. A SIMPLE LUA script. Of course you can modify some of these parts to fit your needs, just find some guides.

0-6: Spawning & Where to Spawn

-The most important part of this whole concept. So players don't have trouble with respawn times and kill steals, I suggest picking an instance players do not use much. I suggest making the area of the instance match your instance theme. Like since my instance theme is Scourge, I would make mine in Scarlet Monastary, because that is the only place I know that is an instance that goes a little bit with undead.

-Spawning The Mobs

-Ok, when you spawn your mobs, make sure not to cluster 10 npc's in one little group. That's insain, unless you want that to be a 40 man instance, I wouldn't attempt that. My suggestions to you is:
1. Even out the levels of Mobs
2.Space Mobs out
3. Keep Mobs away from tough bosses
4. Don't put one NPC throughout the ENTIRE instance.

That is your last step in making your custom instance. If you would like to do more with your instance, please see the chapter below. I hope this tutorial helped you in some way. I hope you guys liked this. This is my first tutorial.

0-7: Optional Spash
----- Quests------
1. If you want to make a custom quest, I would do that. When you make a quest for your instance, include a big reward, depending on how hard that instance is. I enjoy those servers who have OP rewards for easy, one manned raids. Please don't be like them lol.
1. This part has not much in the role of instances, but this is for if you want two or more NPC's to attack eachother without killing one another. This chapter is intended for fights that do not include player killing NPC. This fight TuT is on NPC killing NPC. First, go to http://wow-v.com/create.php?tool=mob. Then make an NPC that has A LOT of health. Then make the damage very small. Execute the SQL for the NPC, restart your server, spawn the NPC. Make another NPC with same stats but different Name and display. Now set one npc's fraction to 70. and the other npc's fraction to 1. You can do this by doing .mod fraction 70 or .mod fraction 1
Congrats, you have a fight. Lol SIMPLE

05-09-09, 10:29 AM
This is not a "custom" instance, its a instance "remix".

09-09-09, 09:43 AM
mhm, fine, but not as cool as my swiming pool.

19-09-09, 04:18 AM
I saw this post on *******.

19-09-09, 05:28 AM
maybe another one then, cause i self made it... long time ago) maybe its me... cause i also got a account on ******* but i dont use it anymore :P

25-09-09, 05:39 PM
Looks great. =)

30-09-09, 12:25 PM
I like this guide... - Good work Lbniese ™ ;)

30-09-09, 12:26 PM
This is not a "custom" instance, its a instance "remix".

Yes this is a Mix ;)

01-10-09, 02:56 PM
Thanks Boom ;)

02-10-09, 04:32 PM
thanks for posting this :D

03-10-09, 04:54 PM
No problem...