View Full Version : Custom Expansion soon to be Released!

31-08-09, 09:07 AM
A huge Expansion my Dev team and I are currently working on. We are two months into it, I will post pictures soon!

http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/8465/motax.png (http://img42.imageshack.us/i/motax.png/)

The Old Gods have resurfaced from the dark worlds below. Destruction is Eminent.

Many years have past since the now calmed destruction that the old gods, Therazane and Neptulon brought upon the plains of Azeroth. Though they have been long forgotten and unfeared from the surface...Their dark powers have yet to be destroyed from the worlds below. Now that the proclaimed Makers have seen the annihilation that Arthas and the mortiferious scourge will soon bring.The mighty crafters have decided to activate their great weapon to sunder the planet in nothing but ash and dust. Though... At the point of impact, the fury of the earth god Therazane was released from her dark and lonesome chamber.Meanwhile, in the near bottomless seas of Azeroth, the seafaring god, Neptulon. Awaits the return of an elemental force. His dreams thought to be a distant memory. Are now born into a cruel awakening. The forces of the underworld have submerged... Fear awaits those who challenge it. But fear was not something the humans thought of at a point in time. Once, a proud king led the Seven Kingdoms into the deepest maws of the nether and back.Well... It seems as if all distant memories are arriving as a close realization; as the proud city of Stromgarde is retaken.Now all sit still... Now all wait for the upbringing... Who will save Azeroth?

New Features:
-Stromgarde Rebuilt
-New Intense Storyline following the Lore of WoW
-Cinematic's that have never been seen anywhere
-New Areas and Islands
-New Faction
-More info coming soon!

Stromgarde Thus Far:
http://imageposter.com/storage/t172/580WoWScrnShot_082909_172055.jpg (http://imageposter.com/uploads/get/700979)
We are still re-skinning some of the houses and the chapel :)
http://imageposter.com/storage/t172/32031WoWScrnShot_082909_203514.jpg (http://imageposter.com/uploads/get/701031)

31-08-09, 09:10 AM
Epic , sounds intresting will rep you x15 when it will be released

02-09-09, 02:37 AM
OMG. Looks epic. Bump. :)

07-09-09, 07:24 AM
Hmmm, a city near Stromgarde?, Cool, i will rep+ you when u release it...

08-09-09, 10:49 AM
What are you talking about...? Its Stromgarde its not under Stormwind its in Arathi

19-09-09, 05:34 AM

19-09-09, 05:02 PM

21-09-09, 05:05 PM
seems Uber Awesome ;D

25-09-09, 05:10 AM
Holy shit? This might just beat Cataclysm?

01-10-09, 05:55 PM
too good to be true isnt it ?:)

02-10-09, 10:00 PM
Yea, this better come out before Cataclysm comes out.