View Full Version : Herro

31-07-11, 12:28 PM
Herro boys and girls.

Let me show you!....
Myself -.-

Im actually 12 years old (sorry for lying about my age ^^)
I'm from a small city in Norway called Brumunddal wich just became a city in 2010.
Im coding much shit and some nice usefull things.
I joined this community because i want to help creating a better community(Sorry but i think this is personally because i like to write words on my tiny keyboard)
But also im not joking about that i want to make a better community.
I own Macbook Pro, HP pavilion, iPod Touch, Xbox 360 Slim, BenQ monitor(Tasty for dinner)
Well also i own alot more shit.
But lets come to topic.
I found this Delicious(Redilicious) webside on a little searchbar called "Google"
Also i searched for some Norwegian Repacks.
And wips i found a great Repack!
And then i joined this webside because of its tasty design and buttons(^^)
actually i joined because of the community.
But, now im gonna relax and watch some MODS or ADMINS look at my tasty thread.

Thx in advanced.
(oh sorry i meant Thx in the basics(I lied sorry))

01-08-11, 03:25 PM
Welcome, Enjoy your Stay!