View Full Version : Intro because it was demanded.

30-11-11, 11:03 AM
Hi. I'm a man of few words most times, but this little bar up here cried and cried until I made a thread.
I've played World of Warcraft off and on since 2007, mostly private servers since 2008. I've had success with repacks in the past, and usually it satisfies me and I drop off the grid for months. I'm not really an IT tech and I don't really code much, so making a server open to others isn't my thing. I'd rather play in the world by myself. If that's offputting to many, I can understand that. Again, if someone says something to me, or if I feel that something demands saying, I'll put my two cents in. I usually ask a million questions, even more so since I built the computer I'm on now. In short, I say hello. Nice to meet you.