View Full Version : Review of the newer WoW Bot: GnomeTools

02-09-09, 05:43 AM
Gnome Tools
In my opinion, this is the greatest WoW Bot there is.

English Site (http://www.mmognometools.com/en/index.php)
French(?) Site (http://www.gnometools.com/)

I will not be giving out keys atm, But I may be soon...So keep in touch with this post.

Here is trial download: DOWNLOAD (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KNIBSRPN)

I do have A LOT of profiles I posted in the Shared Lounge (http://www.mmopro.net/forums/shared-lounge/1923-gnometools-profiles-1-80-horde-alliance-plus-profession-farming.html), So if any of you try this and can access Shared Lounge (http://www.mmopro.net/forums/shared-lounge/1923-gnometools-profiles-1-80-horde-alliance-plus-profession-farming.html), GET IT (http://www.mmopro.net/forums/shared-lounge/1923-gnometools-profiles-1-80-horde-alliance-plus-profession-farming.html)!

I'm not really good at making guides/reviews, but I still wanted to inform you guys about this bot. Cause I do own 2 cd keys, and it works AMAZING...So here's the review, and where I found it:
Source: Clicky (http://www.mmognometools.com/en/showpost.php?p=71&postcount=1)
The Quick General Review:


Easy to use, easy to navigate around.
The way it selects its moves makes it easy to use macros that have a sequence in it; as well you can put whatever you want in the the numbers giving your bot even more "variety" compared to "move" bots.
There is a guide already out posted out for this bot making it extremely fast to setup.
Uses less CPU usage than Ebot
Doesn't look as "botty" as most other programs, clean movements.
Attaches to any WoW window by a simple click.
Does have a "unstuck" feature almost like Glider.


It sometimes misses looting adds in injection mode (background mode) ~~~FIXED Version 4.05 Click HERE (http://www.mmognometools.com/en/showthread.php?t=30) For Quick Fix ~~~
No Auto Blacklist ability (I apologize for the confusion...it DOES have an auto blacklist as long as it can get within "hitting" range of it...for my scenario I was dealing with a mob ontop of the cliff, my bot ran into the cliff for hours apparently trying to attack it.)
Does not fight back against enemy players

FULL REVIEW: May 4, 2009 - Version 4.04

Rating (1-100)* = 95** (Wig's Review***(Look below))

If you read the tutorial found HERE (http://www.mmognometools.com/en/showthread.php?t=2), you shouldn't have any problems at all getting setup.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOTE A GUIDE, RATHER A REVIEW. THE TUTORIAL CAN BE FOUND HERE (http://www.mmognometools.com/en/showthread.php?t=2).

The General Layout: is clean, no harsh colors to the eyes, easy to figure out and self explanatory. The CPU usage is about the same as Glider and half of what Ebot's was.

The Settings: Easy to navigate, almost everything you need to get started quickly.

The Main Tab - Pretty basic, clean and neat layout for relogging, drink/eat, Repair Timer.
The Waypoints Tab - Very Clean and extremely well made waypoint creator, I REALLY LOVE that you can change the yards (Frequency on the tab) at which it records waypoints, its AMAZING for those caves w/o you having to manually enter them, just set to 1-3 and you're done =D. It DOES sometimes bug out with the saves and factions, just rename it and delete your old one, or just keep adding factions every time you load it. I also like how you can delete certain waypoints w/o any hassle, furthermore making profiles more effective and less problematic.
The Blacklist Tab - Does its job of killing the factions you add...and avoids the factions you Blacklisted...THERE IS NO AUTO BLACKLIST, MEANING YOUR TOON WILL RUN AT A WALL TARGETING THE MOB UNTIL YOUR TOON DIES!! Recommendation: A auto blacklist feature in the near future.
The Radar Tab - Very Innovative, allows you to see all the mobs AND items (ie herbs/nodes) in the surrounding area, I have no real use for it but somebody might.
The Fight Tab - This is where you choose your class and setup the moves it does. It auto saves upon cancel or spamming OK til the End which is nice. One thing is you really have to use macros in game and since it doesn't read your combo/runic/rage/mana bar, you really have to make a sequence in order for your toon to be the most efficient at killing things. Here's the basic sequence macro, the number "8" after "reset=" means how many moves you want to use before it recycles through the process:
/castsequence reset=8 Chains of Ice, Plague Strike(Rank 6), Heart Strike(Rank 6), Heart Strike(Rank 6), Death Coil, Obliterate(Rank 4), Death Coil, Death Coil(Rank 5)
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Druids with their shape shifting forms will have a "fun" time trying to farm/level. My suggestion (as I've yet to do any research on their macros), is to either use the regular Tauren/Night Elf form, or use Catform and have them eat instead of healing themselves, DO NOT USE BUFFS. Use the following macro above using JUST MANGLE & FEROCIOUS BITE...NO TIGER'S FURY!, As the sequence will wait for its 30seconds cool down.
The Injection Tab - Allows you to run a background mode, allowing you to have multiple bots running simultaneously (or allowing you to play your main account/do something else other than watching your bot run around), I believe even though this is more risky (And it IS stated that its a little more risky), the risk in itself outweighs the losses (if you have multiple bots).
The Gathering Tab - Have yet to test.
The Others Tab - I just use the Priority High setting, since normally the stuff I do isn't all that important (until I trade Forex). I'll test out the Stop Leveling feature to make sure it works later on.

The Fishing Ability: (Wig)
I currently used this on my main...And got my fishing to 450 in a day. It works WITH the program, instead of using the keyboard. So you can minimize wow and the bot and do whatever you want. So it's really nice.

The Chat Log: - Keeps track of all chat, easy to read but difficult to track whispers fast. A nice small minor recommendation would be a Find button, or separate the whispers/says to make it easier viewing.

The Info. InGame Feature - Its nice if you're leveling I guess, but if it takes CPU usage, it should be an option as level 80 farmers have no need for this and most "professional" botters are more interested in the "Main Feature Section" (with the Gnometools Icon), as we are more focused on NPCs killed, looted, Deaths, XP/HR, times Stuck is a nice thing too, but if this is taking the developer's attention away from advancing this program, do away with it (as long as its not needed for the program to continue). Recommendation: Remove and focus attention else where.

Support: Seems to be good, I see there's an Admin running around checking the forums it seems daily (which is nice to know if you have a problem). Seems like the users here are for the most part a "good" bunch of people willingly to help others. Now this can easily change like Glider did, where it was still helpful but the few bad apples ruin the bunch. Only problem I see is the language boundaries, but copy it and paste it in the Google translator, you get an idea what they're talking about. I know I have the French to English translator set as a "quick click button" on Firefox.

Cost: $12.25 - One Time Fee - Multiple Bots - Can't beat that deal.


*Rating is compared on a scale 1 to 100 against Glider. The more flaws found the lower the rating, constant updates help increase the score .
** Rating is based on the use of a Blood DK spamming the macro listed in the post using a profile set to the frequency of 4 avoiding hills, trees, and ledges. The DK does not get stuck and is currently bringing in 200g an hour. She is in the crafted saronite set and using a green weapon
***I've currently been botting a troll hunter, he's level 21 atm, and has brought in over 2k gold already, from skinning, mining, and just getting nice trash loot...My friend also has been using it pretty much since the first release of it, and hasn't been banned.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Also, you might wanna use the mod Loot Filter (http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/loot-filter.aspx), It will sell all anything you want, you can filter it so you can say, you wanna sell all "grays", "whites", but you wanna keep all the cloth so, you'd put say * Cloth, "*" is a wildcard, so that helps alot too...

16-09-09, 05:28 AM
Nice, although... I don't think a lot of people can access the Shared Lounge yet...

16-09-09, 07:04 AM
Eh, I don't wanna release profiles to the open public...That's why Shared Lounge get's it.

28-01-10, 12:11 PM
nice i'll try this out. used glider a few years ago but had to reformat/reinstall everything and seem to have lost the exe for it.

03-02-10, 02:49 PM
nice review +rep

10-02-10, 11:31 PM
Thanks bro