View Full Version : Intro for Sickles

03-12-11, 11:46 PM
Hello All,

Not altogether new to this.
Previously worked on database and emu's

Here to setup a development server for testing new ideas.

Happy to be here, and hopefully i can find time to contribute along the way.

Cheers All

04-12-11, 12:30 AM
Hello & Welcome, enjoy your stay ;)

19-10-12, 01:08 AM
I get bored easily, and therefore am not a camiseta de futbol baratas (http://www.camisetafootball.com)
hardcore gamer. I have played a good number of games of all different types but I do really enjoy WoW. I just get bored after a week or two as I do with all games. I go away for awhile then come back and enjoy it again. For that reason I would like to make my own server. I have tried several repacks, some worked ok, some worked not at all.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a repack for camiseta fcb barsa (http://www.camisetafootball.com)
me? I need it to be simple and straightforward to install and run. I would like to have a ahbot just for kicks, but not a requirement.

19-10-12, 01:09 AM
You better fix it.

Time is ticking, tick tock tick tock.

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