View Full Version : Nasty new virus infectus your PC montherboard.

19-09-11, 11:31 PM

The Trojan.Mebromi can leave a dual-processor PC motherboard such as this at risk.


Originally Posted by Secuity News daily - By Matt Liebowitz
Security researchers have found a nasty new virus that borrows in to a computer's motherboard, infects PCs as soon as they boot up, and is particularly difficult to detect and dispose of.

The security firm Symantec identified the threat as Trojan.Mebromi, a piece of rootkit malware — malicious software that hides its presence on infected systems — that worms its way onto the basic input-output system (BIOS) built into a computer's motherboard.

Once it's gotten into the BIOS via an attached corrupt file, Mebromi then loads itself onto the PC's master boot record (MBR), another component that gets executed prior to the loading of a computer's operating system.

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Nasty new virus infects your PC motherboard - Technology & science - Security - msnbc.com (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44554808/ns/technology_and_science-security/)

20-09-11, 03:51 PM
Thanks for the Useful information!

05-09-22, 08:35 AM
Viruses are becoming more and more sophisticated and harder to remove. I started to realize this when neither Windows Defender nor antivirus could detect the miner in my computer. I had to use additional tools with more advanced databases. Now I use enterprise ransomware protection (https://spin.ai/) software for my enterprise.