View Full Version : XORROX - a brief autobiography :P

31-07-11, 10:27 PM
Yea I know, what a crappy thread title - but its late and I couldn't think of something good AND original :P

My name is Adam, I go by xorrox because (short version) I'm an electrician by trade and I hobby and specialize in digital electronics.
The Exclusive OR gate logic chips are my favorite because of my appreciation for cut and dry, black and white situations. DO OR DON'T, YES OR NO.
I like that, simple, no drama, direct to the gut of it... so the XOR gate Rocks >> xorrox.

That said, I'm from Northern Ontario, up in Canada - no I dont live in an igloo, but haha EH?!? :P
And quite frankly, I'm posting here to present myself to the forums that I've been following for some time.
I don't want to get my account deleted for inactivity so I figured I should start making use of it...

First, Many people on here have some stand up stuff, and I'm really impressed by it. So Kudos to you all and your hard work!

Other than that, my primary goal here is to get my friends and family gaming together as we're all geeks in varying degrees and cant ever seem to get together enough - so a private server for a game we'd all play anyway is a sound investment!

Keeping in step, it's important to note that I'm fairly savvy with the whole sql server setup, and scripting and modding blah blah blah - all I need is the most complete and stable version of a WOTLK server (any repack of any base will do). I prefer WOTLK because from what I understand Cata and even the Sundering (PreCata release) saw a complete rewrite of the opcodes used to create the game stream between client and server. Also, with the streaming updates, the opcodes get switched, changed, rewritten, etc. just about every other week or so. Leaving everything 4.0.1, and up, too unstable right now. (i think i understand that right... *shrugs*) Which resolves me to 3.3.5a if I want to have stability (as much working in game as possible please) and as much content as possible, right?

Seeing as this is an intro, you got who I am, a bit of my background, and what I'm here for. In this particular thread I'm not looking for the usual "hey welcome to the forums" flood of replies, so let's save everyone the trouble, THANK YOU :D but if anyone has something they feel will meet my needs by all means, drop a line! Alternatively, If there is anything I can clarify or that I left out, let me know... I'm more than open to answering questions/feedback

and I'm pretty sure that sums it up,


01-08-11, 02:01 AM
hello & welcome, enjoy your stay :)

01-08-11, 03:28 PM
Welcome to MMOFuse!

02-08-11, 10:52 AM
hello, everyone i have been playing WoW since it was released over 6 years ago. my life has become more complicated now, i still love to play i just do not have time so i am looking at setting up a private server so i can play when i get the time.

02-08-11, 04:08 PM
Hey all, thx - any word on which private server repack would be the most stable/complete on wotlk content - working (nearly) everything ?!?

13-08-11, 08:43 AM

Just wanted to say great job on the autobiography. and ty for the link you sent me for building from scratch. Had a few issues and was wondering if you could help me through the process?I am also intersted in going further with server emulation and setting up servers for my friends and family.However my knowledge and understanding is at best sketchy, not that i am not willing to READ but at this point i am in information overload..LOL
So that being said it is great to im not the only Cannuck here. I am in Ontario also Cheers and enjoy your Timmys

16-08-11, 07:47 AM
Hey Dax, sorry I havent gotten back to you, its been nutz! However, you'll find a similar response to this one attached to the visitor message you left me - thanks for that by the way :D Anyway, best as I can figure out it looks like your not getting the correct source code to compile which is likely a problem with TortoiseSVN, I recommend uninstalling, restarting the machine, redownloading it and reinstalling - from there you start back at steps 1.2 and it should go smooth. keep me posted

Visitor Message:
Hey xorrox.
I really appreciate the guide i am slowly catching on. I am having a few Problems with the Ascent file that i downloaded. I am suppose to be looking for this:
By now it should be finished downloading if not then wait until it is.
Go into ascent\win (the one you created in step 1.2).
Open the solution file VC90.sln
The file that i downloaded does not have that file or any other files that even look similar. Any thoughts or ideas i would really appreciate it.
Thanks Dax