View Full Version : Recruit a Friend (1-60 Guide)

28-08-09, 12:14 AM
This is from Rill on Hellscream server. Enjoy! : )


So you want to recruit-a-friend huh? You have a lot of questions and need some help eh? Well youve come to the right place! This guide contains step-by-step instructions to getting started, tips for leveling and all the cost involved. Before we begin, you may want to take a gander at the Offical FAQ (Blizzard Support (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?articleId=20588)) about the Recruit-A-Friend program.

Terms | Getting Started | Upgrading | Pros & Cons | Leveling | Cost


Terms used in this guide:

RAF Recruit-a-Friend; I am referring to the program itself that allows linked accounts and all the bonuses that come with it.
Veteran; This is the account that did the recruiting.
Recruit; This is the brand new account that was recruited.
Vanilla; This means the original World of Warcraft version, without expansions.
BC; The Burning Crusade expansion
WotLK; The Wrath of the Lich King expansion


Getting Started

1. Using the Veteran account, go to World of Warcraft Community Site (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/) and click on Account Management on the right side.
2. Log in to your account. Choose the Recruit a Friend option.
3. Fill out the Recruit-a-Friend form. Send the invite to your friends email or your own.
4. Have your friend check their email (or check your email if thats where you sent it) and get the Authentication code.
5. Have your friend (or you if youre going to make a second account) go to http://signup.worldofwarcraft.com/menu.html
6. Choose the Create New Account option.
7. Enter the Authentication key from the email in step 4.
8. Complete the Account Creation process.

You now have linked a new Trial Account with your Veteran Account! If you want to double check and make sure they are linked, log in to the Veteran account management again and look under the RAF section. That will show you what invites you have sent out and what accounts you have currently linked to yours.


Upgrade World of Warcraft

There are many things that a trial account cannot do that will become annoying and frustrating before too long. So I recommend one of three things.

1. If your Recruit is truly new to WoW or new to MMOs, wait the 10 days of the trial period or until youre level 20. You dont want to pay $20 for a game if your Recruit decides he/she doesnt like the game.
2. If you plan to only get to level 60 and no further then upgrade to Vanilla from your Account Management page on WorldofWarcraft.com. You can always transfer the level 60 character from the Recruit to the Veteran if youre just using it as a secondary account for quick level and/or the Zhevra Mount.
3. If the Recruit account is going to stay active all the way to level 80 then you will need to purchase Vanilla and both expansions. The most cost effective way to do this is to purchase a World of Warcraft Battlechest (Vanilla and BC) and WotLK from your local electronics/games store.



As long as the Veteran and Recruit are within 4 levels, close proximity and in a group you will receive a 300% xp bonus from all sources. This includes mobs, quests and exploration.

Veteran and Recruit accounts can summon each other from anywhere once an hour. This is useful for things like if the Recruit wants to start a human and the Veteran wants to start a night elf.

The Recruit will earn a gift level for every two levels they earn. Veterans do not earn gift levels. See the Official FAQ for more information.

After the Recruit account pays for a 60 day subscription, the Veteran account will be able to redeem one Zhevra Mount via the Account Management page.

After the Recruit account upgrades to at least Vanilla, the Veteran account receives one month of free subscription time.


You can level three times as fast as anyone else! How can there be downsides to that? Well leveling three times as fast is the problem. You will out-level your professions, weapon skills, gear and spells so quickly you cant keep up without high-level sponsorship. You simply will not be able to afford all the training, on your own income let alone all the profession skill-ups and gear upgrades. So I strongly recommend a high-level sponsor from the Veteran account who will take care of your funding needs.

As far as weapon and defensive skills goes, that will just have to

These are just tips for faster and easier leveling. They are not required.

*Create a macro on both accounts that will /follow the other.
*Have a friend with a Grand Mammoth passenger mount? Enlist their help to get all your flight paths!
*Supply your new characters with the biggest bags money can buy. The speed at which you level makes it hard to want to stop. The more junk you can carry means the fewer trips into town you will need.
*Plan ahead! Purchase all your new character's upgrades ahead of time and have them ready to mail as soon as your characters need them.

Where to Level?
There are two methods you can use to level (or a mixture of both). You can quest, or you can instance grind. Both methods can get you and your friend to 60 in under 2 days of /played time.

Questing This method only requires the Veteran and Recruit to party together and do quests together. You can easily skip any group quests that require more than 2 people because the xp from all the other quests more than compensates for skipping. At times, this method can be a little slower than instances but other times it can be greatly faster.


* 1-20 If both accounts have upgraded to BC then I recommend the Draenei lands of Azuremyst and Bloodmyst. These areas have the best concentration of quests with minimal traveling and by far the best leveling greens for a starting area. If one or both of the accounts do not have BC then the second best area would be the Human lands of Elwynn Forest and Westfall.
* 20-30 Quest in Redridge Mountains then Duskwood.
* 30-40 Stranglethorn Vale
* 40-50 Swamp of Sorrows then Felwood
* 50-60 Winterspring then Western Plaguelands then Eastern Plaguelands if needed.


* 1-20 If both accounts have upgraded to BC then I recommend the Blood Elf lands of Eversong Woods and Ghostlands. These areas have the best concentration of quests with minimal traveling and by far the best leveling greens for a starting area. If one or both of the accounts do not have BC then the second best area would be the Undead lands of Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest.
* 20-30 Quest in Hillsbrad Foothills then Arathi Highlands.
* 30-40 Stranglethorn Vale
* 40-50 Swamp of Sorrows then Felwood
* 50-60 Winterspring then Western Plaguelands then Eastern Plaguelands if needed.

Instances This method requires hours of clearing the same instance over and over until youre high enough level for the next instance. This also requires having a high-level character willing to run the Recruit and Veteran accounts thru these instances. This is the fastest method of leveling but can also sometimes be very tedious and boring.


* 1-10 Any starting zone will do just fine.
* 10-15 Deadmines
* 15-25 Stockades
* 25-35 Scarlet Monastery
* 35-45 ZulFarrak
* 45-55 Stratholme
* 55-60 Blackrock Spire


* 1-8 Any starting zone will do just fine.
* 8-14 Ragefire Chasm
* 14-20 Wailing Caverns
* 20-25 Razorfen Kraul
* 25-35 Scarlet Monastery
* 35-45 ZulFarrak
* 45-55 Stratholme
* 55-60 Blackrock Spire



This section is divided into two parts. One is assuming you will only purchase Vanilla in order to get to level 60. The other will assume you will purchase Vanilla, BC and WotLK. This cost breakdown also adds 60 days worth of subscription fees for the Recruit account. This does not include the free month of subscription time (approx $15 value) for the Veteran account.

Just to 60
$20 Vanilla World of Warcraft
$30 60 Day Pre-Paid Game Card Recruit
Total: $50

Up to 80
$40 World of Warcraft Battlechest (Vanilla/BC)
$40 Wrath of the Lich King
$30 60 Day Pre-Paid Game Card Recruit
Total: $110