View Full Version : Psdb 400 Series Cataclysm

29-08-11, 08:30 PM

PSDB Cata 400 Series SVN Updated to Revision 36

Updated to Skyfire 8/28/11.

Added Cooler SAI Scripts which update and Enchance:
Blackrock Spire
Dire Maul
Scarlet Monastary

Another set of opcodes for those of you using 4.2.
(Remember, the DB is fully compatible with both 406 & 4.2 cores.)
Massivly Updated Worgen and Goblin Zones again.
Added better support for Worgens, thanks to Skyfire we managed to fix

the phasing as well.
Fixed a multitude of Spirit Healers, many from the community.
Vile Familiars
Rockjaw Invaders
Coldridge Defenders
Ticket #28;
Mountaineer Dunstan
Mountaineer Lewin
Mountaineer Valgrum
Ticket #21;
Arcane Missiles quest text.
Sand-Husk Scarab
Oasis Crocolisk
Ferndweller Wasp
Longstrider Gazelle
Schnottz Overseer
Oathsworn Skinner
Carrion Bird
Ramkahen Guardian
New Agamand Deathguard

Updated Mobs & Pathing in:
Northern & Southern STV (Many/Various)
Silverpine Forest (Worgs)
Gnome/Dwarf Starting Area (Crazed Gnomes, Roaches & Braggle)
Night Elf Start Area Creature Movements and Creature Spells.

Kaja'Cola Quest Fix From Skyfire.
More DK Updates done by Grimeleven.
Community Quest & Trainer Fixes Submitted by Morrisss.

Skyfire Fixes:
Loot fix for Baradin Hold
Startup error fixes.
Demon Containment Unit
Health, faction, damage and level Blackrock Caverns updates.

SVN Located at: psdb-cata - Revision 38: / (http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/psdb-cata/)

SVN Commit History(for keep checking what they've changed): Board Message (http://project-silvermoon.net/index.php?/forum/9-svn-commit-history/)

Credits : PSDB Team & Cobra

31-08-11, 12:00 AM
Looks promissing

13-09-11, 05:33 PM
Why thank you. There's a lot of people who still aren't familiar with Project Silvermoon.
We've been very active for 6 years as of this month. We were the first team to ever finish Silvermoon City during the BC alpha and the only team to
have been going strong this long. I'm posting today because of an update done this week as well as our Server update today.
I'll make sure to keep this page updated. :cool:

PSDB Cata 400 Series SVN Updated to Revision 39

Updated to Skyfire 9/06/11.

Buzzbox 413 Turn in
Ticket # 025 Completing the delivery.
Ticket # 018 Bitter Rivals - Updated Gameobject & Quest.
The Community Fixes by Maniac I missed. =P
More Blackrock fixes.
Fear No Evil Quest
Extinguishing Hope
As Hyjal Burns Update (WIP Thanks to Bloom.)
Glyph of Prayer of Healing I got around to testing.
Demonic Theives
Punra (Vendor)
Ferndweller Wasp
Marsh Serpent
Misc Goblin fixes. (Thanks to pigpriest from Skyfire.)
Redridge Spawns
Flight Master overhaul from multiple zones.
Gryphon Master overhaul from multiple zones.
Wind Rider Master overhaul from multiple zones.
Another big wave of Spirit Healer fixes, hopefully the last.
Tickets #31-33
Purity from Corruption
Zarbo Porkpatty (cooking trainer)
Altsoba Ragetotem
Kelnir Leafsong

Added the following community fixes:
Bag of Fishing Treasures
Deepholm and Uldum Spawns & Adjustments by Plagueware.
Eversong Woods Warrior Trainers - Quux
NE Fix by Shadowmist
Maniac's Explorer's league quest fix.
Zamara's Goblin fixes... and quite a few others. =)

9/13/11 - Silvermoon Gaming Server Update (Will be in future PSDB Revisions.)
Catacrunch and I have been on a rampage. The following areas of the Silvermoon Gaming Server Database have been either partially or totally respawned:

Northshire Abbey,
Some of Ironforge,
Spawned Iron Summit,
Spawned Wetlands,
Loch Modan,
Some parts of Orgrimmar,
Some parts of Gilneas,
Some of Echo 'isles,
Some of Blasted Lands.

The following instances have also been totally respawned,
though due to new quests and some data are still W.I.P. :
Wailing Caverns
Scarlet Monestary GY
Scarlet Monestary Cath
Scarlet Monestary Armory
Sunkey Temple
Blackrock Depths & Spire.

Along with these adjustments we've of course updated as many creature templates as we could.
Tickets 36, and 45-48 were also fixed by FailZ and applied to the server before they hit R40.

Also, a HUGE thanks to Plagueware as we were able to use information he gave us to totally redo the Gameobject spawns & templates in the world. (We've updated over 100k spawns in total, but haven't updated the pools yet, so you flower-pickers and miners enjoy that while it lasts.) Enjoy!

Project-Silvermoon.net Community Administrator (http://project-silvermoon.net)

13-09-11, 10:01 PM
keeeeeeeeeeep updating , ty!

19-09-11, 10:19 PM
PSDB Cata 400 Series Updated to Revision 40
Updated to Skyfire 9/15/11.

Healing the Wounded
Mage Hunter "Personal Effects" Loot

Updated/Added Approx 30 new items.
Updated/Added Approx 2 thousand Gameobjects as well as
respawning Game Object in every Cataclysm zone and all major cities.

Updated Creature Templates for NPC/Mobs in:
Northshire Abbey,
Blasted Lands,
Searing Gorge,
Some of Ironforge,
Spawned Iron Summit,
Spawned Wetlands,
Loch Modan,
Some parts of Orgrimmar, Gilneas, Echo 'isles, and Blasted Lands.

Although I've not had time to sift through the all spawns on the gaming server Cata and I have worked on, the templates from the following instances have been copied over entirely.

Wailing Caverns
Scarlet Monestary (All 4 Areas.)
Sunken Temple
Blackrock Spire & Depths
and Hellfire Citadel. (Spawns Included!)

All tickets fixed during the Gaming Server Update on 9/13 & 9/16 also included! Enjoy!

Project Silvermoon Gaming Server Update 9/16
Some instance spawns & GO Spawns Cleaned up.
Tickets 16 22 35 43 & 45 fixed & closed.
Began re-work on Blasted Lands NPCs & Spawns.

Project Silvermoon Gaming Server Update 9/19
Totally replaced the Portals in Eastern & Western Earthshrines.
Did a rebuild of the following instances:
Ahn'kahet The Old Kingdom
Auchenai Crypts
Azjol Nerub
Blackfathom Deeps
Drak Tharon
Halls of Origination
Magisters Terrace
Mana Tombs
Nexus The Oculus
Ragefire chasm
Razorfen Downs
Razorfen Kraul
Sethekk Halls
Sunwell plateau
The Botanica
The Lost City of The Tolvir
The Mechanar
The Nexus
The Phoenix Hall
The Shadow Labyrinth
The Violet Hold
Ulduar Halls of Stone
Ulduar Halls of Lightning
Utgarde Keep
Utgarde Pinnacle
More Spirit Healer tweaks. :confused: (Ya know, for spirits, they sure are picky about working...)

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07-10-11, 10:29 AM
PSDB Cata 400 Series Updated to Revision 41

Did a rebuild of the following instances:
Ahn'kahet The Old Kingdom
Auchenai Crypts
Azjol Nerub
Blackfathom Deeps
Drak Tharon
Halls of Origination
Magisters Terrace
Mana Tombs
Nexus The Oculus
Obsidian Sanctum
Ragefire chasm
Razorfen Downs
Razorfen Kraul
Ruby Sanctum
Sethekk Halls
Sunwell plateau
The Botanica
The Lost City of The Tolvir
The Mechanar
The Nexus
The Phoenix Hall
The Shadow Labyrinth
The Violet Hold
Ulduar Halls of Stone
Ulduar Halls of Lightning
Utgarde Keep
Utgarde Pinnacle

Totally replaced the Portals in Eastern & Western Earthshrines.
More Spirit Healer tweaks.
Removed some duplicate instance doors and removed the need for keys.
Blasted Lands Spawns, movements.
Badland Spawns, movements.
Durotar Spawns, movements and quest fixes.
Complete Spawn of the Uldum Zone, movements, quest fixes.
Zul'Gurub Spawns, movements.
Burning Steppes Spawns, movements.
Some Dustwallow Marsh Spawns, movements.
Some Tanaris Spawns, movements, quest fixes.

Project Silvermoon Gaming Server Update 10/7/11 (http://project-silvermoon.net/Sunfury)
Server Core Updated to most recent available along with the following updates from the upcoming Revision 42:
Minor Website Tweaks.

Fix For Rejuvenation Quest
Mulgore Starting Area Fix For Some Quest And Follows
Our Tribe, Imprisoned
Rite of Courage and Stop the Thorncallers
Go to Adana
The Battleboars and Feed of Evil
Exploiting the Situation
From Bad to Worse
Meats to Orgrimmar
Never Trust A Big Barb And A Smile
The War of Northwatch Aggression
Mastering The Arcane
Blood Elves Starting Zone Fixes
Unfortunate Measures
The Shrine of Dath'Remar
Artisan Riding Cost
Monkey Business
Valor Quartermaster's fix

27-10-11, 04:48 PM
thank you.

10-11-11, 02:37 PM
thank you

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